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    About the Physics of the Cell,
   the Physics of the Brain,
   the Physics of the Energy

369_Series. Salvation of Saviors

Monday, 11 October 2021 04:23

021_369 Future is not to be talked about – it is to be made…

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There is nothing in the world

That could not be corrected.

So what are we all to do? Here, we are improving, improving, becoming better, smarter, kinder, but what a pleasure it is when someone makes a decision for you. The she-wolf says to her cubs: “Bite like me”, and that's enough, and she-hare teaches the bunnies: “Run away like me”, and this is also enough, but a person needs someone’s advice — what he should do today, in this, absolutely UNCLEAR situation for all of us, the events that do not lend themselves to our comprehension, the changes in nature, which neither the Hydrometeocenter nor the gray-haired "academicians" arc able to explain. I am saying it again, and will never get tired of doing it — EVERYTHING HAPPENED NOWADAYS and is to happen in the future, I am sure, CANNOT be explained by the current science and policy pursued by the specific people, who we mentioned in the previous article. Since the inertly prevailing methodological platform of the materialistic worldview does not allow this, and the subsequent stage in gaining the knowledge of the truth on the basis of materialistic idealism is just starting. People are not able to influence the ongoing changes, and the consequences are extreme — for a very short time, programmed changes in the environment, including the habitat on Earth, are taking place with all the consequences arising from this. Everything that happens before our eyes excludes any random events; EVERYTHING IS FULLY CONTROLLED, including the processes related to the preservation of life on the planet and changes of the target and functional essence of human being as a whole. The territory of Russia is not to bypass this, but the other way around, — before our eyes, it is given quite different, more significant functions, compared to its previous miserable existence as a kind of passive raw material universal donor on the outskirts of history in the course of past programmed processes. Against the background of all this, what about people? What do they have to do in order to consciously understand and evaluate their participation (possible participation), their role and the involvement in the ongoing changes? An active participant, but not a passive observer and absorber of everything that is imposed on us from all sides and by all means by those who still believe (in auto-motor — like way or on autopilot — whatever you like) that they are able to keep us in the existence we were quite not that long ago, before the beginning of these global changes that we are observing in the realities of today. I do want the reader to understand that in the present-day Man, who is under fundamental pressure of changes in culture, science, religion and civilization, the measure of his autonomy, his ability not only to resist independently, without external support the temptations of globalization, but use them in his interests, and control them are going TO BE DECISIVE. Then the INITIALLY UNDERDEVELOPED due to their substitution by the state but inherent in Man the following properties will come into play: a) self-control — inherent in Man as an individual (gender, age, properties of the nervous system, constitution), b) self-regulation — inherent in Man as a subject (will, thinking, affect, perception ), c) self-governing — inherent in Man as an individuality (temperament, character, orientation, abilities), d) self-education — inherent in Man as an individual (individual history, individual characteristics, experience, productivity). This is where we highlight and focus our attention. Only understanding and comprehending all this will make it possible to understand and go forward, without looking back at the “authorities”, big names, and tempting offers.

The first quality of the post-industrial Man is self-control of an individual as a Human being. Self-control is inherent only in a healthy person who lives a healthy life. Human health is not limited to its medical characteristics — it has an existential basis in the form of the sense of life. The sense of life determines the lifestyle standards, and self-control makes the mismatch between these standards and controlled parameters of behavior. The standards determine everything: the daily routine, the structure of free time, the style of communication with others, etc. In fact, this is the mastery of the processes of one's own behavior, which manifests itself in the form of self-control. This is a person's freedom from temptation, limited only by the body’s capabilities. If a person is deprived of the right to self-control, then he automatically loses the system of standards determined by the sense of life, and finds himself under external control with other standards, a different way of life, a different sense of life. To deprive a person of his personal freedom means to deprive him of self-control (See Fig. 1.). For me, freedom means one's ability to MODEL ONE’S LIFE according to one’s own plan, which is NOT FORCED by the authorities with the help of a coercive apparatus. For all that, human actions are limited not by violence or the threat of its use, but only by the physical structure of his brain (and the body given to this brain, the so-called “shirt” of the brain) and the natural limits of his capabilities. I'm sure you will agree with that.

Table 1. Reformatting of industrial Man into post industrial one due to the development of Man’s self-control as an individual, self-regulation as a subject, self-governing as a personality and self-education as an individuality.



The second quality of a post-industrial Man is Self-regulation of a subject. Self-regulation is inherent only in the subject of labor, which he masters in the process of communication, cognition and play. The vital force of the subject of labor is determined by multiplication of the sense of his life by its purpose. The value of this multiplication determines the outcome of the struggle of his motives and the choice THAT HE MAKES. Psychologically, this manifests itself primarily in the intensity and duration of the psychological effort, which is manifested as the willpower, the power of thought and passions. The independence and perseverance of the subject of labor is manifested in the form of self-regulation, which is often attributed to the properties of will and culture. The subject of labor easily follows social norms, obeys the rules of behavior. But if a person's ability to “maintain psychological effort” is little, he loses the ability to self-regulation. He has difficulties in social adaptation; he begins to neglect the generally accepted norms of activity. In case of loss of the sense of life and purpose, a person loses his properties, the main of which is the ability to self-regulation. To deprive a person of economic freedom means to deprive him of self-regulation. In such a state, he willingly agrees to the introduction of external regulation — the restriction of his freedom as the subject of labor. Economic freedom is a person's freedom from external regulation, limited only by his ability to overcome the resistance of someone else's will. This is what, in fact, a person needs today. Therefore, a person should understand it as his right to be the master of his actions, possessions and property within the framework of the laws (today's laws), without being subject to the despotic power of another person. N. Berdyaev1, in line with this, wrote: “Freedom is my independence and definability of my personality from the inside, and freedom is my creative power, not a choice between good and evil put before me, but my creation of good and evil. The very state of choice can give a person a feeling of oppression, indecision, even lack of freedom. Liberation comes when the choice is made and when I take a creative way”. It is not surprising that in the USSR they taught that: “Freedom is the ability to do as you wish. Freedom is free will”. However, economic freedom means, first of all, one’s OWN CONSTRUCTIVE ACTIVITY. Freedom means a practical decision to initiate something spontaneously and it is an effective ability to do specific things. This is an exceptional opportunity to act. And yet, in a political sense, it is important to understand that freedom can be comprehended if we turn to three positions: the subjects who are free; checks and restrictions which freedom makes you free from; and also what exactly the subjects are free to do or not to do. We can consider freedom as a natural human right, who is not obliged to submit to the will and authority of another person.

2Considering freedom the highest social value, one can assume that freedom from despotic power is so essential that one can part with it only at the cost of one’s safety and life. Understanding freedom, as the right of a person to be the master of his actions, possessions and property within the framework of the laws, without being subjected to the despotic power of another person, it is not only possible, but necessary today to put the freedom of the civil society above the freedom that political power has. Today's “rulers” are constantly doing everything to preserve the supreme power to save themselves from the attempts and designs of anyone, even their legislators, in those cases when they turn out to be so stupid or so malicious to be able to plot against them.

The third quality of a post-industrial Man is Self-governing of a personality. Self-governing is inherent only in a strong personality. The strength of the personality is determined by the strength of his faith in values ​​that are of decisive importance to him. A person's faith always has a formulation. Faith is much stronger than social roles, rights and obligations arising from a person's social position. Faith manifests itself in the form of self-governing, which is often referred to as character traits. But if the motive is not formulated in words, then a person has no motive, and his BEHAVIOR IS NOT MOTIVATED.

3In this case, self-governing is weakened or missing. Such a person is often classified as mentally immature. In the lack of faith, there is no capacity for self-governing. Then a person discovers mental immaturity, tries to resolve conflicts with unsuitable means, and does not understand his own problems. To deprive a person of political freedom means to deprive him of self-governing. In this state, he agrees to the introduction of external control without any resistance — the restriction of his political freedom. Today, it is important to understand that a person’s political freedom DOES NOT MEAN that a person can do whatever he wants. In the society where there is law, freedom may include only actions that must be wanted, but NOT BEING forced to do what must not be wanted (according to the law). Having political freedom therefore presupposes a rule of law in the society, under which one citizen is not afraid of another citizen. In other words, at the moment it is possible to distinguish between political freedom, expressed in the state system (and exercised through the separation and mutual balancing of powers), and political freedom, realized in the citizen's sense of confidence in his own security. Freedom is not just a separate value, but the source and condition for all moral values. Lenin considered that political freedom, above all, is the right of the people to elect their delegates to parliament. For all that, all laws must be discussed in advance and made public; all taxes must be imposed exclusively by the body of the people's representatives. V. I. Lenin also considered that political freedom meant the right of the people to appoint officials for them, to arrange discussions of the state affairs, to publish books and newspapers without asking any permission. I am sure that he would be very upset to see the realities of today.

The space of human action NECESSARILY IMPLIES contact or interaction with the space of freedom of others. Such freedom is usually characterized by two aspects: a passionate desire for freedom and sobriety in assessing the goals immediately facing it. Perhaps, it is possible to consider political FREEDOM to be FUNDAMENTAL nowadays, preceding all other freedoms. The will to create a new world order based on the law, sets as its goal not just freedom, but political freedom, which opens up the possibility of genuine choice for a person. I consider political freedom is the right to express oneself and one’s views fully and freely that may appear to others as unorthodox, heretical or unacceptable. Another thing is what is meant by “unorthodox, heretical or unacceptable and who does the judging”.

The fourth quality of a post-industrial Man is Self-education of individuality. Self-education is inherent only in an individuality, which means having the purpose of life, a certain scientific picture of the world. Self-education is an INDEPENDENT FREE DEVELOPMENT of a person in a certain direction. The main thing in self-education is that this is the fourth dimension of freedom, which is in no way controlled by the authorities. The nature of Intellectual freedom is now called virtual. That is, really defining the whole life of a person, it is immaterial, has no smell, taste, color, weight, it is neither detected, nor registered, or qualified, and therefore ... it is not regulated, not controlled, and not governed from outside the individual.

4Leaving the three-dimensional non-free space, the individual is able to live in the fourth dimension in his ideas, his imagination, fantasies which are no less real, than that kind of material space the authorities leave for the non-free person. Therefore, they anticipated, preceded, foresaw what was forbidden to talk about to people who were not individualities. All outstanding scientists, writers, poets, discoverers lived in the fourth dimension — they all lived beyond the authorities field. Self-education is the individuality’s freedom from misunderstanding, limited only by the capabilities of his own mind and his knowledge of the picture of the world.

This explains the mysterious phrase of the philosopher Schlegel: “Earthly man is a definite, necessary step in a number of formations that has a definite goal. This goal of the earthly element at the highest level of formation is to dissolve, to transform into a higher form, to return to the freedom of the highest element”. All others explained this in a simpler way: “Freedom is the ability of a person to act in accordance with his interests and goals, relying on the knowledge of the objective necessity”. Within the framework of the started up systemic program “Development of the brain genotypes”, i. e. the so-called forcibly imposed functional intervention for the acquisition of a specific target material use of people (digital information civilization of human development -822 BC — 2010) through a lot of the so-called “heralds” who people listened to, for example, like Rosa Luxemburg. Through them the information was voiced, in order to achieve specific goals, that political freedom is FREEDOM OF THE DISSENT, freedom of those who think differently, because everything socially educating, purifying and healing depends on this condition, which loses its effectiveness in conditions when political freedom becomes a privilege. The problem of individuality in other terms is presented in the thinking of many people who are considered to be outstanding. Freedom is a potential CAPABILITY OF THE INTELLECT to separate traditionally united concepts. Historically, it was generated by the circumstances of urban life and not only. Political freedom is always the freedom of the subject, who determines himself and realizes himself; it is always the freedom of people under the conditions of a certain system of government. In other words, it is the freedom to follow your will in cases where this is NOT PROHIBITED by the written law. At the same time, natural freedom means not being bound by anything other than the law of nature.

Many scientists have presented their understanding of freedom. For B. Spinoza, freedom was a natural right, an individual ability to judge things without being forced to do so. And T. Hobbes's2 detailed definition of freedom reads: “According to the exact meaning of the word, freedom means missing of external obstacles, which can often deprive a person of some of his power to do what he would like to, but cannot interfere with the use of the power left to a person in accordance with what is dictated to him by his judgment and reason.

Nowadays, due to the transformations that are being implemented, many people, some politicians (unfortunately, not all) begin to understand that “freedom is the right to question and change the established order of things. It is a constant transformation of the market, the ability to notice shortcomings everywhere and look for the ways to correct them. This is the right to put forward the ideas which seem frivolous for specialists, but which, perhaps, will find the support of ordinary people. This is the right to make dreams come true, following the voice of your conscience, even being surrounded by doubters. It is the recognition that no person, institution or government OWNS THE MONOPOLY FOR THE TRUTH, that human life is of infinite value, and therefore it is not meaningless.

In general, intellectual freedom, as the result of the self-education of an individual, is the freedom of a citizen to think, say and write what he considers to be true not only for himself, but also for the people around him.

A systemic model of specific changes in a post-industrial Man. The “discussion” around globalization that has been launched today at the suggestion of those who continue to think of themselves as “arbiters of everyone and everything”, its role, and its impact on a person is like literary criticism, a review of a play. Therefore, nothing is known about the specific psychological properties that are modified in a post-industrial Man under the influence of globalization. Therefore, it is completely unclear what should be changed in the plans of teaching and educational work, from kindergarten to university. It goes this way because it is not clear what exactly changes in a person? It is useless to look for changes in some profiles of MMPI3 or any other — they investigate structural and functional properties, but are ABSOLUTELY INSENSITIVE to the human psyche content, the human whose brain genotype had improved within the framework of the old CS. The same can be attributed to that human (his Brain), who began his life within the framework of the new CS. Observations of the last twenty years show that a New (post-industrial) Man has come into being in Russia. The country is already inhabited by other people who feel themselves in a completely different way, perceive themselves among other people and nations of the world, think differently, and remember quite different things than many researchers assume. To figure out what exactly the new Control System changes in a person is possible only in the system that is comparable to the Control System itself by its rigorousness and formalization, whose activity is called globalization, for, at least, some understanding of what is happening, In other words, each direction of the processes taking place within this framework is aimed at a very specific structure of the human psyche, within the framework of his genotype, which, in fact, is changing.

To understand how the genotype of the human brain, or rather his psyche, interacts with globalization today, let us present it as a system consisting of the Type of changing qualities, their Class, Section, Division, Order, Family, Gunus and, finally, Species of human changes. The reader, probably, understands that in this case, for the analysis, in the lack of any tools, we will have to choose the system that has justified itself, developed in science many years ago. This system, presents human development as a SERIES OF CHANGES, ranging from the basal, simplest human signs up to the most sublime ones, which are more or less achieved by each individual. More or less, it means that either these qualities DO NOT DEVELOP AT ALL, or are achieved either with many defects and limitations, or in perfection. There can be no other today. In other words, the development of psyche is represented as multiple metamorphoses of Needs into Motives (Type of changes), Motives into Self-identification of a person (Class of changes), that is — into mental states of a person (Section of changes), the states into the characteristic for a given person methods of interaction with people (Division of changes), then, in gaining the sense of life (Order of changes), crystallizes into the value of a given person (Family of changes), in the method to form a picture of the world (Genus of changes), and, finally, into the ability to independent goal formation (Species of changes).

For all that, not a single stage of changes CANNOT BE ACHIEVED by “jumping over” one or all of the previous stages. It is clear that in the lack of needs, there can be nothing further — neither self-identification, nor anything else. In addition, in each person, changes lead to similar, but NOT THE SAME changes at every level. It is obvious that over the past few years, a person has been exposed to many factors that change the psyche of each person so that people become COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from each other. In our special case, we consider WHAT IS BEING CHANGED under the influence of the new Control System (See Table 2.).

Summary table 2. Diagram of the relationship of the phenomena of globalization with the changes that it causes, in the essence and behavior of the modern man


Psychological pressure on Man.
Globalization of Power
(world order change).


The new system of power is dominated by a network geometry, in which the power relations are always specific to a given configuration of authors and institutions. Strategy games, modified by the order of the representatives, and personified leadership games replace the class associations, ideological mobilization and party control that characterized the politics of the industrial era.


A) Psychological pressure on the structure of the Subject (Economic Globalization (innovative))

The economy is global - because the main types of the economic activities, such as production, consumption and circulation of goods and services, as well as their components (capital, raw materials, labor, management, information, technology, markets) are organized on a global scale, directly or using an extensive networks connecting economic agents. Profitability and competitiveness actually drive technological innovation and productivity growth and motivate firms.

B) Psychological pressure on the structure of the Individual (Demographic Globalization (main resource)

By the beginning of demographic globalization, life expectancy for men in Russia is lower than at the beginning of the century. All of our centenary progress has been reduced to a decrease in child mortality, while the mortality rate of adult men has practically not decreased. In other words, Russia "dropped out of the world context" of growth in life expectancy, and the mortality rate of adults in the twentieth century did not decrease. Since the generation of women born in 1927-1930s, the birth rate has dropped below the level of simple reproduction of the population: i.e. the number of daughters has become less than the number of mothers.

C) Psychological pressure on the structure of the Personality (Regional Globalization (world without borders))

Regional globalization discusses the "cartographic illusion" which allows us to assert exactly where the border lines are, where “these are our people, and those are not ours. These are our interests, and those are not ours. These are our enterprises, and those are not ours. “In fact, the borders and connections that play an important role in the world are shown on new maps no more accurately than on the maps of the first cartographers. In any case, the post-war prescriptions of the central governments in no way have the same force that they possessed a whole generation ago.

D) Psychological pressure on the structure of Personality (Information Globalization (virtualization))

The first characteristic of the information technology paradigm is that we have technology to influence information, and not just information designed to influence technology, as was the case with previous technological revolutions. Real virtuality is the system in which reality itself (i.e. the material / symbolic existence of people) is completely captured, completely immersed in virtual images, in a fictional world in which external displays are not just on the screen through which the experience is transmitted, but they themselves become experiences.




1) Changes in the Need for life protection

(safety, protection from pain, fear, anger, hunger, cold, etc.).

2) Changes in the Need for procreation

(love, tenderness, recognition, empathy, dedication, etc.).

3) Changes in the Need for cooperation

(self-actualization, self-respect, achievement, identification, etc.).

4) Changes in the Need for Orientation

(understanding, comprehension, knowledge, idea of the place, time, one's condition and attitude of other people to oneself).



THE TYPE of changes (of Man’s motivations)


5. The motivation for achievement is based on the need for life protection. Generates an indomitable desire for

primacy, leadership, chiefdom, as a guarantee of protection of one’s lives and the lives of the loved ones. The motive for achievement leads to the unlimited strengthening of the new tools to win a victory over all the dangers of living and inanimate nature.

6. The motivation for creation grows on the basis of the need for procreation. It encourages an irrational passion for building,

accomplishment that radically change the face of the earth. Cyclopean structures, water, transport, energy communications are designed to ensure the reproduction of the species.

7. The motivation for cooperation unites people into society, states, unions. Cooperation is the basis of work, activity, all human achievements in social and material culture. Suppression of the motivation for cooperation always leads to degradation, destruction, wars, and decline.

8. The motivation for coordination, arising from the need for orientation by the meaning, is not inferior to the need for food, air.

Knowledge,information comprehension are as important for man and society as bread and water. The product of the motivation is an explanatory, navigational picture of the world.



THE CLASS of changes (Self-identification of Man)


9. Self-control - the individual’s constant monitoring of the degree of the mismatch between the chosen standards of behavior and his real actions.

10. Self-regulation - the subject’s performance of a social role with the mandatory fulfillment of the actions, statements, rights and obligations prescribed for it

11. Self-governing - the personality’s choice in the variety of material, moral, ethical, aesthetic, intellectual values of one’s own.

12. Self-education - the development of one's individuality for the fulfillment of the personally assigned scientific and social role. The problem of the highest level is finding of the goal "to which a person should strive"



THE SECTION of changes (The states of Man)


13. Practical states of the subject - reactions to the amount of labor expenditure while working (manifested in the form of fatigue, tension, monotony, anxiety, stress, functional discomfort, lack of motivation, indifferent state.

Described by the system of pairs: energy - fatigue; relaxation - tension; calmness - anxiety; composure - stress.

14. Emotional states - the individual’s reaction to the measure of satisfaction of the body's needs for vital resources (thirst, hunger, hypoxia, sexual tension, fear, horror, panic, etc.); Described by the system of pairs: curiosity - boredom, willingness - confusion, friendliness - hostility, satiety - hunger.

15. Motivational states - the personality’s reaction to the problems of society (manifested in: ataraxia and excitement, joy and sorrow, pleasure and suffering, euphoria and anger, ecstasy and rage); They are described by the system of pairs: sympathy - antipathy; syntony - asyntony;

admiration - indignation; love and hate.

16. Humanitarian states — the individuality’s reactions to the quality of information; conditioned by the intensive searches for information, recognition of its truth, proof of its validity, etc. They are described by a system of pairs of states: tolerance - adherence to principles;

disposition - criticality; sociability - isolation; Conformity - fanaticism.



DIVISION of changes (Methods of people’s interaction)


17. Coercion - implementation of quick and accurate execution of mandatory actions for the individual, prescribed by the requirements of society and science. Coercion contains an indication of the only correct option for the individual's behavior, and is not aimed at prohibiting erroneous actions.

18. Suggestion - application to an individual of the technology of suggestive influence, uncontrollable on his part in the course of personal communication. The subject forms such feelings, moods, emotions that remove the problem of failure to comply with the instructions of the influencing person.

19. Persuasion - preparation of a personality for the purposeful and systematic performance of a certain role in the system of socio-economic relations. The purpose of persuasion is to form a person's fixed moral attitude towards his responsibility and involvement in the achievement of a specific social goal.

20. Proofs - bringing the behavior of an individuality in line with the reality based on the facts that reflect the laws of nature and society. The proof is possible only if there is accurate, complete information, irrefutable logically and factually.


THE ORDER of changes (Man’s sense of life)


21. A lifestyleis a special mode of life, work, rest of an individual, his attitude to food, clothes, things, alcohol, drugs, animals, the environment, etc. etc. A way of life is an indispensable condition for achieving personal and social goals that require his life and strength without a trace.

22. Life position, its basis is the attitude to work. Work is accepted by the individual as a prerequisite for life. Work is understood by him as the highest reward, as recognition of his special merits and abilities. His position is the opposite to the position of the people unwilling to work. Work protects against pseudo-culture, disintegration of the psyche, morality, psychological and physical suicide

23. A worldview gives a personality the knowledge of what he can, what he must do, what limits his will, and what his faith is based on. In the chaos of all kinds of parties, sects, leaders, idols, myths, it is impossible to understand without faith in the definite, permanent ideals.

24. The picture of the world is formed by an individuality throughout his life in the process of learning the entire spectrum of information about the world and society. The main thing in the picture of the world is to avoid fragmentary knowledge of facts and laws of nature and society.



THE FAMILY of changes (Values of Man)


25. The Intellect of an individual is related to practical activity, it can make mistakes, it is not self-sufficient, it is given to other abilities, and it is their instrument for achieving specific well-known goals. It has no tasks of its own and therefore is inactive, and gets weak when there is no activity. Intellect is fed with knowledge. Intellect is limited with those signs and forms that are available to the senses.

26. Knowledge comes for the reason limited to the simple awareness that the object exists. Knowledge is fragmentary, incoherent; it does not link various phenomena into one whole, inseparably bound by an internal causal relationship. In knowledge, everything is accidental and inexplicable. Knowledge increases through the simple addition of some other knowledge. Each acquired knowledge is closed in itself and does not necessarily evoke new knowledge, it is limited by external signs and external forms, but not by the internal nature of the cognized phenomenon.

27. The Mind of a personality is related to the theoretical activity; it is something closed and deeply independent. It is not a person who possesses the mind, but the mind lives in a person, captivating his will and desires, but not submitting to him. In itself, the mind carries its purpose and, rather makes a person forget about all the needs and requirements, than serve them. External activity suppresses it. The mind is not the same in different people, and understanding is not equal in different people.

28. Understanding is formed with a purpose. Understanding reveals what lies beneath external objects and forms, what produces them. The purpose of understanding is to comprehend individual phenomena in their mutual relationship, to understand the whole, the parts of which make up this phenomenon. In understanding, everything is necessary and clear. Understanding improves, becomes deeper and fuller. The truths are connected only in understanding. Understanding is formed with the dominant participation of the human mind, and feelings are only tools for it.


THE GENUS of changes (Information about the world)


29. The particularity of information allows an individual to realize it immediately in real time and area.

The practicality of information for an individual is assessed by its effectiveness in the process of real work in a real situation

30. The readability of information is its proven adaptation to the thesaurus of the subject, the recipient of the information.

Organization of information - presenting it in a modern form, regulated by the requirements for scientific reports, manuscripts, publication, dissertation research, computer programs, etc.

31. The sufficiency of information is nothing more than necessary to understand the problem, and which does not overload the perception, memory, thinking of an individual. The information necessary is the one without which it is impossible to achieve the goals of the information recipient.

32. Objective information has signs of reliability, proven by scientific methods, and its completeness, excluding the loss of information about the object

The consistency of information is determined by its integrity, proven by 15 principles of harmony.


SPECIES of changes (Goal- formation of Man)


33. Goal-setting is an individual's finding of the point of his social, professional, intellectual and other status among all possible states of individuals in order to assess one’s condition and choose the direction of one’s development.

34. Purposefulness - the subject's conscious choice of the direction of his development, i.e. transition from the unsatisfactory state (points X1, Y1) to the desired state (points X2, Y2). Purposefulness determines the image of the desired Future which a person strives for.

35. Determination of a personality is defined as his ability to continue to pursue the same goal, changing the ways of pursuing it when external conditions change. It is possible with sufficient resources:

1. Raw materials,,,





8. Human.

36. Expediency - the important thing is the one for which realization there is enough time. The person is adequate, if he does not try today to undertake an interplanetary flight to the star Alpha Centauri, because even with a speed unattainable today of 300 thousand km / s, it would take 4260 years. The projects must be correlated with the time a person has at his disposal.



This table was compiled by the Russian Scientist, Professor A. I. Yuriev, and in my opinion, for our current understanding, it gives an idea of what exactly is under the threat of changes in a person, which are under way within the framework of the goal vector of the new Control System. For the convenience of the reader, each table cell “changes in globalization — changes in man” contains a very brief definition of the changing quality.

The content of the table shows how IMPERFECT a real person is even without today's changes. And it proves that far from ALL can be attributed to the threats of the residual phenomena of the Old CS, realized through the automatism of specific brain genotypes, within the framework of globalization invented by them — to destroy Man at the last, failed stage of their Program. However, it is in this situation that we have a REASON AND A CHANCE to pay attention to the revived philosophy, psychology, pedagogy for the enhanced development of Man who today is already rather “thoroughly”, in all his life aspects, interacts with the surrounding realities within the framework of the New CS. This is similar to that time when Man began to learn to read and arithmetic, when he had to cross oceans and calculate the flight of a motor shell.

Perhaps the people’s “accusations” of the New Control System that it changes Man not in his interests are as archaic as the cries of boyar children in Peter's times that they should have boyar privileges due to their dignity. Man in relations with globalization WILL also NOT have any other grounds for maintaining his "upper" position, except for one thing — he is to bound to be smarter and more conscious than globalization and understand what it is in reality, covered with a fashionable word. Then globalization will submit to Man, and then HE WILL CHANGE it according to his psychological parameters, which were “developed” under certain conditions of life. This is the most important direction in the activities of those who have taken the path of knowledge and understanding of the ongoing.

To reduce the volume of the material and to illustrate the relationship between different directions of globalization and quite specific manifestations of the human psyche, this table was made by A. I. Yuriev, which I present to the readers.

The reformatting of the industrial Man (who developed under the Old System for specific purposes) into a post-industrial Man (who is developing under a New, Native Control System) CANNOT be only involuntarily, in the process of natural adaptation of Man to the ongoing processes. It is quite obvious that a system of purposeful human development is required to form a competitive new (post-industrial) Man. The tasks of this kind have systematically faced humanity, which is not the first time to make another leap in human perfection. But this leap is bound to be of a fundamentally different kind and mainly based on the knowledge and understanding of the ongoing and comprehension of one’s actions in this, in my opinion, the most difficult period of our time, called the "transition period."

More than a thousand years ago, Mankind, within the framework of the Old Control System and with a definite purpose, had NO LESS difficult challenge to their intellect — to understand oneself and the world with the help of numbers and logic. Then the psychology of the mind came into being — the classical psychological science and practice, which built the modern society. It is not only science, nowadays it is nearly religion of our civilization. We assess Man’s merits according to the criteria for the development of his thinking, memory, attention, speech, perception, measuring the quality of his knowledge, skills and abilities to master his behavior and the outside world.

But if we "turn" to history, then the psychology of the specific genotypes mind development grows FROM THE HEYDAY OF ALCHEMY which took place in 550 and the opening of the Academy in Languedoc in 792 by Henry de Jelon. The main PROBLEM OF THE TIME is formulated in 1122 by Abelard in the work “Yes and No”. The introduction of a compass (1150), a clock (1220), geographical maps and a protractor (1250) in Europe is close in time with Francis Bacon’s leaving the Franciscan order, who reoriented the psychology of thinking to the generalizing realities but not words (1272). Soon after the start of paper production (1300), Ockham, who lays the foundations for an empirically oriented psychology of learning and thinking (1345), leaves the Franciscan Order. At the top of psychology of mind popularity, Copernicus's work “On the Circulation of the Celestial Spheres” (1543) was published, which sounded like “the signal of the last judgment on the false philosophy”."For the first time, in 1590, Goklenius introduced the concept of “psychology” into science and thereby emphasized the difference in genotypes. The appearance of the laws of universal gravitation, the theory of light, the chemistry of gases, energy conversion, steam engines, and electromagnetism created conditions for a fundamentally new system of education — in 1631 the “Great Didactics” by Kaminski was published with the requirement to study and explore the real world, the things themselves, but not only other people's observations and their judgments about things. Almost simultaneously, in 1640, Descartes’ work “Rules for the Guidance of the Mind” comes out, where THOUGHT IS DECLARED as the only indisputable object of introspection. By 1690, Newton's dynamic principle was widely spread, proving that physical properties accessible to experimental knowledge and mathematical generalization can be recognized as real objects. The rise of the psychology of mind, its real power, is demonstrated by the correspondence discussion (through Lady Mash) between John Locke (1632—1704) and W. G. Leibniz (1646—1716). J. Locke published the book “Experiments on the Human Mind” in 1689. In response to it by 1705, V.G. Leibniz prepared the manuscript “New Experiments on the Human Mind”, which he DID NOT CONSIDER it was proper to publish because of the death of his great opponent. Leibniz's book was published only 49 years after his death, in 1765. The creator of the world's first operating calculating machine (1675), differential calculus (1684), integral calculus (1693), infinitesimal calculus (1702), and otherwise — mathematical analysis, is the symbol of the psychology of mind power. The achievements of the XX century are entirely based on the theoretical discoveries of scientists from Bacon to Newton and Leibniz. Scientific and technological revolution of the twentieth century is the revolution of the consumer — oriented technologies in relation to the theoretical achievements of its predecessors.

After Newton and Leibniz, no one has created anything comparable to mathematical analysis, or formal mathematical logic, or the law of universal gravitation. Now try to answer yourself — why?

One of the rather influential representatives of the “authorities” once said in a personal conversation, when I told him about A. I. Yuriev and our conclusions on the ongoing: “Professor is a curse word for me! In Russia today, an academician and professor look more like a naked wet engineer from the novel by Ilf and Petrov, who is entirely at the mercy of a swindler, rather than like Kurchatov or Ioffe, who were saving the country. The rich and the powerful WILL NOT listen to people who do not understand why they are poor, if they are so smart? " And this is how many of today's authorities think. They are no longer able to grasp the logic of humanitarian knowledge. From my professional and everyday experience, I know that there is nothing worse than the loss of the sense of life, and none of these people and not only they — will escape it.


One of the principles of today's knowledge and adaptation to the ongoing is the principle of idealization, which many people apply just at the everyday level and nothing more. Worldly, political, scientific theories in the reflections about the ongoing today, in my opinion, should be created NOT FOR REAL, but FOR IDEAL objects that can be imagined by virtue of one’s knowledge and experience. It is the construction of the ideal reality that allows you to find the points of contact of all elements and set yourself the correct anticipation formulas. REALITY IS MUCH RICHER than any ideal construct and will give us many quite different unique situations that we will not be able to combine into one theory. That is why the construction of knowledge solely on the analysis of the obtained empirical data is primitive “principle of collecting” available information and nothing more. In Professor Yuriev's thoughts, I often find ideal constructs of political phenomena. They make clear the formulas, the interaction of elements, and the content of the political events construction according to the type of idealization: “how it is to be”. It is advisable to pay attention to the principle of idealization in our real life today. Not to be concerned with stating what is happening from the position “it shouldn't be like that, because it shouldn't be that way”, but try to imagine and decide, first of all, for yourself — how it is to be and precisely in your understanding. The psychology of exactly such a positive policy is a description of an ideal state, an ideal relationship between power and society, an ideal balance of freedom and power. These positive views should be based on:

  1. Psychology of the community involvement (component of behavior).
  2. Psychology of justice (rational component).
  3. Psychology of compassion / conscience (emotional component).

And then it will be possible to make a portrait, — thanks to only your knowledge and understanding — the ideal citizen, the ideal government and the ideal population. Only having the PICTURE OF THE DESIRED FUTURE can we begin to make the policy that is to become ideal (or endlessly strive for this ideal) in our near future. In the new reality, where there is an infinite amount of uncertainty, such an approach will allow us to do fairly confident work, striving for the strategic goals of our new ideal future.

The meaning of the presented materials is to explain and prepare the moral, mental, psychological systemic foundation for the modernization of the education system and upbringing a New, post-industrial Man in Russia. It is just one of the options. I am sure that some other should appear as well. But this must be a system of precisely psychologically understood properties, directly following from the specifics of the future generations’ life.And the people should be prepared not for the passed events, but for the events to come.




1 Nikolai A. Berdyaev is a Russian religious and political philosopher, a representative of Russian existentialism and personalism. The author of the original concept of the philosophy of freedom. The younger brother of the poet Sergei Berdyaev Was nominated seven times for the Nobile Prize in Literature (1942—1948).

2 Thomas Hobbes (April 5, 1588 — December 4, 1679) — the largest European scientist, thinker, philosopher, lawyer, religious scholar, state scholar, creator of the theory of social agreement, who influenced the formation of civil and patriotic education.

3 The Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire or — the personality questionnaire, developed in the late 1930s and early 1940s at the University of Minnesota by Stark Hathaway and John. MMPI, is the most studied and one of the most popular psychodiagnostic techniques designed to study individual characteristics and mental states of a person. It is widely used in clinical practice. "MMPI" is a registered trademark of the University of Minnesota.


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