Nowadays we, people, are dealing with a new reality, regarding which we have to make coordinated decisions. To make it clear what we are talking about, it is advisable to recollect some of the trivial axioms of “working with a patient”, set out in a systemic way, because these well-known axioms in the years to come may be replaced by others, which are UNACCEPTABLE for the entire community of people TODAY. Which ones? I will try to discuss the subject of people’s future from the standpoint of my understanding of the ongoing and my life experience both in politics and in psychology, and in the so-called political science, which has replaced philosophy. Therefore, the text may contain thoughts that are unusual and even unexpected for some readers, especially for those who are not yet familiar with series 369 of articles.
The current civilization is a huge canvas called “The Blind Lead the Blind”. We consider ourselves deeply civilized, highly spiritual and developed in all respects. We are proud of our achievements in the arts and sciences. But in reality we are cavemen, modernly dressed, and sprinkled with fashionable cologne. Our neighbors on the planet are our enemies. And like a prehistoric tribe, we boldly beat ourselves with our fives in the patriotic chest, brandishing a nuclear club and terrifying the enemy with the indomitable force of our fists, living in the world we have created, where funeral is more important than the deceased, where wedding is more significant than love, where appearance is more important than the mind. We live in the culture of packaging that despises content...
We are living in very difficult and very interesting times. There are a lot of bad things around us, but nothing happens just like that, and there are positive aspects in everything bad. Although this positive often comes through PAIN AND DISAPPOINTMENT, and so that we could see something good in all this, we have to look at the ongoing as if from the bench. And the good thing about this is that our VERY HARD TIMES reveal the true core of man, reveal him, making him show all his true qualities. For all that, occasionally, the masks are taken off them. The masks of friendship, loyalty to the cause and simple human decency.
On the night of October 25, 2021, a very difficult barrier event of the transition period for the accomplishment of a great number of events is going to take place, which will come true in the future.
So what are we all to do? Here, we are improving, improving, becoming better, smarter, kinder, but what a pleasure it is when someone makes a decision for you. The she-wolf says to her cubs: “Bite like me”, and that's enough, and she-hare teaches the bunnies: “Run away like me”, and this is also enough, but a person needs someone’s advice — what he should do today, in this, absolutely UNCLEAR situation for all of us, the events that do not lend themselves to our comprehension, the changes in nature, which neither the Hydrometeocenter nor the gray-haired "academicians" arc able to explain.
It had never occurred to the majority of people that they would have been witnessing such changes in Man in their lifetime. It looks like their childhood passed in one world, and they live out their lives in quite a different world of different people. Therefore, the posthuman1 for them is NOT AN IDLE question, but a completely real problem of “relocation” from the comfortable world of their parents to the world of different people, getting used to them, living among them.
According to the scientific data, human anthropogenic activities in the production of carbon dioxide account for only about 1-8% of all emissions. Therefore, emissions of carbon dioxide caused by human activities should not have any fundamental effect on the greenhouse effect. The much larger, multiple increase in methane in comparison with the pre-industrial era did not provoke decisive actions comparable to decarbonization. The decarbonization imposed on the society is practically not related to the actual processes of improving the ecological situation on the planet, but has as its goal an increase in the cost of energy and energy resources for the consumer and, accordingly, an increase in the degree of the society control.