Life goes on...

About the Spirit,
the Mind
and many other things...








rnto znak







    About the Physics of the Cell,
   the Physics of the Brain,
   the Physics of the Energy

369_Series. Salvation of Saviors

Monday, 11 October 2021 06:31

022_369 It is not about the Brain as such, but about the Brain of today…

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We study our Brain
with our own Brain.

You can understand only something that can be fixed. This can be done only with something that has signs of: qualities, characteristics, coordinates, shape, mass, weight, energy, and so on. Something that has no signs CANNOT BE FIXED. Something that cannot be fixed you cannot say that it exists. Something that you cannot define as existing, you CANNOT UNDERSTAND. Any part of the world, from an elementary particle to the galaxy, from a bacterium to Man, is some kind of an object and phenomenon, a magnitude. It can be fixed, captured and understood. But the World and the Control System (CS) of this whole world, as a single Whole, is NOT a MAGNITUDE, BUT THE INFINITY. In principle, it cannot be captured, since it is not a magnitude. It is the only something that cannot be called existing, not because it does not exist, but because IT IS MORE THAN EXISTENCE, and does not fit into the concept of “existence”, since it has no signs, qualities, characteristics and coordinates. It cannot be defined by any word, because any definition draws a boundary, whereas the infinity goes beyond any boundaries. Therefore, when someone says that he “communicates with the CS, has some kind of contact with it, or has a direct telephone connection, moreover, this someone claims that it, the CS, prompted him what to do and in what way... even with the use of the Complex “SvetL”, “do not hesitate and send this” expert to the fence, on which something is written, usually short and punchy – and let him make sure that there is no such a thing behind the fence. It is necessary to understand once and for all – the Control System (both the Old one and the New one) is a mechanism through which the intended plan is realized within the framework of the goals vector and phenomena of all and everything on our Earth. The paradoxes that surround us require at least some explanation, and the simplest thing for the “experts” is to “blame” everything on the CS. Just try to look at the ongoing from a different angle. If I, for example, ask you TO DENY my wishes, you get in a dead end. If we imagine water that can speak, and when it lies, it freezes, what should happen to it if it says: “I'm going to freeze now”. If it does not get frozen, then it lied, and it should freeze because of lies. If it gets frozen, then it told the truth, but because of the truth it does not freeze. So what has to happen to the talking water, that freezes because of lies and that said “I am going to freeze now”?

Our brain can operate only with the magnitudes ​​(unchanged or growing infinitely – these are just details). The very fact that we think indicates that we think of the magnitude, and not of the infinity.

1Here, the same as with apophatic theology, which says: if you think of God, you think not of God. Similarly, here, if we think of the infinity, we think not of the infinity. The Infinity is not this or that, and not something fixed, or something that can potentially be fixed. The same applies to the Control System.

The phrase "to know everything" is symmetrical in its senselessness to the phrase "a round square". To look for the meaning of life by analogy with finding the right move in chess, is as senseless as asking what will happen if the all- piercing projectile crashes into impenetrable armor. The mind is placid when it thinks separately of the projectile and the armor, but when trying to combine these two concepts, IT CRASHES. If the projectile penetrates through the armor, then it can be penetrated. If it does not penetrate, then the projectile is not the all- piercing. If the projectile and armor correspond to their characteristics, then their meeting in the real world is out of the question. If the answer is impossible, then the question is also impossible.

Similarly, with the infinity, if it is captured, it is not the infinity. If it is not captured, then you cannot think of it. The Mind in relation to the infinity is in prison with the infinitely thick walls. You can cut a tunnel in them as long as you like, but you will never be able to get out. A person always TRIES TO SYSTEMATIZE what he knows. With the infinity there has always been a great problem and it still remains, even after we learned about the “existence” of a certain Control System, through which everything and everyone “is having been ruled”. The existence of the infinity was captured, but it WAS NOT FIXED in any way and did not fit in any shelf. And if it was squeezed there, it broke all the harmony. It was impossible to deny it, as well as to recognize it, that is, to capture it in any image, form and characteristic.

2Today, our Mind can separate any object, phenomenon or the Essence from the rest, to capture and understand (partially or completely – these are just details). But it is not able to separate the infinity, since it IS EVERYTHING. Something that is impossible to be separated, is impossible to be understood – to be captured by feeling and thought

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CAPTURE EVERYTHING, not because of the lack of our intellectual powers, but because of the incompatibility of two concepts: “to capture” and “everything”. I think that even if the Brain “run at full power”, this will not be possible. But there must be a purposeful striving for this! You have to want, really want to know and cognize. THE DECISION IS ALWAYS YOURS.

Everything that is written below is instruction. The information for usage by those who want to cognize.


Warning to all users of the “SvetL” Complexes

On the night of October 25, 2021, a very difficult barrier event of the transition period for the accomplishment of a great number of events is going to take place, which will come true in the future.

Some of them will come true:

  • in a short time,
  • some – in the course of very long time,
  • others – in the course of a very, very long time.

The informational explanation of these events will be expressed in articles on the websites of the RSTS (Russian Scientific and Technological Society), SRI CPS (Scientific and Research Institution – the Center for Preventive Strategies) and in the groups of the Participants of New Knowledge.

Since many of these events are related to major changes in the People's Life Support System, the “SvetL” Complexes (their Generators), in any form of their existence, require Program adjustments.

This Instruction is for the mandatory execution

All interruptions in the operation of the “SvetL” Complexes from mid-September to the present day are related to these upcoming events.


The Main “SvetL” Complex

October 24 until 20:00 Moscow time – turn off the Complex. Set the power at “O”. Wrap the Complex in foil (food foil) and keep it in the room where the Owner (User) sleeps.

October 25 – “Do not touch” the Complex.

October 26, after 15.00 Moscow time, – remove the foil and throw it out of the house.

Only then – “Turn on” the Complex and set the power to 100 %, preliminary (if there is a need or desire) change the previously set positions at your discretion.


Complex – Cupol "DI"

October 24, until 20:00 Moscow time, – wrap the Complex in foil (food food) and keep it in its regular place.

October 25 – “Do not touch” the complex.

October 26, after 15.00 Moscow time, – remove the foil and throw it out of the house. The complex is in its regular place.


The Complexes:

Bracelet "SvetL",

Bracelet "SLN",

Complex "SvetL-K" (Pendant)

October 24, until 20:00 Moscow time, – wrap the Complex in foil (food food) and put it under the pillow of the Owner (the User).

October 25 – “Do not touch” the complex.

October 26, after 15.00 Moscow time, – remove the foil and throw it out of the house. After that, hold the Complex in your left hand for one minute and put it on. Keep it on for at least three days.

Take off only as a last resort, if your condition worsens for any reason and DO NOTPUT IT ON for three days, then repeat the mandatory procedure after October 26.


Salt lamp owners

October 24, after 20:00 Moscow time, – turn on the lamp for permanent operation until 15:00 October 26. After that, turn off the lamp and set it to normal operation.

All Owners (Users) of the Complexes have to exactly and mandatory follow these Instructions.

Please pass this information on to your acquaintances – Users of the “SvetL” Complexes before the indicated time of action.


P. S.

With regards to people taking VVV-369/Mumiyo – you should take it in the same proportions, but from October 24 to 28, – twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Then switch to standard use.

And the last, but within the framework of what was written.

Many people ask me: “Will the ”SvetL” Programs be developed and improved depending on the ongoing events?..”. Here is an example from the open sources.

Rospotrebnadzor introduced mandatory standards for the content of hormones and some antibiotics in drinking water.

This was announced by the head of the department Anna Popova. According to her, the normative acts will be supplemented by the world practice.

3“For example, we have introduced mandatory standards for the content of hormones in drinking water, an additional amount of antibiotics. We have harmonized with the WHO the volume of standards that exist today”, – Anna Popova said in an interview.

According to the head of Rospotrebnadzor, now the main task of the department is to explain to the population why certain norms are needed. But everything that is written in the sanitary requirements is necessary, because, “as my colleagues say, it is written by someone’s health”, – Popova stressed.

You can take on faith someone's statements and from them deduce the meaning of life, and your knowledge and understanding, but I am convinced that today it makes no sense to believe anything in such and similar subjects. Here is what A. M. Khatybov would have said about this, or rather he had already said in his writings on water (“Water”). And this is only a small part of the information to make conclusions. The first major scientific discovery on the use of water was made not so long ago – in the film “Volga-Volga” (“Without water – you can go neither here, nor there”). Some notes on this discovery are set out in his “Cold Nuclear Fusion, Volume 8. Key Notes:

  • Water is not a simple mixture, but a COMPLEX STRUCTURE;
  • if water is used by a biostructure, then it has the necessary octaves of frequencies and energy characteristics on which the living cell of a biostructure is built;
  • the change in the energy characteristics of water, the removal of the octave does not provide for the use of this water by biostructures;
  • the change in the energy characteristics and the removal of octaves of frequencies transform the structure of the molecule into the ion of the corresponding metal (up to strontium inclusive) without changing the external characteristics;
  • the recovery process is the process of introducing lost energy parameters into the water molecule and (or at the same time) adding the corresponding lost octaves of frequencies;
  • the mineral compounds, which are the water waste, CANNOT BE used to change the energy characteristics of water, and even more so, to introduce the necessary octaves of frequencies into water molecules (in humans food also goes along one path, the reverse has not yet been developed);
  • the use of mineral compounds in order to change the energy parameters of water requires research because of the possible change in the structures of a living cell for the new characteristics;
  • - the most realistic scheme for changing the properties of biologically active water is the use of carbon С60,which molecule is synthesized.

By the way, molecule С60, is an assembly of 12 dodecahedrons.

I think that the management of Rospotrebnadzor does not know that water is NOT AN AUTONOMOUS object of research. In various cases of its use – from watering the streets to its use by a person, who already consists of one hundred percent of water (in the process of his development, there is no mechanical transfer of mineral ions and the formation of, for example, a skeleton, but there is some loss, according to a given program, of the properties of certain water with formation of ions); it is necessary to compare the object of study (water) with the object- user (a person), and this tandem should be considered as a whole.

This does not mean that it is necessary to unite the Institute of Water Problems (Moscow), the Institute of River Fleet Engineers and the Institute of Man (St. Petersburg).

According to the Parkinson law, such a combination will only lead to a doubling of the staff (total) and an octave times decrease (in this case, eight times) the efficiency of work.

A person does not have structures THAT DO NOT HAVE a water molecule in their composition, and the elimination of the molecule means an appearance of a dead cell. We do not just “pour” water into a test tube, the walls of which can withstand GOST for water (by the way, as many genotypes, so many “test tubes”, which means that there should be as many GOSTs)... The approximate number of the “test tubes” is about 755. Rospotrebnadzor does not know about that. Man is not a vessel for storing liquid, and certainly not a testing ground for testing new unique shampoos, herbal tinctures from “other testing grounds”, water infused as the output product of the Planet's vital activity, and even more so for adding some hormones and antibiotics to it. The current state of the liquid used is consistent with the current state of the Brain and its ability to use this liquid.

The well-known phrase: “If there is no water in the tap...” does not mean that you urgently need to look for enemies of the people or take water from another source located in the apartment or add something to the water according to “normative” recommendations, and even the European office of the WHO.

It is quite possible that there, in Rospotrebnadzor, the corresponding instrumental base has just disappeared (the feeling – according to Marxism-Leninism). If the sensitivity threshold is lowered, then a person does not care what pH the water has – the Brain reaction to the change in pH may not be instantaneous.

As a result, ALL RESEARCHES are closed on a person and the water of which he consists of; and the consumption of external water, regulated by the current state of the Brain, may not be related at a certain moment with the energy parameters of the external Environment. It is possible to use any means to change the energy parameters of water, the technological process of changes can be recommended by a certain state of the Brain of a particular genotype, which has an access to the information on relationships only for this Brain, and this does not mean that this particular technological process can be applied to another Brain that has a different process of reactions. Each Brain selects for itself what it needs, and no one has any idea about how this happens.

It is well known that water is Н2О, it is also known that water is NOT HOMOGENEOUS, there are thousands of variants of water molecule, but no one can show their distinctive properties. Science mixes everything into one heap – sea water (salt plus Н2О), drinking water in which salts are dissolved, industrial water (for example, after passing through treatment facilities), water in animal cells. Using the terminology taken from D. Mendeleev's table, we can say that water is only hydrogen and oxygen, but there are no theories showing why they should form the same type of the compound. The nature of the formation of water on Earth, the method of its movement, as well as the cause of high water, floods, rains, thunderstorms are unknown.

What is acid rain and is it related to technological progress? It is known about water that there is an indicator of “negative logarithm of the hydrogen ions concentration”, or pH, that water can turn into steam or ice, the boundary points of which are taken as the temperature scale. It is known: “heavy” and “light” water, as well as the fact that water is a conductor of an electric charge... Those who wish to learn more – take the “Spade of Knowledge” in your hands and go “to dig” the works of A. M. Khatybov.After reading about the similar initiative of the management of Rospotrebnadzor and many other initiatives which, I am sure, await us in the future, try to answer on your own the question posed: “Will the “SvetL” Programs be developed and improved depending on the ongoing events?..”.

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