While working out the strategies for the transition to a new stage of our development in the present-day world, while looking for the ways to get people undeceived — the state in which they have found themselves not on their own will, — first of all, it is necessary to understand and take into account the manifested root causes of the consequences that have brought all of us to the present situation. And as a consequence, it is necessary to work out preventive strategies in advance, which inevitably and without deviations would lead only to the required events, which, by their accomplishment, would acquire harmony with the general goals of the chronoprocess of the Transitional Period.
When writing, you keep analyzing everything that you have accumulated but have not sorted out yet. This makes you see deeper and wider. I suggest everyone start writing. Write down your thoughts. It is of no importance whether anyone will ever read it or will not. The main thing is to put everything together in your head, systematize your thoughts, and you might have a more harmonious picture of the world than you imagine it now, and, above all, you will be able to share it with others.
At 21.00, February 21, 2021 of the 21st century, I closed my eyes and leaned back on the sofa. And I thought — so little time left... before the holiday. I opened my eyes… the Control System is sitting next to me smiling... And I realized… it is difficult to fall on my knees in front of the Control System when SHE is already sitting on them, even on the eve of the holiday! What is to be done? I remembered Berdyaev: who back then so precisely defined Woman as the Control System of everything and everyone, as compared to us — the defenders of the Motherland. Woman is not of a lower level than Man, she is at least equal to him, and even higher than him. Her mission is great, but in the feminine, womanlike way, not masculine one. Equality of man and woman IS PROPORTIONAL EQUALITY, equality of peculiar values, but not equalization and assimilation. After all, a book on philosophy and a statue, a scientific discovery and a picture can be equal in dignity and greatness.
New Year is always a hope for something good, it is dreams of happiness — of happiness and health for oneself and one’s family and friends. This is an anxious expectation that the coming year WILL CERTAINLY BE BETTER than the previous one, and all troubles, disappointments and sorrows will remain in the past. It is on New Year's Eve, more than ever, that we want to believe that all the most secret and crazy desires will definitely come true. Be happy! Be Happy comprehending the world around you and everything ongoing. IN A DIFFERENT WAY! IN YOUR OWN WAY! BUT BE SURE TO BE!
Regardless of the irrepressible inquisitive thought of people and its constant state of pursuit, at one time they used to develop and pro-create, no matter how regrettable it is to describe, according to the program and in those directions and goals that WERE SET BY THE PREVIOUS SYSTEM for its own interests, until the elimination of that Control System. Details and a description of everything that happened is probably not advisable today, since it may not be correctly interpreted by people at this stage of their conditionally conscious development and the level of their brain functions.
Lately, many people, especially after being in the so-called "social distancing isolation" regime, have begun to search for alternative health improvement methods for themselves and their loved ones. Belief in the omnipotence of modern medicine goes away, and this causes some confusion and makes people run around in search of at least some means that can help with discomfort or with extreme moments of distress that may arise in a person.
Any attempts to restore the Earth Old Control System even in some fragments are out of the question. This is irreversible, it no longer exists. It should be taken as the main postulate for moving forward fully realizing the ongoing. And it is for this IRREFUTABLE MANIFESTED REASON that in April 2011, the collapse of the last unfinished phase in the development of the past Civilization WAS COMPLETED, and any attempts of administrative volitional decisions at any level and of any orientation, focused on the suspension of such states, are nothing more than buffoonery.