I am Ruth Scott, a student of Nicolai when he was in the United States, and now working closely with Fedor Shkrudnev to bring SvetL Technology to humanity.
In our time with Nicolai in San Francisco, California, I was fortunate to participate in regular classes and seminars led and taught by Nicolai over 20 plus years. During each extensive seminar we were steeped in introductions to the New Knowledge, a fascinating exploration of the “real science” of our universe and universes beyond.
I returned to this article after a considerable time, because this information is extremely relevant today in this difficult time and not only in the United States. Two years ago, I learned about the legacy of Nikolai Levashov, which he left in Russia after his death, and I realized that there is a unique opportunity to apply these technologies in the United States. I decided to do it and am doing it now.
Upon first stepping into his presence, I could feel his warmth, energy and caring. And upon being honored with becoming his student, I became aware of his broad knowledge. The magic stops being paranormal and transforms into knowledge through understanding of Laws of Nature. Nikolai taught us many things we did not know and could not imagine. He taught us how the universe was formed and developed, the real story of human development, and the true etiology of human disease and health.