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Many last names, but no first names!
How could we imagine our future? To make it easier for understanding, about which the reader would ask, let us imagine the future world order as a field on which cows are grazing under the supervision of a shepherd. The field is our planet. The cows are the states. The shepherd is an external power. If the first two elements of the future picture exist — the planet and the states on it, — but there is no external one, or rather, there is, but the majority do not even suspect about it, because at best they believe it to be God. The task, due to its scale, seems fantastic. Emotions aside, the task is of engineering rather than metaphysical complexity.
When once the program for the Brain genotypes development in the mode of the complete obedience of the participants began “to unfold”, the first thing that was done was the creation and construction of the state as an instrument of the control. Religion was created as the second tool, and with these “blinders“ on everyone “ran” to the “bright future”. Now, before our eyes, THESE BLINDERS ARE CRUMBLING — both the state and religion. This means that it is necessary to create a form more perfect than the state. Religion is a separate question. Just only one temple of the Russian Armed Forces, built on “donations of the military people”, says a lot today, and most importantly — it shows all the wretchedness and meagerness of thinking of those who started such a thing not for good, but exactly to maintain power by all means. In order to create a FORM MORE PERFECT than a STATE you need proportionate resources. There is nowhere to take them, but from the existing states. You need to use the system’s resources to remake the system. It is necessary to find the bifurcation1 point, the emphasis on which will cause an avalanche-like chain reaction leading to a global change in the world. To reveal this point, you need to throw away everything secondary and see the nerve of the world system. Within the framework of this goal, let us imagine the modern world system as an organism made of different organs. Their role is played by large and small institutions: from civilizations, states, the world economy up to culture, tradition, family institution, and the like. The nature of living organisms is manifested through the way of feeding. The nature of the social structure is expressed through the power formation. Proceeding from the fact that the power in all leading countries is elected, the nature of the world system MAY BE CONSIDERED DEMOCRATIC.
The nature of democracy is exposed through its key feature — a deliberate choice. If there is no choice, this is anything but democracy. One can make a choice if one has got to know about the object to be chosen. WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, THE CHOICE IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Through manipulative technologies, psychological and physical violence, a person can be induced to make an action that looks like a free and deliberate choice. But if you look behind the curtain, at the point of fact, he DOES NOT MAKE any choice. He is a puppet whose actions do not fit into the concept of “conscious choice”.
It turns out that a person WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE cannot make a choice. The only thing he can be is an object of manipulation. So that he could choose, he needs to be given knowledge. No knowledge, no choice. No choice, no democracy.
But is it possible to give the entire adult population of the country the knowledge necessary for the conscious choice? NO, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. There are many reasons. All of them can be divided into three groups. First: not everyone can absorb the required amount of information. Second: not everyone would like to spend time and energy on gaining knowledge. Third: a part of knowledge is a state secret, the disclosure of which will lead to the system collapse.
Let us consider modern so-called democratic countries: their constitutions give the right to vote to all citizens who have reached the legal age. This implies that a person of legal age has the knowledge necessary to have a voice. Based on this innate knowledge, the system, built within the rigid framework of the state, gives him the right to elect authorities. BUT WE KNOW — a person has no innate knowledge. Accordingly, he CANNOT make a conscious choice. But why, then, does the Constitution give him such a right? Perhaps, it means that he has the right to get this knowledge? It sounds just like the right to fly like a bird. There is a right, but you will not be able to fly — there are no wings.
By wings the above reasons are meant — why the entire population CANNOT have all the knowledge — people are not able, they would not like, and key information is always a secret. Added to these insurmountable elements is the technical aspect.
For example — there are two candidates for power. One arranges the election campaign with the aim of giving some knowledge to the voter. The other focused on bringing in and manipulation — he tries his best to please, says what they want to hear from him and promises a lot. I suppose there is no need to prove that the former will lose miserably to the latter.
The system, called democracy, is so structured that you can get into power only if your election campaign is organized according to the principle of commercial advertising — initially it does not intend to explain anything to anyone. Its task is to touch emotions and arouse the desire to perform the action the advertiser needs. To inform the buyer, to give him knowledge about the product and service — no advertising has such a goal. NOT A SINGLE!
Candidates for power competing for votes can be thought of as Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola competing for a shopper's wallet. There is no fundamental difference. Both are determined to get what they want from a person in any way.
Commercial competitors want a person to make a purchase from them, not from a competitor. Democratic competitors want a person to vote for them, not a competitor. In what way to achieve this is not important. It is important to achieve.
If advertising for Coca-Cola was built on informing on the chemical composition of the product, gave full-fledged knowledge of what its use leads to, and advertising for Pepsi-Cola was built on the image of what a fun it is to drink it, the former would be guaranteed to lose the second the battle for the buyer. Competition would squeeze out of the market the company that does not comply with the rules of the game. And the rules are simple: if you don't cheat, you won't sell.
If there were candidates for power, whose election campaigns are focused on giving knowledge, they COULD NOT compete with those who are focused on manipulating the masses, but not giving them knowledge. Only those who play by these rules remain on the political field.
Today, unfortunately, for quite objective reasons of the transition period, people for the most part are very favorable material for manipulation and not at all favorable for knowledge. It is this primary task that needs to be "corrected" by all available and even not available (here I mean proven Technologies) methods. Therefore, we will continue the story within the framework of the previous article.
TRANSFER is a transition of power in conditions of temporal, spatial, informational, organizational uncertainty, which accompanies the reformatting of the public administration system with a high risk of failure. Obviously, the transfer is being prepared by teams of specialists, taking into account all the political, economic, financial, legal conditions for its implementation — reformatting the country is not the case when you can take risks. But in certain cases of transfers, the factor of "political man" and the masses’ political behavior were poorly taken into account.
1. Transfer. The first reason for the historical failures in Russia is the underestimation of the “political element” in man and society.
Transfer sharply politicizes the masses of people which the elite WERE NOT PREPARED to see among the participants of the political process. Unwillingness to see “the third one sitting in a tree” is the principal mistake in organizing historical transfers — this is described with the examples from the history of Russia. Historical mistakes stemmed from the fact that the transfer designers hoped to keep the “quiet wakefulness of citizens” who were supposedly indifferent to the wars of the elite. This has never been the case. The struggle of the elite is the struggle that concerns everyone and threatens the “deep foundations” of the peoples’ existence. Because of this, the “non-political person” turns into a “political one” and gets involved in the political process uncontrollably. Everything goes “wrong”. So people think — but everything went “right” within the framework of the old Control System.
Table 1. Psychological parameters of a person and society "before the transfer of power": "quiet wakefulness” in a politically stable society
Therefore, when designing the transfer, it was necessary to take into account the phenomenon of the “political person”, which Lipset Seymour Martin2 described in 1960, and which since 1989 has become the basis of the Leningrad school of political psychology, founded by A. I. Yuriev. The discovery lies in the fact that a person is "political" to the same extent as he is a biological, physiological, social, professional person. A person becomes political when he “comes across the authorities”, which prohibits, enforces, condemns, punishes, takes away, or, on the contrary, allows, frees, rewards. This radically modifies his qualities for dealing with power. Then a person either SUPPORTS THE POWER, or RESISTES TO IT, making politics the content of his mental processes, properties and states. His feelings, thoughts, speech, actions become political, because otherwise he will lose all his personal necessities, motives, achievements. A political person is a situational condition that HAS NEVER BEEN UNDERSTOOD by the authors of transfers in Russia. The psychology of a political society is identical to the psychology of a political person. The only difference is that it is many times larger, stronger, more precise, more organized. Political society, as “a combined political person”, possesses the entire set of psychological qualities of a person. This requires from the performers of the transfer the ability to treat the political society with full efficiency of all their intellectual, emotional, volitional qualities. No matter what they say, but a society has a collective psychology, the same as that of a political person. However, at the moment of mutual misunderstanding of the authors of the transfer project and the political society, the situation changes dramatically: there happen some metamorphoses with the political society.
2. Transfer: the second reason for failure is underestimation of the inconsistency of political behavior of an individual and society.
In many historical cases, the transfer underestimated the likelihood of the transition of a mass of people from the state of "calm wakefulness" (involuntary attention: "a sofa-TV", "a plane-a beach", "football- a stadium") into the state of a political person (voluntary attention: the focus and concentration on the dangers to meet his needs: 1) the need to preserve life (safety, fear of hunger, cold); 2) the need for procreation (love, recognition, dedication); 3) needs for cooperation (self-fulfillment, self-respect, achievements, identification); 4) needs for orientation (understanding, knowledge, comprehension of the happening)). In case of the continuation of the excessive mental activation of people by the transfer procedures, they undergo the transition from the voluntary attention to emotions, which give rise to the motives not foreseen by the transfer, and as a result, there develops the behavior that is poorly controlled.
Interaction between levels of waking, levels of nerve centers activity and levels of performance
From the memory depths of the “deep people” emerge the famine of 1891—1892, 1932—1933; 1941—1947, people see a rolling blackout, cessation of water and heat supply, disappearance of gasoline, traffic stops and other threats to their vital human necessities. There emerges a phenomenon of a visible or invisible struggle of the political society for its rights and relations worsening with the performers of the transfer.
The structure of political behavior:
Political activity. It is carried out by a group of political communities that form goal-setting for the MAXIMUM POSSIBLE time perspective — the psychological basis: a person as an individual. For this, they use the scientific picture of the world, which predicts future changes in man, society, nature, production and consumption, etc.
Table 2. Metamorphosis of psychological parameters of an individual and society involved in the transfer and political struggle discussion
Political functioning. It is carried out by a group of communities using intellectual expansion — the widespread replacement of old political ideas with new ones; legal regulation — replacement of outdated legislation with new legal acts; force suppression in the event of open opposition; economic coercion, requiring an increase in labor productivity; a large army of hired professional labor is engaged in this, whether it be the highest governing bodies, members of the factory collective, or representatives of the armed forces. The psychological basis is man as a subject of labor.
Political activity. Dissemination of new ideas by indirect and mediated methods of influence: in a small group — methods of suggestion, directed to the needs of a person; methods of persuasion — an appeal to a person's motivation; a method of proof that uses the scientifically proven truth of new ideas; changing a person's consciousness by referring to the deep structures of his psyche by methods of artistic penetration. The psychological basis is a person as a personality.
Political activity is carried out in a group of communities whose destiny is obedience to politics. It is most numerous and influential in political life. During a quiet political cycle, the spectrum of their possibilities is reduced to involvement in political changes (for the population), to the joint discussion of politics (for a meeting), to participation in the manifestation of political passions (for the crowd), to awareness of the agreement with the policy (for the family). But their political activity gets the right to influence either during the election campaigns, or TAKE this right UPON THEMSELVES during a political crisis. The psychological basis is man as an individual.
Political person is very changeable. One and the same person is transformed when he finds himself in different political environments: in a crowd, at a rally, in parliament, in a collective, in the army, in a party, etc. He interacts with the authorities in various ways when he is in his family, at a party meeting or attending the Government meeting. He is subject to territorial joint actions; historical involvement; voluntary or involuntary participation in politics. In some cases, the worldview has a decisive influence on human behavior, in others — the picture of the world, in the third — the life position determines it, and in the fourth — the way of life. The political behavior of a person can change under the influence of conviction, suggestion, coercion or proof. It can be determined by mental contagion, deformed by imitation, strengthened by upbringing, and constructed by education. Such a person can be guided in different episodes of relationships by the power of mood, or feelings, or passions.
3. Transfer: The third reason for the failure is the difference in the motives of the authors of the transfer and those of the political society.
The transfer, as history shows, develops unpredictably from the moment of the appearance of political behavior in the people who were initially indifferent to politics. From that moment on, everything goes in the wrong way from that of the planned transfer. The transfer authors lose control of the process and DO NOT KNOW THEMSELVES what is happening, and much less the citizens of the country. But the citizens usually understand that their needs ARE NOT TAKEN into account in the trasfer, and they are used as performers, losing their personal resources of life support. It is then that their personal motives start to emerge which differ from those of the transfer organizers. Motives, unlike unconscious needs with their intuitive sense of danger, are a conscious formulation of one's own goals. The motives are the sources of political activity, work, activities of people, which the authors of the transfer DID NOT CONSIDER, This is very well noticed in the current time. A lot of people have a threat to their personal political motives: a) the motive of achievement — self-improvement, creation of security resources (reserves, routes and means of transportation, treatment, etc.); b) the motive of creation — construction, arrangement, creativity (housing, production, family, children, etc.); c) the motive of cooperation — at work, in the place of residence, entertainment, exchange of experience (relatives, neighbors, colleagues, friends, uniform norms of behavior, etc.); d) the motive of coordination with the ongoing around — it is required an anticipation of the political events development (to know, to understand what might happen in the next moment, what is round the turn, what is beyond the horizon). The emergence of one’s own independent motives of behavior in a political person makes him “different”: new, incomprehensible, uncontrollable. Before the organizers of the transfers, a COMPLETELY NEW political society and a NEW POLITICAL person come out: they do not know how to interact with them. They are NOT READY for this novelty. The main thing in the transfer is that in its process a lot turns out to be equally unexpected, sudden, unacceptable, unusual both for its organizers and for the people. The problem of the transfer authors has always been the lack of anticipation of this kind of situation, and therefore the INABILITY TO INTERACT CORRECTLY with the political society. In the process, it WAS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to coordinate the vital motives of the elites and the people: contradictions arose between them. The elite in their project did not take into account the motives of the people, and the people were not informed about the motives of the transfer organizers.
Table 3. Metamorphosis of the psychological characteristics of society, moving from political rhetoric to conflict behavior
The multidirections in the motives of the elite and the people have always led to the emergence of emotions of mutual discontent. Emotions arose when the implementation of instinctive actions, habitual or arbitrary forms of behavior ran into obstacles; when a person could not give an adequate response to changes outside; when adaptation was difficult. The masses of people found themselves in the state of stress — a chronic emotion due to the constant reason for excessive motivation. We can confidently say that personal and social conflicts that cannot find the resolution create stress with all the ensuing behavioral manifestations.
4. Transfer. The fourth reason for the failure is the technology of “simplification” of the political person.
In the failure of transfers in Russia, the decisive role belongs to the unconsidered emotions — the third level of the society psychology activation. Emotions are such a level of psychological activation that inevitably generates similarly activated behavior, thus blocking the mind. But the transfers authors could not find tools to control the political emotions of the population, because they simplified the sources that generated them. The level of their political thinking always corresponded to Juvenal's3 dictum — “Bread and circuses”. This is the level of the political governance technology in ancient Rome: bribery of the plebs by distributing food and circus performances to preserve the stability of the state. Compare with today. The psychological essence of the “policy simplification technology” is to create emotions in citizens that are stronger than those generated by the transfer of power. Moreover, in a narrow circle of transfer designers, this tool for diverting attention from what they are actually doing is even more cynical: “bread-woman-circus”. Although history has repeatedly shown the error of the “simplistic” approach, it HAS NEVER BEEN a lesson for the initiators of new transfers. They have always acted as if they knew nothing about the dangers of using prehistoric tools to manipulate the masses of people behavior. As a result, there are unjustified sacrifices and a completely different result for which the transfer was planned.
How everyman/the author of the transfer sees the situation |
As it really is |
Something like this. Although BOTH SIDES ARE WRONG — there are no such situations... The troubles with all transfers in Russia were due to the neglect of the system by their authors: “sense — goals — values — will to live”. It was neglected because the tool “bread-woman-circus” lies on the surface, and “the sense of life, the values of life, the purpose of life” are securely “hidden” from detection and control in the mentality of man — that is, beyond his consciousness, like his most intimate secret. Hidden that way that even a person himself most often cannot formulate what is the sense of his life, his values and purpose?
4.1. The journey for the sense of life begins when all the supports collapse, and a person suspends in a metaphysical void, that is, when it is not clear what to do, why, how, what for? Transfer is the most powerful incentive for such a journey. For more than two thousand years it has been known: “Knowledge of the sense of life is the leading necessity of Man”; “Action is any human behavior that has a sense for the subject”."(Weber, 1921). The sense is found when Man realizes himself responsible for something and someone. He answers the question, for the sake of what certain actions and deeds are done, certain decisions are made. RESPONSIBILITY IS THE POINT of human existence. Therefore, man and society are what they make of themselves with the help of the sense. But when the transferor begins to reformat politics in the simplest way, then he takes away the landmarks for life from people, and the society begins to look for the sense, goals and values without the state participation — a political division between the elite and the people begins. DIVISION IS ALWAYS FAILURE. It is impossible to avoid the search for the sense, because it is born by the most powerful feeling that is bestowed on Man — love. Absolutely all people are submissive to love, whatever you think or talk about it. It is love that is the basis on which the text of the sense of life is “embroidered”. Paul's first Epistle to the Corinthians says: “If I have the gift of prophecy, and I know all the mysteries, and I have all knowledge and all faith, so that I can move mountains, but I do not have love, then I am nothing”. One of the conclusions from the Message is that as soon as evil is conceived, love turns into hatred, and the sense of life is destroyed because of the lack of a solid foundation. It is possible to identify the sense of life externally by the way of life: the result of the struggle between body and spirit, between bodily temptation and spiritual asceticism. This struggle, in particular, makes the boundaries of what is permissible in nutrition, alcohol consumption, sexual life, maximum stress on the body, and methods of treatment — that is, the performance of body functions.
4.2. Values are the footholds that keep a person in life: their disappearance or “breakdown” literally means death for him. They are underestimated, being reduced to everyday things. People do not fight for anything so desperately as for their values: religious, national, kindred, professional.
The importance of the values can be compared with the climbing pegs, — climbers trust them with their lives when climbing a vertical wall — these pegs are made of the finest steel. Likewise, values are the highest achievements of human experience. It has long been known:“Values and ideals are directly related to culture, embodied in its products. The products of culture are presented as “reservoirs” into which Man has deposited throughout history, preserving all the best. Humanity is a summation of people connected by the products of culture, their activities, each of which makes sense only in interaction”. Values, like the sense, decisively determine a Man's life, but they are difficult for the owner to realize and formulate them — they ARE securely HIDDEN IN THE MENTALITY from external control and manipulation. The degree of their protection is shown by the rapid return of Islam to the peoples of the countries that were secular republics of the USSR for many years. Likewise, many communists who actually fought on the front lines of the Great Patriotic War had texts of prayers in their pockets, etc. Values give faith to Man, which unites and mutually supports people when there is no way to survive.
The sense of life, the values of life, the purpose of life, the will to live (vital force) is a unified system in which each element determines the existence of each other, and gives the overall output effect of the system — life of Man
People who give faith to each other may be far from each other or even live at different times and never come across. But having the same values, one should not be scared of being alone, because from time immemorial their values nourish the will to live of people isolated from their contemporaries, from past generations, from people who are to be born in the future. Values are a powerful tool to overcome loneliness. The function of values is to combine moral and intellectual principles which transform the sense into certain actions. One can check the values of life by the Worldview, which functions as the system where all questions related to the personality have already been answered, where all problems have already been resolved in a certain way. Worldview is the ability to use this knowledge for the world cognition and transformation, conviction in their truth as an instrument of activity, these are the basic ideals, principles and readiness to realize and protect beliefs and ideals.
4.3. The purpose of life is an extremely complex phenomenon which is formed by goal-formation”, which consists of four operations: 1) goal-setting — defining one's real place in life and politics; 2) purposefulness — choosing the direction of one's movement towards the desired place in life and in politics; 3) determination — pursuing one and the same goal, being able to change one’s behavior depending on changes in the conditions and circumstances of its achievement: 4) expediency — an accurate calculation of the time required to achieve the goal.
4.4. A goal is an instrument to transform the sense from the static state to the dynamic one by means of values. The action of the goal is comparable to that of an electric current. If there is a current (goal), then there is a transformation of voltage (sense) into the light of lamps (values).
The goal is the most complex product the society creates. It is the goal where all the achievements of mankind are implemented. But it is the goal that disappears first when humanity loses the sense of its existence and the values that ensure this existence. The lost goals are immediately replaced by false ones that have no relation either to the sense or values. No values mean no goal.
4.5. Will to live. Physiologically, Man is always able and ready for actions, but does not do that only because of the lack of sense, value and purpose in them. There are many examples when people, unable to move, see and hear, reached the heights of wisdom, influence and recognition. And there are even more examples of the fact when, with the absolute physical perfection, people lived miserable lives, indulging in drunkenness and debauchery, being a burden to their loved ones and society. This means that the basis of vitality is not the strength of the muscles and sharpness of the eyes, but mentality, which is an informative system of the sense, values and will. An informative mentality triggers off the volitional mechanism of human behavior. An empty mentality replaces the will with stubbornness and whims. The will to live as Man’s LIFE POSITION manifests itself through Man’s attitude to work — a volitionally motivated activity of a person as a subject of work. It is based on his ability to produce socially useful products with maximum physical and mental efforts to obtain socially useful products (use value) while having an appropriate life position. “Consumption of workforce is work itself...” (Marx-Engels). Functionally, the will to live is "the product of the purpose and sense.” The sense, goals, values and the will to live are inextricably linked with each other: the weakening of one of them entails the weakening of the three others.
Table 4. Metamorphosis of the psychological parameters of the society, sliding from political behavior into criminal one.
The simplification of politics has always evoked contempt in the political society, and the behavior of people turned to saving their necessities in any way.
History shows that the transfer of power is a battle of elites for resources, using for this the emergence of a “gap in power” — a constitutional transition of power, and readiness to destroy the main obstacle — the state, with any sacrifices for the sake of their goal. As a rule, the transition of power occurs when financial, economic and social problems in society are aggravated due to the expectation that they will be settled. The "transfer" has forms of its implementation, and it has always been unknown which of them would be applied. For example (all definitions are original — psychological and political):
Elections is a legitimate “jumping” over the barrier of unsolvable financial and economic problems by involving people in social values that raise them “above the problems”. Elections reformat the worldview in such a way that they raise people above the current problems and preserve the state, everything and everyone “as it is”. The psychology of imagination is used.
Reforms are bypassing the barrier of unsolvable financial and economic problems by shifting the political goal to the left or to the right of it. Reforms reshape the political picture of the world in such a way that they leave problems aside and keep everything “as it is”. Psychology of vision is used.
Revolution is an armed destruction of an unsolvable financial and economic barrier by the method of destroying the state as their culprit, hindering the struggle of the elites. Revolution extremely aggravates social relations in society in order to achieve the goals of its organizers. Psychology of emotions is used.
Terror is a physical destruction of the creators of the country's financial and economic problems. Terror destabilizes social relationships in order to build up fear in those who disagree with them. Psychology of perception is used.
Does the new generation of “transfer-transit” authors know what is behind these words or not? Are the enthusiasts ready to take responsibility for what will happen to the country and the people as a result of the transfer? The history of transfers in Russia shows that their results are much broader and more ambitious than the transfer of power in the country from one leader to another:
- This is an emergence of new leaders of the country who were not expected.
- This is a change in the political regime that redistributes power.
- This is a new form of statehood, a new balance of relations in the country.
- This is a new socio-economic structure that redistributes resources.
- This is a new name of the country that denies its history.
- These are new borders of the country that is losing its territory.
- This is a rejection of one’s historical achievements and status.
- This is a rewriting of the country's history from scratch.
- This is the beginning of a lingering chaos in the country.
- This is the crisis of law-abiding and outburst of crime.
- This is the impoverishment and reduction of the population — the main victim of the transfer.
- This is a criticism of the previous leaders as the culprits of the current defeats.
Let's draw conclusions:
- The history of transfers in Russia shows that the people, like gasoline, did not flare up on its own — it was set on fire by the elites, who struck sparks in the struggle among themselves. But in this fire everyone was burnt: the victims of the transfer, its organizers, opponents and supporters. (Who does not believe — see the previous article).
- It was said that “as you name the ship, so it floats”. The name determines the outcome better than the plan of the action, because “transfer of power” is a political slogan that arouses the political behavior of the masses. (Who doubts — see the political part).
- Transfer is a dangerous “policy simplification” that ignores the key factor in the success of the government's adaptation to the new political reality: the political behavior of the "deep people". Its authors mistakenly did not suspect that the people had sense of life, goals and values that would have to be taken into account. (Who does not know, does not believe or does not understand — re-read both articles).
Anyway, the implementation of the transfer in the form it is "conceived" today, and even within the framework (as we are convinced every day) of the liberal-democratic THEORY IS IMPOSSIBLE. What is called democracy is the system that is far from the announced principles. It is based on NO ELECTIONS. Its foundation is the system-forming forces removed from the elections.
If, in search of an answer to the question of how to use the energy of the system built within the framework of today's statehood, we understand it as liberal and democratic, then we will come to the WRONG CONCLUSIONS. To come to the right conclusions, you have to rely not on how the system suggests understanding itself, but on the reality.
1 Bifurcation — the term comes from lat. bifurcus — bifurcated and is used in a broad sense to denote all kinds of qualitative rearrangements or metamorphoses of various objects when changing the parameters on which they depend.
2 Seymour Martin Lipset is an American sociologist and political scientist, one of the founders of the theory of modernization. He is considered the largest sociologist in the United States of the second half of the 20th century. He is best known for his research on social movements, political radicalism, modernization theory, trade union democracy and social mobility.
3 “Meal'n'Real!” (lat. panem et circenses) — an expression from the tenth satire of the ancient Roman satirist Juvenal, which he used to describe the aspirations of the Roman people contemporary to him.
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