Life goes on...

About the Spirit,
the Mind
and many other things...








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    About the Physics of the Cell,
   the Physics of the Brain,
   the Physics of the Energy


N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade. Book 4. The Physics of the Realities

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In this and previous books I tried to give the alphabet and grammar of New Knowledge. You will find the answer to the question of how the Earth came into being, what happened to Man for the last 20 thousand years, why the development of Man went exactly this way, and not otherwise. What the Brain Genotype is, in what way and for what purpose the Brain "interacts" with the "SvetL" Programs, applied in the "Dark Matter" Generator, created by the genius of Nikolai Levashov. You will find the solution of what is happening with the weather on the Planet today, which all synoptics together are not able to explain, and its effects on your health and the health of your loved ones. You will get recommendations on the application of the "SvetL" Programs in relation to your recovery, and in addition, on their possible application in other directions. You will get a chance to guess the "mystery" of "making" the queue to the Bath and getting into this queue and know how, in joy, not to forget about the Broom and the Spade...

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