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Sunday, 31 October 2021 00:26

The path to the Truth never begins with betrayal

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It is the most painful thing to write about the betrayal, meanness and lies of those with whom you have passed a part of your life, a difficult and responsible part. That part of your life path that has brought a specific result appreciated by people with their sincere words of gratitude. The result, which made our dreams come true and for a lot of people have given HOPE AND BELIEF in the correctness of their choice, in this hardest time of trials for all of us. Following my path of life for more than one decade and having learned, comprehended and appreciated not in words, but in deeds, I know with confidence that there is a price for everything, and even more so for meanness.

1For meanness and for betrayal — a payment receipt MANDATORY WILL COME. You can forgive human stupidity — it can be unintentional, but you CANNOT FORGIVE human meanness — it is always intentional.

We are living in very difficult and very interesting times. There are a lot of bad things around us, but nothing happens just like that, and there are positive aspects in everything bad. Although this positive often comes through PAIN AND DISAPPOINTMENT, and so that we could see something good in all this, we have to look at the ongoing as if from the bench. And the good thing about this is that our VERY HARD TIMES reveal the true core of man, reveal him, making him show all his true qualities. For all that, occasionally, the masks are taken off them. The masks of friendship, loyalty to the cause and simple human decency.

It is really very difficult and painful for me to write this now, because it will be about a person who I considered my friend and closest colleague for many years. A person who I trusted and appreciated, who I taught a lot, gave a lot and for whom I did a lot. I mean Alexander Kalenyuk, who is known today to a certain circle of citizens of German-speaking countries as “Alex Kalen”. I WILL NOT mention him by name anymore in this text, since for me he is now just “this person”, although to be more precise in terms of knowledge, it is more appropriate to call him a 4xxx type.

Some time ago I already wrote an article1 about him and about his current activities, which, in general, has already dotted the “I” and I MADE MY position concerning this person and what he does quite clear. Perhaps that article of mine was the last attempt to get through to him, to give him another chance to realize something. Well, he took it in a different way. Since the information from that article began to reach German-speaking readers and buyers from the “Orania website (” and to this person, as well as his “companions”, there was a CLEAR THREAT of losing customers in their so-called business, they decided to write a refutation article to both my words and the words of Boris Makov (SRI CPS). To be more precise, it was not them, but "this person", I am more than sure, who DID THE TEXT, and the text was still signed (I emphasize and explain later) by the owner and “mistress” of this site and the “store” SO FAR. Probably, such an action characterizes “this person” and the truthfulness of the above. After all, you can always say later that you were misunderstood or the information you gave was presented in the wrong way... I want to note that “this person” did not have the courage not only to publish this so-called “refutation” in Russian, bringing the text to users of the “SvetL” (the readers will see it why from the text below), they (or rather, “this person”) DID NOT even HAVE THE COURAGE to publish on their website, but only posted it in the mailing list, hoping that this text would not go further than their users. But the text reached me and not only me, because people in Germany started asking questions and decided to figure it out themselves. This speaks volumes today and will be useful when analyzing what was “created” by “this person”. I consider it necessary to do this for them and make this text fully public, so that they could not avoid answering not only to those who are still their “admirers”, but also most importantly — all the users of the “SvetL” Programs not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the world, including Germany. I am grateful to them for what they have done — for in moments of mortal danger, the true essence of a person is manifested: one covers the commander with one’s chest, the other hides behind others' backs.

When Nicolai Levashov passed away, and massive attacks began on the “SvetL” technology, I wrote a number of articles about the shadows of the World- of Make — Believe, which can be seen on my website. A lot of water has flowen under the bridge since then, the “heroes” of those articles have already been forgotten, and the “SvetL” technologies live and are developed, doing good to people. But I did not think that the World of Make-Believe would reveal itself through my former friend and associate. I will briefly comment on this text’s each paragraph quoted and distributed “in defense” and then give more detailed explanation. I will comment in the same way as I did in the articles “Through the World of Make-Believe”. Because this comment made many things clear to the people who also had a lot of questions.

Here is this text, which is highlighted with a different font and my comment is made in blue.

* * *

Hello, dear reader. The information that is now being spread on the Internet about Alexander Kalen and the Orania center is a total lie and provocation. From 2009 until the day of Nicolai Levashov's death (06/11/2012) Alexander Kalen was his confidant, his friend. He got personal training from Levashov and was initiated into the “SvetL” technology, the work of the generator of the primary matter “SvetL”, universal healing methods and various metaphysical techniques, such as the further development of the “SvetL” technologies, the modernization of territories, development of new healing structures, individual healing work at a distance, and much other things.

To begin with, Nicolai Levashov never had any confidants, let alone friends with that name. Nicolai Levashov, at my suggestion and due to certain circumstances, saw the person mentioned above a couple of times to resolve purely technical issues. Nicolai Levashov did not have any “confidants”, let alone “students” in Russia. After he passed away, “the children of Lieutenant Schmidt”2 appeared (explanations by reference for a foreign audience) and their number, as you can see, was increased with “this person”. Everything that is listed regarding the “SvetL” technologies, concerns only one man to whom the matrix has been handed, the corresponding “rights” to use it, and much more, which has already been said repeatedly and confirmed by the experience and application — and we can only advise you to read the publication “The mirror of not his Soul”. It may seem immodest to someone, but this is me. And this is not a burden of glory, but, first of all, the severity of the responsibility taken, by the way, the responsibility for the “birth” of 4xxx people, “the possessors of all possibilities, including healing, and also heirs”, alas, too; and for the ignorance of "metaphysical techniques", for "further development of the “SvetL” technologies", "modernization of territories", the development of “new healing constructions”. I do not even feel like writing any comments on such poorly connected set of words. I will only note that they came out of the mouth of “this person”, who is now called Doctor of Science. (DocTorah) and even more — Doctor of Technical Sciences, let him be a doctor! I am writing this for the Russian users of Technologies, who, when communicating with “this person”, do not even know that they were communicating with a doctor of sciences. True, today, the charter of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences stipulates, for example, that the director of an enterprise (that is, of any commercial stall) can become a doctor of science. Here I also note that “this person” has only a philological education, nothing more — but he has a glib tongue, which I cannot but note, and he uses this with benefit for himself.

Levashov not only healed Alexander after a serious accident but also further developed and transformed his brain and abilities. Over time, Alexander became a talented healer and developer of the “SvetL” technologies — a person who passed and directed Levashov's ideas and vision.

Here I note that there was an accident with “this person”, but in adolescence, many years before the acquaintance with Levashov and me. When I met him, this man was healthy and full of enegy. Make your own conclusions about Nicolai's participation in his restoration, as about everything else. A true “brain accident” happened much later, and Nicolai could no longer have anything to do with correcting its consequences — he’s gone. And if... It is not known what would remained of the brain of “this person”.

Together with Nicolai, Alexander Kalen developed “SvetL” products, such as pendants, bracelets, healing rings, complexes and other things. There are documents and drawings about this. Some products, such as Svetl-Flora, were developed personally by Alexander.

“This person”, as I mentioned before, did not have before and does not have any abilities now, either for metaphysics (in their terminology), or for healing, moreover, for any kind of development and improvement of the “SvetL” Technologies. He did not and does not have any understanding of the “SvetL” generator’s structure and the principles of its operation, except for what is stated in the public domain, in Nicolai's books and in my books and articles. True, with his help, models of silver items were created (worked out), which were brought to life by my friend, a famous jeweler. True, he assisted in setting tasks for creating a software package (in electronic form) for the “SvetL” Complex. True, at my suggestion, after I thoroughly studied the possibilities of silicon (mono and poly silicon) with the help of Academician D. S. Strebkov, professor and a true Doctor of technical Sciences in the field of renewable energy sources, he found a production facility for growing silicon crystals and agreed to purchase silicon wafers for the Complexes and for the “SvetL”-Flora project that was emerging in my head that time. But all the calculations of the plates were carried out without “this person”, because the participants did not know that they were dealing with a whole doctor of technical sciences, and “this person” was silent about this, probably because of modesty. I would also like to note that the Generator's carriers — bracelets, pendants, silicon plates (SvetL-Flora, Cupola-Di) — all of this was created after Nicolai Levashov’s gone, therefore it was impossible to develop all this together with Levashov, but for the Doctor of Science — probably — it was!

Alexander also led the development and distribution of all “SvetL” products in Russia and around the world.

“This person” at that time, was one of the product distributors, did this work quite well, but, unfortunately, then I did not listen to the words of the people who controlled this process about “this man’s” engagement in some financial fraud. He was mainly involved in the realization in Moscow and partially in some regions of Russia. And Russia is also a part of the world...

Alexander made all the home pages for Levashov —, (this site was closed as unnecessary),, http// / (this site has been closed for several years) and even, which are still in use today.

Websites live and do their job. True — he took part in the creation of these sites and it could not be otherwise. He took part as my confidant and as a technical executor of the RSTS team, which worked out the necessity to create certain sites. These sites were not created for Levashov (who was no longer alive at the time of creation). They were created to promote and disseminate the information that Nicolai Levashov left to all of us. They were created so that the information published on them could become the knowledge of people who read and study them. They were created to promote the “SvetL” Programs and new technologies, the demand for which was growing and is still growing. One thing is surprising — why is the "creator" of the listed sites — having technical keys from them and who is directly involved in the maintenance of these sites — so far, not on any of them told (for the Russian admirers and not only) about the “Orania” Center, “Devices” and complexes ”produced” under the “SvetL” brand in this Center and did not hold a single video seminar for Russian users of the ”SvetL” “Programs and admirers of sites such as, for example”, “rejuvenation and regeneration at the DNA level”, “Love between man and woman”, liberation from telegony”, “Activation and increase of the brain vibrations” and the like. — Those who wish to know — go here —

Probably only out of personal modesty… For the information of Elena Martin and the Orania “team”, I would like to inform you that “this person”, for the enormous work he has done — more than half a year ago, on demand of the RSTS participants, was expelled from the Russian Scientific and Technical Society ... I think that a comment “why”is not necessary. I will only note one thing here — in addition to the fact that the site is created, it still needs to be maintained. The sites were run by other people who were appointed by me. And I am grateful to Nastya — at that time the common-law spouse of this person. Nastya perfectly managed the site “RSTS”, on which all the main information was placed. This site is now run by other people. For some reason, they forgot to mention the project that was developed by “this person” and the site, which failed successfully only thanks to the already manifested greed of the creator.

In the summer of 2014, Alexander met Victor Martin/the Orania Center. Close friendship and cooperation developed between them. In 2015, the “SvetL” products came to Germany and Europe. The distribution and further development of the “SvetL” technology was carried out by the Orania Center, Elena and Victor Martin, in close cooperation with Alexander Kalen.

It was an attempt to establish a relationship with the Orania Center and to involve the Center in the distribution of the Technology and information in Germany.

In the "Orania" center new “Svetl” products were developed — “SvetL” for children, “SvetL” for animals, Generator for the indoors, a good way, “SvetL” Eat and drink, “SvetL” for water. These products are protected by copyright and the “SvetL” trademark is registered in Germany by Orania-Zentrum.

All the “new products” were invented by “this person”, who even then was up to go the way he went. His proposals to expand the specified line were rejected by me and prohibited, except for those Complexes that have already proven themselves in Russia. This was also a step towards the beginning of the charlatanism he had thought of. And the level of his “competence” is proved by the fact that a significant part of the above list is made completely in full ignorance of the technology, since the products, in principle, do not have a platform for placing the Generator, and it is impossible to install the generator on any plastic in principal. ... And this is another evidence of the fictitiousness of the so-called status of this D.Sc...

2Here is an example of such a product made entirely of plastic. Installing a generator on it is impossible even with the use of vibrations. I do not know what right is reserved of the above, but after the death of Viktor Martin and my request to “this person” to support Elena Martin in that difficult hour and help her keep the structure of the Center, I knew that the “SvetL” trademark was registered in Germany and as I was told, by “crafty Elena”, since the logo had been registered only in Russia and did not have international status.

3And Elena, as I was told, did this only in order to legalize products (in addition to Russian) posted for sale on the Center's website. Now, readers can easily guess who conceived all this, implemented and is now trying to defend his foundation of a beautiful, in his opinion, life.

Alexander regularly updates the “SvetL” generators, as Nicolai Levashov taught him. This is a lot of metaphysical work that requires a lot of knowledge and skills. He is constantly working on the modernization and further development of these generators.

Yes! It's hard and complicated work! But Levashov never taught, let alone, “this person’ to update and even regularly. You can update anything you want, but not the generator, which cannot be updated, or modernizedbecause it is the Generator, and more so — alive!

Alexander keeps Levashov's things going. You can get to know him personally, see, hear, feel his healing work at open online meetings and other events.

Of course, you can watch and estimate. I just want to remind you here that Levashov never held meetings online!All live meetings were recorded. And those meetings were never shown by Levashov (I will underline this fact) on YouTube, but were posted only on Levashov's website, which had generation (see my books for details), which made it possible to make both the meetings and the sessions at the end of the meetings effective. But the doctor of technical sciences, probably, does not know this even now.

By now Alexander has thousands of clients in Russia, Europe and around the world who have experienced his healing work, and several hundred grateful reviews (recorded in writing) about his healing work, master classes, seminars, school of healers, the “SvetL” products "and its updates.

This is what I am writing for those thousands of clients both in Russia and around the world — where this article of mine will be posted — I promise to do it. And as for the People (the clients!) Let them decide themselves! After all, it has been scientifically proven that all occult sciences and the doctors who promote them are from God, that it is the creation of the Universe. And this should be treated as a divine phenomenon.

The proofs that he can do a lot of things can be seen and read in more than just reviews. There are records and documentation using dark field microscopy. The blood was taken from a person suffering from leukemia (the last stage). Within a short time (about 15 minutes) after Alexander's healing work, lymphoid cells began to actively move in this blood, which had been completely immobile and inactive. From a medical point of view, that is a miracle. This was also confirmed by the therapists present at the site. Here is the link:

I made sure and I looked at this miracle and at the therapist myself, after learning about dark-field microscopy. I asked to translate all the reasoning on this video for me. I have no doubt that both the doctor of sciences and those present there (together with the therapist) know both what leukemia is and its final stage. And they even know what blood is! But why does the “healer — experimenter” not know that if the blood is taken and pulled out of the body — it becomes dead? And the lymphoid cells, probably, began to move out of fear of impending death. Let me explain that every cell of the body, even a lymphoid cell, is controlled by the brain; the control system is not known to modern medicine. In addition, the structure of the living cell is unknown. Microscopic studies are studies of a non-living structure (devoid of communication with the control system), therefore, all recommendations apply only to dead structures. It is a shame for the doctor of sciences, and even a student of Levashov, not to know this. Well, but as for lymph, plasma, primary matter and leukemia — I will refrain.

There are many photographs of the aura that were taken after Alexander's healing works (seminars, healing at a distance). On them you can see how the “SvetL” constructions “work”/glow for people. Many small and large miracles of healing are known that occurred after the work of Alexander. He talks little about them out of modesty and focus on the main thing.

I want to ask Elena Martin a question — How could I meet the photographer? I just want to note that there is no more meanness than doing meanness under the guise of modesty, virtue and respectability. I think that all "admirers" of "this person” understand me.

All people with sensitivity or clairvoyance can attest to this. It is too bad that some people who personally got cured, got knowledge and great support from him, who learned from him and at the Orania Center, are now spreading negative information about him, Elena Martin and the Orania Center. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not uncommon. Such people existed around Levashov. The worst, disgusting information was spread about him and his wife; nasty campaigns were organized, which ultimately contributed to his death. No one is immune from mistakes, and we are all on the path of development. It is often enough to just feel, trust yourself and open your own heart to determine what works and what does not, where the truth is, and where the rotten lies.

You should not touch the death of Nicolai, and more so his wife — even in the rank of the doctor of sciences, who was with me both at parting and at the cremation, and knows very well (true- from my words) about the reason for the death of Svetlana Levashova and Nicolai. This subject is usually touched by those who are looking for excuses for their deeds related to the name of Levashov when trying to raise one’s own importance with such profanation.

It is thanks to Alexander that the technologies and products of the “SvetL” became known in Russia and became useful and important for many people. The fact that many people in Europe and beyond have the “SvetL” Generators, can study and use this technology in various ways, — it is all thanks to the Orania Center in cooperation with Alexander.

There is no doubt about the credit of the Center, especially related to the above “explanations”. According to “this person” — the technologies are inseparable from the so-called products. However, the products, depending on the technology, can be purchased on the market — even in Germany or in the Orania Center, which sells all kinds of products, including online seminars (though not free), as the products good for use. I am very sorry that Levashov did not live up to this time. Probably, he would express his “gratitude” to both the doctor and the Center.

The fact that all clients and friends of the "Orania-Center" can enjoy the most modern “SvetL” updates, adapted to the vibrations of time, is thanks to Alexander only — his great tireless work and further development for the benefit of people, animals and plants.

We still have a lot to do. And our loyal friends are with us.

Here, I would put an emphasis on animals and plants — it would be more accurate and understandable for the perception of all admirers of the Orania Center. Leaving alone the "vibrations of time" — those who wish both will figure out everything and those who "fell out" of it, and even wanting to do so, on their own.

In conclusion

Levashov used to say that talented people are often surrounded with envious ones, and taught the following:

“The dogs bark — the caravan moves on. This means that you should not pay your attention to envious people and slanderers. They will always be with those who are able to do something. Do not tell them anything, because in slander they have no eguals. They have no other task but to slander, they are experienced in this. But you do what you do. People will appreciate your actions — and they will be the majority. Do not waste energy and time arguing and proving — your proof are your deeds”.

I am glad that this is taken from my book, where I referred to Nicolai Levashov, just with only one remark both for the Center and the doctor — Nicolai Levashov never taught anyone! It was not his style. He gave information and watched the way it was perceived and realized. And this is one of his merits in helping people: But "food", of course, do not always suit the "horse" (there is a Russian proverb: "It is caviar to the general", meaning — useless waste of time, effort and, money).

All the healing and protective constructions that Alexander installed on you or on your “SvetL” products during his healing work can be removed by him personally on demand. You only need to write to us.

Wow! But I don't know how to do it. Nicolai, probably, being too busy creating “SvetL” products and possibly some other products, together with the doctor, forgot to teach me how to install and remove protective and healing constructions on people! Eh Nicolai, Nicolai! How could it be — he taught the doctor (probably with practical training), but forgot about me. And how come that the doctor of sciences forgot to write here about the Generator, which I transferred from the castle in France, to the territory of Russia, to the place which is known to the doctor. And why doesn’t he use these capabilities in Germany? From Germany to the generator is just a spitting distance...

With love and best wishes

Elena Martin and the Orania team

(the end of text and clarification from Elena Martin, and most importantly — from the Orania team).

This is a (mild) comment I give to this "excuse statement" — sent out in a mailing list to the so-called "users" in Germany.

And as a result:

In this text, signed by Elena Martin and the Orania team, everything is lies, from the first to the last word. To improve perception, I am saying again — “This person” was never Nikolai's confidant, never was his student. True, two or three times I BROUGHT him to Levashov, so that he could better understand the tasks and specific instructions. True, of course, he played a certain role in the development of the “SvetL” technologies as my assistant and did that job well, it should be admitted. But nothing more.

4He did not and could not have any access to technologies, to the principles of the “SvetL” Generation, and even more so to the creation of the Generator and the generation matrix. Just as he did not have any access to any methods of healing, metaphysical techniques and other things that Madame Martin attributes to him, but, in fact, he attributes all this to himself, without even knowing what he is talking about. “This person” HAVE NEVER HAD and DOESN'T HAVE NOW any abilities, either for metaphysics (in their terminology), or for healing, let alone, for the ability of any improvement of the “SvetL” technologies. He has no understanding of the structure of the “SvetL” Generator and the principles of its operation, except for what is stated in the public domain, in Nicolai's books and in my books and articles. Well, I'm afraid he does not understand this either, just as he does not understand what is written in the FMF and other materials on the SRI CPS3 website, which he also got to and began to attribute some of the information to himself. Probably, this was the impetus for the appropriation of the title of "Doctor of Technical Sciences". If he had understood, if he had cognized this information and realized the core of the "SvetL” Technology, then I think he WOULD NOT HAVE GONE that far on the way of betrayal and outright lies, deceiving the people of Germany and other German-speaking countries. All the activity of “this person” on the Orania website consists in the realization of forgeries that ARE NOT CARRIERS of the “SvetL” Generator and, as it turned out, for a long time. Everything that is sold on the Orania website under the “SvetL” brand is ABSOLUTE NOTHING. I declare this with full responsibility. Also, this activity is just BANAL DECEPTION OF CLIENTS of the site and participants of the so-called seminars held by him, where everything is promised — healing, solving karmic problems, raising the octaves of the brain, solving infertility problems, all kinds of protection from everything that is possible and impossible. He does not even fear to announce the solution to the karmic problems related to abortion. He is already a direct messenger of super civilizations and deceives gullible people (seminar participants) and not only them, even on their behalf.

And the reason for all this is one — UNLIMITED GREEDE and readiness for ANY MEANNESS, for any betrayal for the sake of profit. I am terribly sorry for him, because a person, who really had the possibility to study and develop, got to the end of his rope for the sake of the banal “big bucks”. He is not afraid of any responsibility to the spirits of the people he deceived, who, because of his activities, believing in his false promises, closed their way to the true development. He is not afraid of the realization of what will become of himself, with his spiritual essence, for such acts. Although, rather, he has no awareness and no thoughts about this, just because he does not believe in anything except “big bucks”. Many things can be forgiven. But not like that. I thought he was rather a smart person.

5Unfortunately, I was wrong. Otherwise, it cannot be explained by anything else but extreme stupidity. Here I want to note that, unfortunately, my Kamchatka friend, Alexander Yakovlev, who also considered “this person” as his friend, recently passed away. But I am sure that if he had known about this, he would have flown to Germany and made a physical “remark” to “this person”, deleting him from the list of his friends. Human greed always breeds human meanness.

I am not saying that HE BETRAYED ME. It's not about me, although when friends and associates betray it is really painful. He betrayed many people who believed him, both in Russia and Europe; he betrayed the cause, devotion to which he MASTERFULLY IMITATED. He betrayed Nicolai Levashov, his memory, who he dared to call his friend and teacher, and now he is deceiving people, but, in fact, not in his own name, but in the name of Nicolai, because for many people, even in Germany, it is THE NAME of Nicolai Levashov, THAT IS IMPORTANT and not “this person’s"”, whose name will be forgotten very soon. He even has several names now. NONE of them WILL LIVE LONG. And if people remember him for some time, then only as a scoundrel, a traitor and a liar. But even this memory is not for long — such people do not deserve any memory. Oblivion is their true reward.

There are THREE TYPES OF SCOUNDRELS in the world: naive scoundrels, that is, convinced that their meanness is the highest dignity: scoundrels ashamed of their own meanness, but with an indispensable intention to end it, and, finally, just scoundrels, purebred scoundrels. Let the reader decide for himself which category “this person” belongs to.

And the last thing I would like to say to Elena Martin, who HAS NOT UNDERSTOOD YET who she is dealing with. At one time, after my acquaintance with “this person”, my very good friend, having learned about this, without going into the details of his relationship with “this person”, who he also knew — told me not to have anything to do with him. He said that at the most crucial moment, “this person” would betray and sell off both me and the business. I didn't listen to him then. And he was more than right. That is why I say to Elena — listen to me and take seriously what I have written.


He will soon betray and sell you off, using your gullibility. He only needs YOUR CENTER and YOU AS AN INTERPRETER and nothing more. Even the relationship you are in with him today will not stop him. And in confirmation of this — this is his site — created recently —

Remember these words. I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO ADD.

P. S. Dear friends and admirers, those who want to understand, why this is possible, and especially with regard to our friends in Germany — if you are offered or will be offered (no matter where, in Russia, Germany, America or in the Himalayas, to change the “level of perfection of your Mind for money”, to improve “the state of your psyche for the purpose of your own career or any other development” (even without having any scientific understanding of what it really is in general), to correct and improve "the state of your health "(especially for your big money, apparently, your health will gain a more stable state) THROUGH WATCHING “online performances” with intriguingly tempting names of videos on YouTube, supported with waving hands, rolling eyes, and meaningful silence; strengthen or neutralize the impact of your vaccination against any pandemic and other “miracles in the interests of the executing actions from the Curators of Orion or Sirius”, — immediately kick such swindlers out (you can use your physical remark!). Another short-term wave of “actors OF UNDERGROUND AMATEUR PERFORMANCE, whose scams were initially started by Ilf and Petrov (through the scenario “Twelve Chairs…”), will stay NOT FOR LONG, I assure you. This is not a pandemic of unreasonableness and rebellion of consciousness, this is a cheap “invasion of swindlers and especially doctors of science”, being stretched too far due to your misunderstanding of their stories and nonsense, and your credulity not based on anything.

As I already mentioned — this information will be public and available on all our sites (as well as “owned” by this person), groups and clubs, and not only in Russia, but also in Europe, including Germany, America and Australia. I welcome all comments from users of the Programs, and I promise that these comments will also be published WITHOUT CUTS in Germany, so that those who, no matter for whatever reasons, use the “services” of the “Orania” Center, decide for themselves what to do. Quite a lot of people who have taken the bait with the products (I don’t name it otherwise) turned to me, and if I could and the “product” by its parameters allowed me to set the Generator — I did it. I hope that these people will also write about it.

And the last thing I want to say to everyone, both in Russia and beyond its borders, and especially in Germany, — the “Russian Scientific and Technical Society”, and among the people known just as “RSTS” WILL NEVER go down on the hands and knees in front of anyone, no matter how anyone wants to… the wings make it impossible!


1 “all this would be funny if it were not so sad…”

2 Children of Lieutenant Schmidt are called today — swindlers, and impostors posing as descendants of great people. Read the novel by Ilf and Petrov "The Golden Calf".

3 Scientific and Research Institute The Center for Preventive Strategies.

© 2016-2020 Shkrudnev Feodor