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    About the Physics of the Cell,
   the Physics of the Brain,
   the Physics of the Energy

369_Series. Salvation of Saviors

Friday, 24 September 2021 12:23

020_369 People and Man…

Written by

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Until you learn how to handle the oars there is no sense to change the boat…

It had never occurred to the majority of people that they would have been witnessing such changes in Man in their lifetime. It looks like their childhood passed in one world, and they live out their lives in quite a different world of different people. Therefore, the posthuman1 for them is NOT AN IDLE question, but a completely real problem of “relocation” from the comfortable world of their parents to the world of different people, getting used to them, living among them. Even outwardly, their faces, facial expressions, and even their way of life... are completely different from those people who raised them, taught them, and whom they still love. It was science that saved them from not accepting the new, which made them ready to accept new generations of compatriots and live among them in line with the scientific and psychological forecast of their characteristics and properties. The new generation is neither worse nor better than the passed away generations — it is like the time it lives in.

1Today this is our problem, but tomorrow it will become the problem of people who are young today and who do not feel like thinking or knowing anything about it so far. I wish the experience of the previous generations and, of course, of ours would be useful for them, and living side by side with new generations WOULD NOT BE a shock for them.

When in 1987 A. I. Yuriev gave the first lectures on political psychology in “Dunes” for the leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on the forthcoming changes in the country and the world, he explained this phenomenon as follows: "Remember the words from the song of B. Okudzhava “...You hear the sound of running boots...”. So he wanted to warn his strong, successful, very self-confident listeners about the new generation approaching, which was already "on their shoulders", but they did not understand it. Three or four years later, his listeners told him that it had happened: yesterday's boys came to their offices and took away power, money, and position — everything. The listeners who had believed A. I. Yuriev survived, withstood, successfully live and cooperate with the young to this day. But the trick is that the current young and confident will very soon be caught up with new generations, who are much more effective and decisive in a completely new environment of the information society. New boys will come to the current rulers of life. I have no doubt about that.

It is completely inappropriate to rest on your laurels, because the world is changing faster and more radically than summer replaces winter. You ought to think, foresee, know, and understand. The power of the new generation of the 90s — privatizes, bankers, politicians — was in their incomprehensibility, in their unpredictability for the leaders of the 70s: the new ones thought and acted in an ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE WAY in a completely impossible, nearly unreal world. They were different. They were the epitome of shock therapy, its demons and soldiers. Few people could understand what was happening and give this process a real assessment. And this was the transition to the last stage of the Old Control System’s programs implementation. Everything was to be exactly that way, because the entire systemic control of human development within the framework of the program for improving the Brain genotypes and energy biogenesis provided a complete information taboo on the truth. Whatever level of Эnatural” wit people might have at any stage of the civilization development, their Brain had always been the object of information violence from the old System side. It, possessing only the nested functions within the framework of its development program and being differentiated into several genotypes, was limited by the level of the target comprehension which was provided unequally in its volume and depth for each profile strata, i. e., CONTROLLING OR CONTROLLED. It was the process. The old System DID NOT HAVE any strategic and goal orienting regarding the development of people, except for the program for the brain genotypes development.

With new functions in the individuals with a new Brain genotype, new mantissas were introduced, which ensured the execution of new more complex functions. The changes in the number of mantissa in Brain genotypes as they are introduced are shown in the table:









Energy provision Object








































































Table of the leading genotype’s number of species:

421 — 12 tribes

441 — 12 tribes

461 — 1 tribe

422 — 12 tribes

442 — 12 tribes

423 — 12 tribes

As you can see, the total number of tribes of the leading genotype has been brought to 61, or 22 % of the total population of the Earth. At this, the program of the interventionist system was stopped. All in all, it was planned to increase the number of tribes of the leading genotypes to 66. Accordingly, it was planned to introduce 462, 463, 464, 465 and 466 genotypes. Each subsequent genotype was to take all the best qualities from the previous ones. The involved individuals with the imposed Brain genotype receiving step-by-step dosed, as if, “improving” information of a cognitive and controlling nature, were used for special executing actions within the framework of the specific stage-by-stage Goal Vectors.

Such individuals possessed some distinctive behavioral characteristics and preferences related to the participation in governing in various spheres of the organized life, scientific and religious spheres, in a narrow professional technological orientation, protective and other spheres, which, in some way, distinguish them from the general mass of people, that is clearly expressed, visible, recognized and realized by all other reasons of a behavioral and other nature. This, in turn, was the first feature for the formation of social and other structures of the control by all those who were required additionally for some programmed general or private processes, both in terms of purpose and time of implementation in the special territories. Such processes were of a conditionally long-term historical nature and required settled forms of organized life. All experiments were carried out only on the biostructure taken as the initial one. 12 basic frequencies were introduced into this structure with respect to which all types of relationships were formed. In fairy tales, these biostructures had 12 tribes. None of the tribes had more than one basic frequency, and the changes around it allowed correct using of the available biomaterial (goy).

This is where all the nonsense in the Torah and the Bible about the 12 tribes comes from. In the Bible, for example, they are named after the sons of Jacob (Gen. 49:28). Only the range xx.33 (xx.375375) was used. On this range, ready-made structures were "attached" that were tested on one of the 12 tribes. Thus, the link was obtained (normal existence) of the necessary biostructures (not included in the 12 tribes). In order TO AVOID attempts to interfere with the work of the Control Systems, outright disinformation was recorded in the biostructures of the 12 tribes (for example, today's scientific base), etc.

The third phase of genotype 442 was final (1946—1990). The general state of the control was switched by the System during Easter 1946.

On the part of the System, significant programmed corrections of the entire control process were made through the Goal Vector of phenomena, actions and events:

  • to conduct and complete the mutually regulated antagonistic phenomenon of the programmed development of two special target spheres of beingcapitalist and socialist, as a single controlled implementation of the development process of the brain genotype 44 (441, 442). The target feature of the capitalist sphere of being is to focus on the vector development and introduction of elements of liberalism as the basic basis for constructing structures in the sphere of power. In contrast to this, the target basis for the socialist sphere of being was the introduction of elements of democracy with an appropriate structure of government and the entire social order. To complete the generalized preparation for the transition to a unified system of structures of authority and control on a liberal-democratic basis, this will reveal the basis of the control for the NEXT STAGES of the Brain genotypes development;
  • get the controllability of the World Financial System, organized on the basis of the introduced derived values ​​from the conventional reversible substitute, into the state of target harmony with the basic foundations of the programmed process of the Global Rule for the purpose of uniting into a single controlling state of “the power of money and the power of the controlto complete preparations for the transition to a new stage of development;

- to introduce the digital basis for creating the System’s control information structure through the provided knowledge WITHOUT GAINING deep awareness of its essence, through the technologies as the basic foundation of digital technologies in the interests of replacing part of the Brain functions and preparing for the transition to another level of separate control of genotypes from the next stage. The period 1990-2009 is the fifth stage of the era of the digital information civilization of human development. By the beginning of 1990, all the System’ programmed processes to control the complex development of people both the development of the “Golden Billion” Brain genotypes and the results achieved in the field of energy biogenesis were completed.

Against this background of everything that really happened in the past, but not from those historic fictions that filled the entire information space of the past, there is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT vision and understanding of Man as such, who started his difficult path from the category of people to the category of Human. But there are a few questions to be answered. First. If we are talking about a man, then we should define a man in general and for today in particular. Second. If we are talking about the present time, the time of the post-industrial era start, then we have to, at least, briefly describe it, because there survives Man who is adequate to the new time. Third. If there is an assumption that a man changes from era to era, then it is necessary to explain what exactly changes.

4When Academician B. G. Ananiev in 1968 achieved the legitimacy of psychology by creating the Faculty of Psychology at Leningrad University, the ultimate goal of his efforts was NOT ONLY to describe a man as the “subject of knowledge”, but a human being as the point of all other sciences and activities. He did not have time to complete his plan — his life time was not enough to realize it. Professor A. I. Yuriev, my friend and like-minded person, at the hottest period of political changes in Russia, in 1989, managed to create a department of political psychology at St. Petersburg State University, which began to train political psychologists for the first time in the country's history. By that time, he already had a thorough experience in the participation of psychologists in the preparation of rallies, demonstrations, election campaigns, etc. 3But most important, he got an order to prepare new statesmen for political activity: Governors of the regions of Russia, Representatives of the President, candidates to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and then to the State Duma of the Russian Federationpeople who were completely ignorant of political behavior. Moreover, after the events of 1993, he was invited to work in Moscow as a consultant to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. S. Chernomyrdin, who he worked with up to the attempt on his life in April 1995. An “accident” then saved him from inevitable death, and I witnessed the consequences of what happened and his courageous struggle to restore his health. This did not stop him, and his work in politics continued for another twenty years, until December 2009, when he left the post of the head of the Department of Political Psychology at St. Petersburg University, or rather, this situation was created by those who saw a threat in the information that Alexander I. Yuriev, carried to the “rulers”. He COULD NOT make THEM UNDERSTAND what a human being is. And this is not his fault. Just due to the changes that I described above and which were gaining momentum, there was no one to “carry” and there was “nothing to invest” knowledge in. We discussed this subject many times, analyzing what was happening in the government. The main thing was that in the end he agreed with my arguments and judgments built on the knowledge I gained from the works of N. Levashov, A. Khatybov, N. Morozov, but mainly, from the multivolume work“Foundations of the Mankind Formation. Therefore, today, as in those days, the government acts in relation to Man as “it” understands him. The lack of science on Man in the education system has formed the entire generations of leaders who do not think that their actions are a practical answer to the question of the essence of Man.

Everything in this life begins with the answer to the question about Man.The scale of definitions of Man in minus infinite understands Man as an animal, which can be treated as an animal. Should I give specific examples from our life of such a definition of Man!? At the other end of the scaleplus infiniteman is defined as an image of God on earth, who requires treating himself as something sacred. Between these points there are a great number of intermediate meanings of the definitions of Man, but they are kept in the soul, in the mind by absolutely all people, and the actions of each are determined by one’s understanding of Man. Hence: love and hatred, respect and contempt, attention and indifference in the actions of politicians, economists, military men, administrators, etc. They give Man as much economic, personal and political freedoms as Man is supposed to have either as an animal or as an image of God.


All great epochs in human life began with the concepts of Man. All concepts of Man were made by order of politicians (more precisely, through politicians) and for politics within the framework of the Ebres Control System for the creation of specific Brain genotypes. A classic example: discussion between John Locke and Wilhelm Gottfried Leibniz. The results of similar discussions and the works by Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Kant, Feuerbach, Goethe, Thoreau, Comte, Bergson and many others ARE MATERIALIZED TODAY in our personal relationships, in the organization of everyday life, work, war, the judicial system, etc. Like vaccinations protect us from the plague, so the concept of man, realized in politics, protects us with the instruments of politics from cannibalism, violence, arbitrariness. All this is called human and civil rights. However, in my opinion, political theory is a branch of moral philosophy which begins with the application of moral categories to political relations. It should have been so, but in our present world it is ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT, again due to the ongoing changes that affect “everything and everyone”.

The meaning of upbringing and education is indirectly reduced to the fact that each person accepts or CREATES his OWN concept of Man for practical use. He is guided by it in relations with other people: he honors or insults them, supports or destroys them, rescues the sick or tramples the weak into the mud. It is the concept of Man, which is behind the actions of any person in relation to another person.


Most often, personal concepts are vague: they are difficult to find and difficult to create on your own. How difficult it is can be seen in the examples of the reflections of our great predecessors. For example, Schopenhauer2, when answering the question “what is Man?” defined him through the richness of an individual. He believed that the true “I” of a person much more depends on his happiness than what “he possesses” or “what he is like”. In the style of his time, he said that if a personality is bad, then “the pleasures he feels are like a valuable wine tasted by a person with a taste of bile in his mouth”. He explained that a personality who “has a lot in oneself” is like a bright, cheerful, warm room surrounded by the darkness and snow of a December night. If the center of gravity of a person's life is “outside of him”: in property, rank, wife, children, friends, society, etc., then his happiness in life is ruined as soon as he loses them or is deceived by them. K. Marx, who brilliantly fulfilled the function imposed on him “to substantiate surplus value”, which was the beginning of the creation and application of the world banking system as the basis of the present financial fascism, when thinking about the “nature and essence of man”, states that Man is the basis of all human activity and all human relationships. He writes that history DOES NOT DO anything, it does not possess any wealth, and it does not fight in any battles. Not history, but exactly Man, a living Man does all this, possesses everything and fights for everything. I think that I am not mistaken if I say that history IS NOT some special personality who uses Man as a means to achieve his goals. History is nothing more than the activity of Man pursuing his goals.

Many representatives of the “Enlightment”, when defining the "essence of man", believed that the essential difference between man and animal is rooted in religion: an animal has no religion, religion is awareness of the infinity, and therefore Man feels in it his not finite and limited, but infinite essence. Consciousness in the strict or proper sense of the word and consciousness of the infinite coincide; limited consciousness is not consciousness. He believed that consciousness is self-realization, self-affirmation, love for oneself, enjoyment of one's own perfection.

From the point of view of our time, the simplest definition of Man is this: Man is a being born by people and who has achieved personal, political and economic freedom. The one born by people only in that case is recognized as Man, if he gains freedoms, if he reaches a sufficient level of age, intellect, and morality. Being free means being under the protection of the law as Man. Having reached a certain age in the womb, the fetus is already Man, it cannot be killed (although if you try, you can), it got the right to be born. But Man is limited in his freedoms, if there is no sufficient level of development of the mind, morality: he has to be patronized or isolated — he is no longer quite a human being. Society often fully deprives such a person of this title if for stupid and immoral acts he has to be imprisoned, sometimes for life, or killed by the court’s or tribunal’s verdict. We can confidently speak about the coefficient of humanity, although in practice this principle works automatically, because it was created within the framework of the Old CS. However, some changes are already manifesting themselves under the control of the New CS.

The root of the differences between people of industrial and post-industrial society is in the requirements’ differences to them on the part of the society itself. The structure of a person's thinking, its functions DO NOT CHANGE — their content is being changed AT THE PRESENT TIME. For all that the content changes so radically that a person becomes not just unrecognizable, but sometimes any dialogue, partnership, and everyday life become impossible with him. He sees and hears this way, he understands this way, he acts this way and it seems that he makes the impossible — possible, the unacceptable — permissible, and the incredible — real. Can you imagine such a picture: our grandmothers are sitting with their grandchildren in front of the TV screen and watch “sex in the city”, 15 scenes of murder and violence every day, news in scraps of five seconds per message, phenomenally vulgar and stupid advertisements every ten minutes, and the like. The people of the industrial age WERE NOT simpletons and incompetents. At the same time, flying on an airplane seemed like a heroic deed to my grandfather, who went in a storm under sail, was a dashing rider, a bear hunter who, unfortunately, was killed in the war. In 1954, I myself was shocked by the first TV no less than Miklouho-Maclay's boots shocked the Papuan. This IS NOT a defect of the “shocked” common people. Even the great physicist Rutherford, when faced with the beginning of Bohr's quantum theory, said: “Probably the processes in my brain are very slow, but I have to admit that I do not understand everything properly...”. The process of globalization3 is a phenomenon that affects the industrial generation and which people of the post-industrial generation do not see. There is no problem for them.

The term has been widely used since the 1980s in response to advances in technology that have made it possible to simplify and accelerate international transactions involving both trade and financial flows. It means spreading beyond national borders of the same market forces that have permeated all levels of human economic activity for centuries, whether they are village markets, industrial enterprises in cities or financial centers. However, these are some conclusions in order to somehow substantiate the process that was started up beyond the thoughts of the “authors” known to us, substantiating the ongoing within the framework of their understanding and imposing until now on all of us their participation in this process allegedly created by them. The System general control at the designated time (80s) was moving to a different level, and in the private sphere of the human development control, this step was manifested by the introduction of Brain genotypes 461(1990) and 462 (2009 in single quantities) through California Control Complex... The functional endowment for the leading group of the new genotype changed significantly, and this, in turn, led to the change in the level of influence of the phenomenon of their parasitism and its subsequent manifestation through the ruling violence, which primarily influenced a radical change in the social structure and the sphere of power as a whole, which is now being demonstrated to us in the clearly fading and auto-motor-like actions of the “ruling elite”.

And yet globalization should be TAKEN SERIOUSLY. The USSR, like the Titanic, perished from the collision with globalization in 1991 as part of the activities of the Old CS, Russia will face globalization-3, already within the framework of the new CS, and the outcome of the collision is determined by the proportion of the POST-INDUSTRIAL TYPE OF PEOPLE in the country. The post-industrial type of people are those who do not need outside protection from pornography, drugs, alcohol, and laziness. Globalization (let's keep this term, since it reflects today's realities, and not the intentions of those who put a completely different meaning into it), or the process that is gaining momentum within the framework of the new CS means disappearance of the “protective civilization” and beginning of the “open civilization”, which will result in the disappearance of the“ collectively protected person ”and the emergence of the “individually protected person ”. A post-industrial person is an actively defensive Man who has given up playing the role of a passive victim of globalization, and I think there are many who agree with me. The instruments of the “protective civilization” were church morality, labor morality, total censorship, a regulated ascetic way of life, a tough legal system, etc. They protected a person from destructive temptations of the biological, physiological, psychological, and behavioral nature. The moral, intellectual, physical qualities of an industrial person were the PRODUCT OF THE STATE WORK as the tool to control people, built through the people of the Old CS. Globalization "broke through" the state protective systems and put the post-industrial Man in front of the need to seek protection from sexual, drug, food and other incentives in himself. But the protection of Man: his picture of the world, his worldview, his life position, his way of life — have ceased to be the problem of the state and have become a personal matter of each Man.

The explanation of globalization as the unification of all states and peoples into a single planetary entity has long been exhausted. NOBODY INVENTED globalization, but some have understood it and successfully use it to their advantage. Today's process of globalization is a planetary intelligent machine that is getting out of human control. Due to its complexity and scale, it is inaccessible for “regulation” or “shutdown” by the forces of one or a group of the most brilliant scientists of our time. Therefore, globalization does not belong to anyone, does not obey anyone, “lives for itself” and according to “its own laws”, does not take into account people’s worries and does not divide them into friends and foes, which is extremely important today. This is shown as one element of the Control System work within the framework of the possible understanding of the Control System’s activities.


Materially, globalization, created within the framework of the Old CS, is a technosphere in which Man has become a hostage equallyboth in Russia, and in Europe, and America. Scientists created the technosphere with the best intentions, materializing their discoveries in mathematics, physics, biology, etc. for the benefit of man. In fact, globalization is a cumulative scientific idea that independently lives in a combined mass of technical and logical devices that ensure the human society life. These devices cannot be stoppedhumanity will perish without them. It turned out that the uncoordinated actions of many generations of technocrats created the phenomenon that, on the one hand, freed a person from hunger and overwork, but, on the other hand, opened the way for all possible temptations of his flesh and soul. To close the second one means to destroy the first achievement as well.

Globalization for human consciousness is comparable to the catastrophic climate changes for his body. IT, like the climate, is NOT a “place of location”, a substrate. With it, as with the wind, one cannot start a dialogue. It is everywhere, and it is nowhereit is the information climate of the planet. The “World Wide Web” of the new CS automatically HAS ALREADY STARTED a kind of “world inventory”, and its results have cast doubt on the entire world order. The reassessment and redistribution of all resources of the planet are automatically under way: human, raw materials, financial, technological, informational, etc. The result of the “global inventory” is comparable to the consequences of the World Revolution: the role, place, value of each country, each people, each person and each thing is being changed. Russia is somewhere in the last places in these lists. But this is only for this certain transition period.

The functions of the globalization system include changing the psychology and behavior of a person through control over the sense of life of the masses of people (civilization and religion), values ​​(culture and religion), their life goals (science and culture) and, as a result, over the power of vital force of these masses of people (science and civilization). This is the way it should be in the very near future and has already begun today. Actually, globalization acts as a harmonious system that modifies an industrial person into a post-industrial one.

The system consists of global changes in the elements of politics: science (for example, genetic engineering, euthanasia, etc.), culture (aesthetics of the disgusting, etc.), religion (munism, etc.), and civilization (rise the bodily over the spiritual etc.). It is very important to consider these elements as independent, intersecting but NOT synonymous with each other. They really intersect, but only in the results of their influence on a person as an individual (civilization and religion intersect in him), in a personality (the intersection of influence of culture and religion), in the subject of work, cognition and communication (the fruit of civilization and science intersection ), in the individualities (the result of culture and science intersection). The structure of relations between the elements of globalization is conditioned by politics, synthesizing and synchronizing global changes to the best of their intellectual and power capabilities.

Reformation of mental structures of the postindustrial Man (an individual, subject, personality and individuality) under the cross influence of global changes in culture, religion, science and civilization


is the synthesis of global changes



Material regulation of behavior



Behavior as an ideal reflection



Active and rational behavior


of labor, game, knowledge and communication

the bearer of vital position

(active regulation)


The bearer of the world picture (Active reflection)



Behavior reactive and intuitive


The bearer of the way of life

(Reactive regulation)


The bearer of the world view

(Reactive reflection)

It is obvious that the achievements of the industrial age were the fruit of the labor of educators and psychologists who consistently developed the “construction of an industrial man” and ”the technology of his production”. The names of scientists and teachers for almost a thousand years have gone down to the history of mankind as its outstanding leaders. It is noticeable that after the generation of B. G. Ananyev, domestic psychology and pedagogy does not exert any significant influence on the training of the post-industrial man. The PAUSE HAS BEEN TOO LONG. In the ears and in the eyes of modern society there are many names of people who use human capital, but NOT a single name of those who create it IS KNOWN. Perhaps, the demographic problems of Russia, the reasons for its economic lagging behind and political defeats are hidden here. The formation of the masses of post-industrial people for the country is the most important and responsible production of the state, which should be equated with the production of weapons during the Patriotic War. However, the concept of the state itself, as the mechanism of the control and the life support system for people, must be revised in the realities which are completely different from those when all this was created. And this requires a project of the post-industrial man, without which such production is impossible. It is only necessary to keep in mind that this is one of the most difficult projects that modern science can imagine. There are two more, which I have already touched on in the previous articles and which are embedded in one another, like three nesting dolls, and to which we will return. And here new knowledge, including the so-called “humanitarian”, is acquiring a leading role.

I am far from any moralizing appeals at which those sitting in the power offices are loudly laughing and those in the offices of big and small oligarchs are wrinkling their foreheads in annoyance. They just DO NOT KNOW that the “humanitarian knowledge” they despise has its own steel logic of life and death, which is stronger than the logic of numbers. The life of the elite is described in detail by humanitarians in the novels of Balzac, Zola, Stendhal, Dreiser, Tolstoy, Gorky and others. Horses have been replaced by cars and helicopters, but Man has remained the same — he is as defenseless before his conscience as before his death: he is not expecting them, but they will come.But in Russia now is the time when many people prefer to learn from their own mistakes. But now nobody will ever succeed in hiding humanitarian knowledge, new knowledge from real Russian life, which has already made its way to the hearts of many people. I am more than sure of this and I hope that the reader agrees with me.

To be continued…


1 Posthuman is a hypothetical image of the future human, which differs significantly from the usual human appearance as a result of the of advanced technologies: informatics, biotechnology, medicine, and so on.

2 Arthur Schopenhauer (February 22, 1788, Gdansk — September 21, 1860, Frankfurt am Main, German Confederation) — German philosopher. One of the most famous thinkers of irrationalism, misanthrope.

3 Globalization is a process of world economic, political, cultural and religious integration and unification.


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