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    About the Physics of the Cell,
   the Physics of the Brain,
   the Physics of the Energy

V. Iktisanov, F. Shkrudnev

V. Iktisanov, F. Shkrudnev

Tuesday, 07 September 2021 11:09

Decarbonization – an outside perspective

According to the scientific data, human anthropogenic activities in the production of carbon dioxide account for only about 1-8% of all emissions. Therefore, emissions of carbon dioxide caused by human activities should not have any fundamental effect on the greenhouse effect. The much larger, multiple increase in methane in comparison with the pre-industrial era did not provoke decisive actions comparable to decarbonization. The decarbonization imposed on the society is practically not related to the actual processes of improving the ecological situation on the planet, but has as its goal an increase in the cost of energy and energy resources for the consumer and, accordingly, an increase in the degree of the society control.

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