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369_Series. Salvation of Saviors

Tuesday, 22 October 2024 01:38

052_369 Lies and a point of view…

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There is only one truth for all,

But everyone has their own lie.

1I wrote this article at the beginning of 2016. But in the events happening today, in my opinion, what was stated then is more relevant now. And so it should be. Then, we did NOT QUITE correctly understand the processes that were gaining strength and that brought us to the present times, having made us exactly what WE ARE now. I will add to what was written from the position of today, in my opinion, what is relevant today and explains a lot. Let's start with a simple question - why is the painting by the French artist Jean Leon Gerome called "The Truth Getting Out of the Well"? One of the legends tells how the Truth and Lie met one day. Lie greeted the Truth, saying: "What a nice day today!" The Truth looked around and thought: "A really nice day." They walked until they came to a well with water. The Lie turned to the Truth and dipped its hand into the water. "Nice warm water," it said, "if you like, we can bathe together." The Truth put its hand in the water in disbelief. But the water was really nice. And for a while they WERE SWIMMING TOGETHER... But suddenly the Lie came out of the well, put on the Truth's clothes, and disappeared... The Truth came out of the well completely naked (as in the picture) , upset and angry, trying to find the Lie to get her clothes back, but the world, which saw her naked, SHAMEFULLY TURNED AWAY. In the end, the poor Truth, ashamed, returned to the well and disappeared there forever. Since then, the Lie has been traveling around the world, dressed in the Truth’s clothes. And everyone is happy with the existing order. And the world DOES NOT WANT to see the Naked Truth...

1 A lie and a point of view - how to tell one from the other? It's very simple. The point of view is when a person says what he thinks. And when he thinks one thing and says another - it's a lie. And a lie has another distinctive feature - self-interest: a liar does NOT JUST say something he doesn't think, but derives benefit from it. I have no doubt that many readers have been convinced in it many times. But for this topic, this feature is secondary in comparison with sincerity. The point of view can reflect reality more or less correctly. And if it is sincere, you CANNOT call its bearer a LIAR. A person who is sure that two plus two is five is not a liar. He is a fool, but NOT A LIAR. He becomes a liar when he says that two plus two is five, knowing that two plus two is four. And then the question arises - does the one who writes and distributes information both on the Internet and verbally have the right to lie? Of course, he has the right on his own point of view – within the limits, naturally, in which his point of view is PUBLICLY SAFE: for example, he has the right to say and write whatever comes to his mind, including rumors and speculations born in his head. But the society, UNLESS it HAS GOT OBSESSED with “freedom of speech” (and today this is exactly the case for the majority), should sharply limit his right to propagate such a point of view. If his point of view is more or less safe for other people to understand, then he certainly has the right to express it – but supporting all this ONLY with HIS own assumptions, but not with some quotes from the texts of some significant authorities. But does he have the right to lies? Oddly enough (although, if you understand what is happening around us today), points of view on this issue are divided. Many "writers" and, of course, "the proliferating bloggers" fiercely defend their "right to lies". The goal of the owners of social networks (including some platforms) that ALLOW CREATING groups of participants (listeners) to "transmit" information through them and thus - to form a certain picture of reality in readers-viewers-listeners, - is mostly far from adequate, - in other words - to distort the reality. To distort it in one way or another, willingly or UNWILLINGLY (with a complete lack of understanding), emphasizing one thing and leveling out another, forming positive assessments of some things and negative ones of others, and so on. And when the one who writes finally realizes that he is being used as a "distorting mirror", he faces a choice: to distort or not to distort. Moreover, the choice "not to distort" almost inevitably brings one to the answer the question - why NOT TO DISTORT? And this is already the beginning of the desire to learn. Growing beyond his former point of view (and this is a never-ending process of personal comprehension), the “writer” (participant in the networks) discovers that his like-minded people (many, I do not say all) also distort reality.2

It has always been a mystery to me how people can respect themselves by humiliating those like them - Mahatma Gandhi

Any truth is NOT AS valuable as the ability to think what you say, the ability to believe in what you bring to people. Such "believers" are priceless: they don't even have to lie: they sincerely bring the customer's lie (and not only the creators of social networks) to the reader-viewer-listener. But this is the highest flight. And the skill that is born from the habit of lying becomes something like mastering the keyboard or familiarity with grammar. And, naturally, there is something to defend here. Of course, it is good when this right can be defended WITHOUT LYING - sincerely believing in the right of the "writing individual" to lies.

Nowadays, there is a great number of defenders of the right to lies in society, and first of all - among the "educated class" and (as paradoxical as it may seem) among those who consider themselves - "having learned the truth" and they began to "teach" others for the most, as it seems to them, euphonious grounds. For example, out of fear of like-mindedness, or from the desire for diversity of points of view, or from the lack of understanding of how it could BE OTHERWISE: how to separate a point of view from a lie, for example, who should do this – to see the falsity. The last reason, by the way, is one of the most common.3

Each person who appears in our life is a teacher! Someone teaches us to be stronger, someone – to be wiser, someone teaches us to forgive, someone - to be happy and enjoy every day. Someone is not teaching us at all. He just breaks us down, but we get experience from it, too. Appreciate every person, even if he appeared for a moment. After all, if he appeared, then it was not without reason.

 Many people already understand quite well that we are all drowning in lies, that lies are the MOST PAINFUL thing in our lives, because they are the roots of everything else that is painful. Theft is built on lies; wars are justified with lies, and so on. And at the same time, we absolutely DO NOT WANT to forbid ourselves lies - not someone "from above", not "enemies", but WE - OURSELVES. We have convinced ourselves, or rather, allowed ourselves to be convinced, that it is impossible to see the difference between a point of view and a lie, in the sense that "someone else's soul is dark, and who knows what he really thinks."

0 20 3This point of view in itself is absurd: our entire everyday life teaches us to easily detect lies. Otherwise, we would be naive fools, who can be easily deceived. But we are not like that at all in our PERSONAL AFFAIRS. But when it comes to the COMMON EFFORT (public, state or club) (which, for example, take place daily in the “New Knowledge” Clubs, created specifically to see the true Knowledge) – we prefer to be just such fools, we prefer to be deceived. And that is why we stand up for the right of deceivers to “earn” their bread by deception. And do you know why? - Because, due to our still automaticity of actions, we are AFRAID OF RESPONSIBILITY. It is much easier to say later: “Oh, how I was deceived!”- than to see the real truth today, because understanding the truth will entail the need to act, and this is precisely what we DO NOT FEEI LIKE DOING. The action will destroy, albeit illusory, but at least some stability in our life. And we do not want that. We prefer to wait for it to COLLAPSE (transform, dissolve) BY ITSELF, UNWILLING to understand that it is better to dismantle the rotten "roof" than to wait for the "roof" to fall on your head by itself. This is like a generalization in reflections. But here is a specific "small example" in the conclusions reached by the researchers from the American University of Notre Dame. If you want to significantly improve your health, STOP LYING. People who tell lies more often complain of feeling unwell. American psychologists (I draw the readers’ attention) conducted a study in 2014, in the course of which they asked a group of people to REDUCE THE NUMBER of daily lies. It turned out that the mental state of the test subjects improved already in the first week of the experiment, and their complaints about health problems decreased threefold. Anita Kelly, a professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame, and her colleagues conducted the experiment in which they observed two groups of people for TEN WEEKS. The first group was asked to reduce the number of daily lies, while the lifestyle of the participants in the second, control group, remained the same. The researchers tried to find some connection between the lies and the emotional and physical well-being of the liars. “We found that the subjects can purposefully lie less and, as a result, their well-being improves. Our data shows that American adults lie on average 11 times a week,” said Dr. Anita Kelly. The scientists studied 110 people aged 18 to 71, 35% of whom were adults and 65% were students, as part of the experiment called “The Science of Truth.” All participants came to the lab weekly, where specialists recorded their health indicators and also monitored their compliance with the conditions of the experiment using a lie detector. As a result, those subjects who began to LIE LESS about trifles, for example, to come up with worthy excuses for being late for work, began to feel better already at the end of the first week of the experiment. Their complaints about such physical ailments as headaches or sore throats decreased threefold, and they also suffered from melancholy four times less. Another positive effect of the experiment was the IMPROVEMENT OF RELATIONSHIPS of the subjects - both on the "personal level" and at work. The subjects noted that they learned to tell the truth about their achievements, WITHOUT EXAGGERATING the result, and also to truthfully answer difficult questions that they previously preferred to ignore.

From my point of view (and especially if you look at everything said above from the angle of the problem being solved today - "stop aging"), the results of the experiment are logical, since LYING ARISES some overstrain on the emotional level, which affects expanding human brain capabilities. A person needs to keep REAL AND IMAGINARY plans in his head, try not to give himself away, and this is a waste of additional energy that makes Man exhausted and tired. Another serious point is the "work" of conscience. There are "normative structures" (for simplicity, let's call them that) in every Personality, which are formed from the first moments of life and they seem to be unnoticed. We, within the framework of the information we receive, are accustomed to order, we understand what is right and what is wrong. And when we deviate from these guidelines, EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS that lying is bad, we feel guilt, fear and discomfort. Even a LITTLE LIE increases anxiety and internal conflict with oneself and with the people important for the person. But the main reason for the improvement of physical condition is much deeper. The fact is that the desire to be away from lies requires some reinforcement - setting some kind of super task, updating our understanding of ourselves and our capabilities. This in turn INCREASES THE MEANINGFULNESS of life and self-esteem. People feel renewed, hence the surge of physical strength and increased overall vitality. By deciding to LIE LESS, people take conversations with other people more consciously and listen to themselves, learning to be aware of their desires and distinguish lies from the truth. This is precisely why the results of the experiment described above showed that the subjects felt better: the stress level decreased, because they no longer had to remember who and what they lied to, and fear exposure. Well, those who DO NOT USE false excuses for trifles (for example, why they were late for work, did not complete current tasks), DO NOT OVERESTIMATE their achievements or talents, it is easier for them to build personal relationships and make contacts in society. And this is very important nowadays, taking into account everything that is happening before our eyes, because the majority, unfortunately, DO NOT even SUSPECTS that lying not only complicates their lives, but also worsens their well-being. This is especially true when lying is used at a doctor's appointment, where it is necessary to tell as truthfully as possible about the symptoms of the disease and the patient's lifestyle ... But we will consider this later.

0 4Many people, not only in Russia but also around the world, say that there is a truth about which one can say only with a lie. I believe that the truth CANNOT use a lie as a crutch. There is only one truth for all, but everyone has their own lie. It is typical for people to tell only PART OF THE TRUTH that they consider appropriate, or the information that, in their opinion, the interlocutor wants to hear. The rest of the truth is hidden. People can say white lies or regularly make up innocent lies that (as they believe) WILL NOT HARM anyone. But all the same, it has a detrimental effect on both self-perception and relationships. Even a lie to save leaves a bitter aftertaste, because by telling a lie, you will NEVER FEEL like a truly strong person, a person who is not afraid to say what is, and not what they want to hear. Make a Man face the Truth or speak the Truth, and you will immediately see the back of his head, because speaking frankly DOES NOT MEAN "telling the truth." Frankness and Truth are like the bow and stern of a ship emerging from the fog. FRANKNESS APPEARS first and only last of all there COMES THE TRUTH. The time interval between these two moments is directly proportional to the size of the "ship." It is more difficult for a large one to emerge. Sometimes this happens after the life of the observer has ended...

Here are simple rules that you can agree with, to the best of your understanding. I did not come up with them, but I believe that this needs to be thought about and reflected upon...

4The limits of your rights (rules)

1. Attention to the needs of another person, understanding his interests

2. Ability to listen to another person

3. Respect for another person's opinion, even if you do not share it

4. You should not tell lies, spread information that humiliates another person and violates his rights


Only he is truly truthful who has the courage to see everything as it is, for a false beginning DOES NOT BRING ABOUT a true end. What is true in the small will always be confirmed in the large. Everything that is true in the large will confirm its truth in the small. If nature HAS CREATED SOMETHING that you cannot possess to a greater degree than others, it is due to the action of the mental force CALLED AN IDEA, which belongs to man only as long as he keeps it to himself. But as soon as it is announced, it becomes COMMON PROPERTY, and whoever gets it can no longer separate himself from it. Its peculiarity also lies in the fact that everyone does not own a part of it, but owns it entirely. And whoever gets, for example, YOUR IDEA from you, perceives it himself, without belittling you. Not a shadow, but a reflection of light does it cast on you. It is today that ideas must be transmitted without hindrance from one to another all over the globe for the moral and mutual instruction of man and the improvement of his condition. This is deliberately and favorably applied today, and is done THROUGH THE COMPLEXES OF THE CONTROL SYSTEMS, like fire, throughout the entire space without reducing their density at any point, and like the air in which we breathe, move and have our physical existence and which CANNOT be limited or constitute some exclusive property.

0 50 6How to understand FROM WHERE EVERYTHING that I wrote above “entered” people and most importantly – why “entered”, for what purpose “entered” and when will it “come out”? 95% OF THE CAPABILITIES of the brain ARE BLOCKED in man, a division has been made into CONSCIOUS (5%) and UNCONSCIOUS (95%) - this is done specifically to narrow the flow of the perceived conscious information. This allowed the invaders to slowly transfer man (using "scientific" technologies) from an analog perception of the world to a discrete one, to REDUCE EVERYTHING to binary manifestations. Digital sound and image already almost completely satisfy man. Nutritional surrogates and harmful flavor additives DO NOT CAUSE rejection in most people (which indicates a successful narrowing of the flow of existential information). If the invaders wanted to leave man as he is now, then they would have had to DIGITALIZE MAN'S taste, touch, and sense of smell - but the invaders did not need this. They DID NOT NEED Man (as we understand what man is) as such. They only needed a NEW "SHIRT", only a new human body of a certain 4XX genotype, where they could insert (transfer) their (spider-like) brain. And the invaders would need this poultry farm of people only UNTIL they SOLVED the mystery of the existence of the earthly cell. Moreover, all these studies would be carried out and developed by the hands of the people themselves (by imposing this to them). But these plans of the invaders are already in the past. All that remains is to “clean up the trash” and return to ourselves our HUMAN CAST OF MIND.

0 7The ability to TELL LIES FROM TRUTH is just a small quantity of this "garbage" - but a significant quantity. This year is already loaded with a huge number of newly introduced program elements in the structure of the controlling complex existence of the planet, especially recreating the true states of the energy balance of the Earth. The magnetic field of the planet begins to have SIGNIFICANTLY LARGER mass and an unevenly increased density, orienting its value TO THE ALREADY PREPARED changed picture of the new functional-territorial endowment of geo-administrative entities (including at the state levels of magnitude). Visually, this process is "presented" to us as completely inexplicable "natural cataclysms and phenomena" that NO hydro-meteorological center CAN explain intelligibly. A serious correction of the conditions of the controlled habitation on our planet is underway, towards the TRUE PROGRAM STATE. Some of the physical parameters in the Atmosphere layers (especially in layer from 0 meters to 1240 meters) and much more are changing significantly. Before our eyes, the overall Socionics picture of society (picture of cohabitation) of the entire planet is undergoing SIGNIFICANT CHANGES. The process of transition to a "Different Path of Civilization Development" is underway. The starting element of this most complex episode is the process of the FINAL DESTRUCTION of all three "Civilization Ways of Life" previously created by the Ebr System, especially the American way of Life" (triune fascism1), the basis of which is a lie in all its manifestations. From the scenario of the executive program actions "Ukraine", which is NOW BEING IMPLEMENTED the entire Anglo-American-European platform WILL NOT BE RELEASED from all the circumstances of the execution of the program actions UNTIL the episode of the liquidation of the American triune fascism is basically ENDED. That is why everyone who is secretly participating (I want to emphasize - both here and abroad) "ran around" in panic, using the most favorite means of stupefying people - lies, in all aspects of understanding this term), but this will NOT HELP them. Russia, through those people who have begun to wake up and understand the difference between lies and truth (especially, as you can already see - through direct participants of the SMO) WILL DEFEND INDEPENDENTLY its function as the Leader, since it HAS ALREADY LED the rest of the peoples of the World along a different path of Civilization development, which is the truth, no matter how sophisticated is the lie of those who still consider themselves "rulers". They have always understood perfectly well that the Truth is dangerous.

The world has always been based on lie... The main thing is that the lie IS INTERESTING ENOUGH, so that all the "narrow-minded" minds could believe and follow it. And if you start proving the real truth to the crowd, disproving their "faith" in who knows what, you will be torn apart by this same crowd.

0 8Yes, the new unwritten rules of Life in the new era, which have been talked about for a long time and which have been long awaited are ALREADY IN ACTION! They are not announced from high platforms, just as they do not say that water is wet and snow is cold - because these are NATURAL RULES, like the law of Nature. They "work", they happen where suitable conditions are formed and available for them. There are MORE and MORE suitable conditions. And for each individual person - this is a question of what to do in each case, how to live, which way to take. The world is divided. The world is divided into the outgoing and the advancing. And they are further and further moving apart. And rushing from one side to the other is becoming more and more difficult for those who ARE STILL in doubts and it is very expensive (in all respects, from the material situation to the mental strength). In life, this is not as simple as in the picture with two objects. There are thousands of things and events around each of us, and we live them, move as if by them and through them, making our choice every second. Everything happens non-linearly. Yes, in the new world everything will be new, NOTHING from the old may be USEFUL, but the new DOES NOT ARISE at once. Today we will say goodbye to one thing, and accept a new one, tomorrow - with another ... That is why we need to open our eyes wider, improve our perception. Our hearts must be sensitive to the new, so as NOT TO MISS the moments of loss and gain. I will use a simple example to show this moment of choice and transition to something new, so that it is clear. Imagine figuratively such a simple situation that we are moving in a car, or a bicycle, or on skis on the shaky terrain, where at any moment we can either fall through, or move forward a little more, to the NEXT MOMENT of choice. Being in the material world, we use material things on the way, like this car or skis. But at a certain moment, on the edge of the worlds, everything will become so shaky that it will be impossible to use the car or skis any longer. Another action or means will be required, perhaps something still unknown, unexplored. WE WILL HAVE TO THROW AWAY THE OLD, because it can interfere, drag us with its weight into the abyss or something else (I remind you - now we are just imagining a situation, in life that can be thousands unforeseen ones on the way to a new world). So we have to understand and catch that very moment when we can still go along with something old, and the moment - we NO LONGER CAN - we have to part with it. There MUST NOT BE any carelessness in unstable and uncertain things, it's dangerous for life. And why do you think I point out values, like a car, etc., because we buy a lot of things for comfort. And it's hard for us to part with them, they are dear to us, since they have served us well for a long time and can still serve us. And not only with things, it's hard to part with habits, and with people, and with many other things. It's also hard to change ourselves for a new life; we've gotten used to it and DON'T WANT it any other way. The old world is not only somewhere behind us, the old world is still in many ways INSIDE US. And we don't want to let it go, because for now everything that has been lived, acquired and gained is there. That's why people DON'T TAKE a step into the new, although the path there, into this new, is ALREADY OPEN. We are forced to change ourselves and be ready to accept a new situation if we want to live, and not just exist until the end of the allotted resource. This is the moment of acceptance and adaptation, the moment of renewal, living and getting used to a NEW STATE, to a new world. And we also have to throw away everything that pulls us back or to the bottom, like ballast, regardless of whether it is expensive or inexpensive, a thing or someone close. Otherwise, life WILL NOT go on. It is good if everyone who is dear to us is also changing and getting new. But history and personal experience show that such an ideal situation DOES NOT EXIST, but it is just necessary to live, renew, move into a new era, where everything will be different, since this is what we once “chose” (it happened and we will not have another time) to be born at this time and live in this transitional period. Another difficulty is that both worlds - the new and the old - are here, everyone sees and hears both. Although the old one is noisier and panics more, sensing the end. It has everything under control here and can use pressure in different ways. Therefore, one should not be surprised by unexpected big and small events in the near future, the attempts to manipulate the population’s consciousness, as well as tragedies, catastrophes and accidents, many of which happen because of people, because of THEIR UNPREPAIDNESS to move on to the new without the kicks of fate. And they will move only if everything collapses behind them! Each of us goes his own way, his own corridor. And we will go further if we DO NOT STUMBLE - which, I have already said above as an unsteady passage or transition. The tighter someone holds on to the old world, the more opportunities the old has to put pressure on him. And for someone who is open to the new, who goes his own way, his own corridor, all these noises, attempts to manipulate him, will be like pictures in a movie: they are there, but they do not touch, do not intersect with him. To move on to a new life, to act according to the new rules, and not to fantasize, but to really see and understand them - this, of course is a brave act nowadays. The act that allows ONESELF to gain a full understanding of the Truth and be able to REJECT LIES once and for all. In the new world, everything is difficult in its own way, but at the same time it is easy, as if all the obstacles disappear and the space opens up for your own understanding, creativity and love. May it be easy for you too on your way to the unknown!

Don't be sad. - Alice said. Sooner or later everything will fall into its own place and will line up into a single beautiful pattern like lace. It will become clear why all that was needed, because everything will be right.



1 As a result of everything that is happening in the sphere of executive processes, by the beginning of 2000 three expressive directions of the control program of "fascism" as a real modern technology of control of executive actions, having the final goal of their completion, namely to be the threshold of the stage of transition to a completely new control program of the old System - "Golden Era", have been established. Such independently expressed directions are: administrative-bureaucratic fascism; financial fascism; national-demographic fascism.

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