Understanding of everything related to COVID-19 goes beyond traditional science and IS DETERMINED BY OTHER PROCESSES HAPPENING ON THE EARTH. They are aimed at restoring the native state of the environment and the energies related to the life activity and life on it.
Coronavirus, which "suddenly appeared" in China and is spreading across the Planet, is so far a most complex and significant case, having no clear source and a virtual lack of immunity, even among those who have recovered. No one can clearly say anything about its structure, methods of spreading, the period of development in the body, what it specifically affects and what processes it triggers off in the human body and, most importantly, in the Brain.
Nowadays, there takes place a multi-level process of information-control corrections aimed at the recreation of the Earth’s initially gained state of the Intelligent orientation in the process of its Civilized development. The next step of such corrections is to be completed before October 25, 2019. It was on the night of October 25 that an important process was completed by the Earth of the recreation of its partial former control abilities to form and control the processes of the true energies being at the higher level and retain its planetary internal energy balance in the state of harmony with the surrounding nature of the Solar System and our galaxy.
The change of systemic authority is followed by the elimination of the consequences of the interventionists’ interference in the development of the Earth and people, the elimination of the old complexes and the entire Control System and the creation of the true ones – the Altai and the Ural Control Complexes, which so far are quite sufficient for ensuring the current level of energy-information support of the true control processes with the executing involvement of people and the formation of their collective Consciousness, changes in the processes of their being in the Transitional Period.
Upon first stepping into his presence, I could feel his warmth, energy and caring. And upon being honored with becoming his student, I became aware of his broad knowledge. The magic stops being paranormal and transforms into knowledge through understanding of Laws of Nature. Nikolai taught us many things we did not know and could not imagine. He taught us how the universe was formed and developed, the real story of human development, and the true etiology of human disease and health.
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F. D. Shkrudnev began writing this Collection of articles and publications in 2012. because he promised to continue the work begun by the Russian Scientist N. V. Levashov after his tragic death, and because this was the year of the start for the transition from the existing human existence within the framework of the parasitic civilization to the recreation of the true Humanity. This Collection covers the widest range of human life from alpha to omega having a very clear vector at the same time. Basically these publications appeal to thinking and conscious people, to those who are not indifferent to the future of the people and the Planet.
Just be happy. Long lasting, if possible – forever. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? But why is it different in real life? Honestly, life is always somehow different, interrupted by a few moments of happiness. If people are asked about their moments of happiness, they have to think and search for a long time. Maybe the search goes back to the dreams and wishes that we had as a child.