Life goes on...

About the Spirit,
the Mind
and many other things...








rnto znak







    About the Physics of the Cell,
   the Physics of the Brain,
   the Physics of the Energy


No fixed truth is truth. Truth is in life, and life is movement. The frozen truth becomes an idol, claiming the status of truth.

According to the scientific data, human anthropogenic activities in the production of carbon dioxide account for only about 1-8% of all emissions. Therefore, emissions of carbon dioxide caused by human activities should not have any fundamental effect on the greenhouse effect. The much larger, multiple increase in methane in comparison with the pre-industrial era did not provoke decisive actions comparable to decarbonization. The decarbonization imposed on the society is practically not related to the actual processes of improving the ecological situation on the planet, but has as its goal an increase in the cost of energy and energy resources for the consumer and, accordingly, an increase in the degree of the society control.

No modern theory can prove that the Human developed out of the unicellular. In addition, there are modest statements of the Edinburgh School (England) biophysicists that have temporal characteristics of the DNA development. Back in the 80-ies of the last century they proved that for the mutation of the monkey genome into the human genome, it takes the time that exceeds the entire age of the Earth (more than 4.5 billion years).

Friday, 22 May 2020 12:56

The brain is the head of everything!

From the standpoint of orthodox science’s stone hard materialism, our Earth “accidentally arose from a protoplanetary cloud as a result of the Big Bang”, after which a living cell was formed from the remnants of dust by chemical reactions, then itself evolved into a “monkey with a stick”, from which, the brain suddenly formed itself from the same dust, and some biologists even believe that the spinal cord was formed first! And modern scientists still continue to actively “perfect” such a level of knowledge on the basis of Darwin’s evolutionary theory.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020 00:15

Going beyond to our best selves

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I returned to this article after a considerable time, because this information is extremely relevant today in this difficult time and not only in the United States. Two years ago, I learned about the legacy of Nikolai Levashov, which he left in Russia after his death, and I realized that there is a unique opportunity to apply these technologies in the United States. I decided to do it and am doing it now.

Understanding of everything related to COVID-19 goes beyond traditional science and IS DETERMINED BY OTHER PROCESSES HAPPENING ON THE EARTH. They are aimed at restoring the native state of the environment and the energies related to the life activity and life on it.


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