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369_Series. Salvation of Saviors

Sunday, 28 November 2021 23:38

023_369 The Reality

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Alice: How can you win after losing all hope?

The Hatter: At first you lose all hope and then things work out in the best way.

Alice: Still, there is always a shred of hope.

The Hatter: Hа-ha-haa! Break free from your own pattern. Do you think there is only a bummer beyond hope? In fact, only after losing your lust hope, can you become truly free. Nothing holds you any longer, you do not care, and you finally get the opportunity to focus on thoughts about what to do, and not about, what will now happen. Therefore, when hope dies, know that everything is just beginning and act in a different way.

Alice: Act in a different way in relation to what?

The Hatter: It makes no difference. To anything. For example, in relation to yourself. Hope is the result of one’s habit – the deadly inertia of maintaining state. Kill hope.

Lewis Carroll

The current civilization is a huge canvas called “The Blind Lead the Blind”. We consider ourselves deeply civilized, highly spiritual and developed in all respects. We are proud of our achievements in the arts and sciences. But in reality we are cavemen, modernly dressed, and sprinkled with fashionable cologne. Our neighbors on the planet are our enemies. And like a prehistoric tribe, we boldly beat ourselves with our fives in the patriotic chest, brandishing a nuclear club and terrifying the enemy with the indomitable force of our fists, living in the world we have created, where funeral is more important than the deceased, where wedding is more significant than love, where appearance is more important than the mind. We live in the culture of packaging that despises content... We still cannot comprehend a simple maxim: strength is not in fists, it is in kindness, intelligence, knowledge (your knowledge, and not someone's, from whatever big names this knowledge is proceeded) and the ability to help. THE PAST IS GOING AWAY; the new awaits those who want to Cognize it. There is nothing random or non-functional in the ongoing today. Currently, there is a multi-level process of information and control corrections aimed at recreating the previous state of the Intelligent orientation previously acquired by the Earth in its process of the Civilization development. Much has already been written about this, and this is conveyed through a specific understanding of people, depending on their level of knowledge. The next step of such corrective actions, or, if you like, transition, HAS ALREADY BEEN TAKEN. It is through people, regardless of their will and wish that the processes of recreating their reasonable (intelligent) orientation in the ongoing around them happen every day and every time. These are the most complex processes that, in the present transition, affect all aspects of people's life and, OF COURSE, EMOTIONAL, since the emotions prevail over the Mind among the majority today Overcoming this is in the hands of everyone, and it is possible ONLY THROUGH KNOWLEDGE. Everything else is secondary and insignificant and only leads to panic disappointment in understanding the ongoing or to its FLAT-OUT REJECTION, depending on the specific person. The mover of all previous transitions, in people’s understanding was the striving for the good within the known world. The motivation for the current transition process undoubtedly IS AND WILL BE the striving for the good, but not for the good of the old world, but for the new good of the new reality.

1The world awaits us that will be tastier, brighter, deeper and more passionate than the usual old. Not only will we be able to violate physical laws there and create our own, but we will also be able for the unthinkable: we will see the sound and hear the color, touch the smells and taste the gravity. The possibilities will go beyond our imagination. That sounds fantastic... That is the beginning of today's realities.

It is possible to take seriously the transition from one reality to another with a clear understanding of WHAT IS REALITY, in what way our world differs from the virtual one. So far this moment slips into the subconscious – “that goes without saying”. I think it is extremely important to dwell on this point.

The question "what reality is and in what way it differs from unreality, from illusion" excites the minds from ancient times to the present days. In the VI century BC. Parmenides1 said: “To think and to be mean the same thing”. In the 17th century, Descartes repeated this thought: “I think, so I exist”. In the 18th century, Berkeley2 said the same thing: “Being is either the perceived, or the one who perceives”. Kant stated that a person knows his sensations, but does not know the source that generates these sensations, this imperceptible «thing-in-itself”. Poincaré said in the twentieth century: “The reality that is fully independent of the mind that comprehends it is impossible”.

The leader of the world proletariat, Lenin, said that “the world is a reality given to man in his sensations; it is copied, photographed, displayed with our sensations, while existing apart from them”. He proved this statement with the help of everyday evidence. He suggested to his opponents that they hit the table with their foreheads and be convinced of its reality.

Science adheres to the same definition of reality. It claims that reality exists independently of our sensations, beyond us and by itself. It suggests BELIEVING THIS STATEMENT in the same way as the Church does in its religious dogmas, with the difference that the Church substantiates its statements with references to the Bible, and science acts in the Leninist style, relying on the EVERY DAY OBVIOUSNESS (visible with the eyes). The same argument was used by Galileo’s opponents. When he said that the Sun does not move and the Earth moves, the obvious objection was raised to him: raise your eyes and you will see the moving Sun. Lower your eyes and see the motionless Earth. This argument seemed so rock-solid that no one wanted to get into Galileo's arguments. Everything is so obvious – what else is there to say... “However, the indomitable Galileo is right”.

From this we will learn a lesson: evidence IS NOT a worthy and exhaustive argument. Descartes said that the main obstacle to knowledge is ABC truths: the obvious and taken for granted. The fundamentally new always lies beyond the bounds of the obvious.

Thus, science defines as real what our senses record directly or with the help of instruments. The objective, authentic and true reality can be seen, touched, heard, sniffed and tasted. The characteristic feature of reality is that it is detected with feelings. What is detection? For example, how can we see an apple? Today it is explained as follows: the light reflected from the object is captured by the eyes. The light is encoded into impulses that travel along nerve fibers to the brain. There they are decoded, and as a result, an image of this fruit appears in the head.

I draw your close attention to the fact that it is NOT AN APPLE that travels to the head through the nerve channels, but coded impulses that the brain decodes and turns into an image. Whether the brain has correctly decoded these impulses, or could it have decoded otherwise - we leave these questions out of this for now. In exactly the same way, images appear on the monitor. The programmer translates some information into the language of the computer, transfers it from his head to the hard disk. The computer converts it into electrical signals and then decodes them into images on the screen.

Let's imagine two monitors. On each we see the image of an apple. On one monitor, the image is from the camera filming a real apple. On the other, the source of the image is 3D graphics. If both images are identical down to the last pixel, it is impossible to distinguish the apple from an illusion. Let's make the situation more complicated. Let's imagine two shelves. On the left one is a real apple, on the right one is a hologram. Question: where is the real object and where is the virtual one? If the hologram is made with such a precision that the eye cannot distinguish it from the real one, the answer is impossible. Let's make it even more complicated ... Let's imagine - you have an apple in your right hand, and your left hand is in a glove that generates exactly the same impulses that go to the brain when you feel a real fruit. With your left hand you touch the hologram fruit, and with your right hand you touch the real fruit. Identical impulses go to the brain from both actions. To distinguish a real apple from a virtual one IS NOT POSSIBLE again. Let us complicate things further... Imagine a device that generates the same signals that you are currently receiving from the outside world. It is connected to the nerve endings of all five senses, through which signals go to the brain (or even simpler, the signals are immediately sent to the brain). You can see images, smell, feel the breeze, touch objects... How do you distinguish one reality from the other?

2On what grounds are you claiming that the world you are observing is real and not a computer simulation? On those that you see it with your own eyes and feel it? But if this is indeed a sufficient reason, then on the same grounds it can be argued that virtual reality is NOT LESS REAL than the world you feel, which you call the objective reality.

If you put a caveman in a virtual reality, he will be sure of the reality of what he sees, since he can see everything with his own eyes and feel with his own hands. In what way are the arguments for the reality of the world you feel different from the arguments of the caveman who claims seeing the reality? The fact that he feels brighter at the moment, does not he? This is not an argument, since progress does not stand still. Yesterday, people on different continents passed their voice to each other over the phone. Today, in addition to the voice, a two-dimensional image is transmitted. Tomorrow they will transmit to each other their three-dimensional image, a hologram, like in science fiction films. The interlocutor will appear in front of you not on the screen, but in space. The next step is to touch, smell, see, hear and even lick each other to taste. This requires, for example, becoming a hologram yourself. In terms of realism, a meeting of holograms will not differ from a meeting of people, with the difference that at any moment you can disappear, as wizards do in fairy tales.

3At the moment, various accessories are available (a virtual helmet, gloves, costume, etc.) that affect all human senses, creating a complete immersion in reality. There are technologies for influencing directly on nerve endings and even on the brain.So far they are NOT PUBLICLY AVAILABLE because of the high price and complexity of the service, but this is temporary. The development of this industry is proceeding by leaps and bounds. At this rate, computers have recently been developed. Guite recently they were gigantic, occupied entire buildings and cost tens of billions of rubles. Today, - a computer is in your pocket, a Smartphone, it is thousands of times more powerful than any mastodon of the past and costs several thousand rubles. Someone said that if aviation developed at such a speed, Boeing would cost $ 500, and 20 liters of fuel would be required to fly around the planet. The process is hampered by the limitation of the computing power, but computing on the horizon has emerged on new principles that promise to be millions of times more powerful than the known ones. And this is not the limit, this is only the beginning. There will be even much further. The limit beyond which one cannot rise is not conceivable to the same extent as the largest number cannot be conceived. Any large number is followed by the following. You can cover all the numbers and name their totality (mathematicians call it aleph-zero), and after that start a new count, but for me, these are EMPTY WORDS, this kind of multiplication is unnecessarily. Numbers have no limit. Neither does development. Another thing is in which direction and how this process is going. From this fact alone, it follows that virtual reality will overtake the real, and from this it follows that the virtual world will be to the same extent more realistic and deep, in which the material world is now deeper than the virtual one. The same thing will happen as with a computer - at first a person beat it in chess and counted faster, but now, on the contrary, a computer beats a person and counts incomparably faster. Such a situation is taking place. And it is somewhat correct. But this WILL NEVER HAPPEN, no matter how much anyone wants it - I am absolutely sure of this. All that is listed above only THE BRAIN IS ABLE TO REALIZE (and even to a greater extent) but neither the development of virtual reality, nor the speed of computers and other devices. This is the basic task to be solved, and it is being realized (not by people, but through people). A tangible consequence of this realization is everything that is listed above and is “packed” into an invented form of the so-called “artificial intelligence” because of the complete lack of understanding of the ongoing. Intelligence is one of the functions of the Brain, it is RATHER GENERAL mental ability that includes the ability to make conclusions, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, understand complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from some experience. Therefore, let the readers make their own conclusion about those who introduced the term “artificial intelligence” and uses it in today's verbal “fornication” mainly in order to emphasize and show their significance.

Now we are on the threshold of the most global transition in the history of the world: into another being, and from the state of "people" to the state of Man, followed by the transition to Superman. The whole mass of people, unfortunately, WILL NOT BE ABLE to climb one step up. People gravitate towards the past and are afraid of the future.This is the result of evolution – he who did not run headlong from an unfamiliar sound, he survived; the one who tried to find out the cause of the sound – whether it was a tiger or a tree branch fell from the wind - that one was filtered out by the evolution. For this reason, people always understand the future as an improved past. Ford once said - if I asked people what they needed, they would say “a fast horse”. If in the twentieth century people were asked what they wanted, no one would want to have a phone and a computer (Smartphone) in their pocket. The future is beyond the known, and the unknown is frightening. And it continues today the same way. Nietzsche3 once said that man is a rope stretched between a monkey and a superman. I will add that development, let alone rapid development stretches it and one day IT WILL BREAK. Everyone will go to their own pole. On one pole there will be Human Beings, on the other - people. In fact, it looks like humanity is split into a higher and a lower race. What could be more disgusting? Of course, this analogy is superficial and inherently incorrect, but you cannot escape the feeling of humiliation at the thought that one of you has gone FAR BEYOND, insurmountable for a hundred thousand. “...Humanity, spreading across the flowering plain under the clear skies, rushed upward. Of course, not with the whole crowd, but why does this upset you so much? Humanity has always gone into the future with the sprouts of its best representatives”4.

Within the framework of our current type of thinking, there is NO SENSE to answer only one question that has arisen, since it generates another. If you answer, for example, what drives the force that drives the electron, the question arises: what drives the force that drives this force? And so on ad infinitum. There seems to be no way out. But I claim that the very fact of setting a problem indicates its solvability. It's up to the resources. A problem that a person cannot solve cannot be formulated. If the problem is formulated, then it can be solved...

After the well-known events connected with what happened in Germany and our specific associates, a task came into being, which, of course, is broader than German unpleasantness. First, an idea arose (before the events occurred), and then it took the form of the task, which undoubtedly REQUIRES SOLUTION today. Our associates are primarily interested in its realization. Its potential gives grounds to assert that a critical number of people can gather for this idea within the framework of the task being solved, sufficient to create our own platform-laboratory, which will solve a lot - from ideologically meaningful communication of the participants to solving problems of health improvement and development, as one of the components of the most important task (I dare say) of all Mankind - to CONQUER DEATH. What it is about - I will fully tell you in the following articles. But I will outline the initial tactics of creating the platform.

After attracting ideological supporters and associates, they need to be retained. And for this it is necessary to understand the technology of retention. No matter how good the collected people are, by themselves they will not keep together. And you have seen it very well over the past few years. Any mass needs to be held, kept together (in the good sense of this word) especially those who have taken the path of cognition, but not yet able to implement their knowledge in reality.

Religion retained believers through systematic gatherings in temples, prayers and rituals. Secular parties retained supporters through the same systematic holding of mass events: rallies, demonstrations, meetings with their own rituals and chants. Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky, in his time, said: “People who will learn to unite will enter the Golden Age. Unification has its own law: two auras reinforce each other by 7 times; if people are like-minded ones, the wave is the same, directed towards one goal. Three people - 7 squared, that is, 49 times. If there are 4 people - they reinforce each other by 7 to the 3 degree – by 343 times! Therefore, the more people there are, the more valuable is each next one, he multiplies the strength many times over. The team is a great force." All known retention technologies are designed for the real5. Today the real is ineffective, we see this every day and in our actions within the framework of the New Knowledge Clubs created by us over several years, and at other everyday moments, and in the face of those who are openly opposed to our activities and those who believe that they are in opposition. And if we transform it into what is around us, then, we see, for example, all attempts by the authorities to keep the mass in real life are suppressed by the same authorities. And since the power is on the side of the authorities, in the modern conditions of transparency, it will win in real life.

45This is also with regards to the thoughts of many of our colleagues about building a rigid vertical of power within our community and a certain hierarchy (read pyramids) in relationships and subordination and a hierarchical approach to solving something by someone which is still sitting in our Brain – hammered in almost 2000 years ago.

I believe that today it is optimal to keep the mass in the virtual space. This requires a platform, something like a CLOSED SOCIAL NETWORK, where people will interact in the same mode in which it is now happening in other social networks and in ours, including club ones, but with the difference that we WILL NOT HAVE random people, and you CAN'T GET there for money or in some other way – “I want - I get It”.

Any number of people above the critical minimum, put together, has value. The more, the HIGHER THE VALUE OF THE SITE. This is clearly noticeable on the existing sites, but the people have gathered there with their own interests and not united by any idea and task. Since it is a large group, it can always be transformed through the backbone of people already united by the idea and understanding the task.

To collect the backbone, at first you have to collect those who will collect the backbone. By analogy with business, these are founders. They take all the risks, WITH NO guarantees for success. The new business is not a store where they give you a hundred rubles worth of goods for a hundred rubles. A new business in today's realities is a war where you can invest a lot, and at the end you lose everything and remain in debt. Until there are no founders, there is nowhere for the hired personnel from the director to cleaning lady. The second comes after the first.

Likewise, we do not have the first; the second has nowhere to come from.Someone has to go first into the unknown. The second will follow in his footsteps, supported by his mistakes and using his findings.

To determine your status, which you are - the first or the second, imagine yourself in very tight financial resources. To communicate in a VR club, you have to buy a helmet and other accessories. These are serious expenses for you. And what are your dominant thoughts? Where to find money? Or where are the guarantees of the result? Who will compensate the losses if I fail? If the question about the compensation DOES NOT ARISE, as you are carried away by the subject, you are excited, as if before entering some mystery, where miracles await you, you are a candidate for the first. If you are excited about the question of guarantees, this does not mean that you are a bad person ... It means that you are not the first. The first ones have no guarantees. Those who are the first to fly to Mars will have no guarantees even that they will reach Mars. True, the example with Mars - this is for understanding the scale, because in our earthly form NOBODY WILL FLY there. A piece of iron (the rocket) - yes! It will. Those who are in it - no! They will not! The burden of the first is to take risks that are too heavy for the second.

When a critical number of founders have gathered, the second stage begins, which includes gathering people into the backbone with ROOTING IT in the instinct of self-preservation, and at the same time creating a VR platform. When the backbone and platform are ready, supporters come. They live their own lives and, as far as possible, without heroic deeds, participate in our business. Just as people understanding that objects heavier than air can fly can take up the construction of an airplane, so people who understand that reality does not differ from virtuality can take up our project; that the personality can be separated from the material carrier (from the body) and attached to the virtual one - in the perspective of the Brain development, as a consequence of this development; that our platform (virtual network) is a laboratory of this, and not only this, and that THIS IS REAL.

So far we are at the first stage, even when we physically create and "launch" our network as a platform. We need a philosophical understanding of the project, an understanding of the internal logic that we want to create a person of society6, a person as such (within the framework of the ongoing changes in the Life Support System and, of course, the Internet NETWORK ITSELF, which is constantly changing depending on the situations created against the background of the ongoing not only in our country, but in the world as a whole). This task can be handled by people who not only ask what to do, but also speak and generate thoughts. It is not so easy; you cannot squeeze them out of yourself by force. It’s like composing music - if the melody doesn’t come into your head, even if you lay yourself out, but it will not appear. So assess your abilities adequately.

I will also say that we need the first NOT JUST according to their constitution, but those who feel the aesthetics of the future, free from the old morality, not bound by religious and secular dogmas, those who SEE THE POINT OF THINGS, distinguish the primary from the secondary and are able to think beyond the framework of elementary truths. Who understands that today there are no right decisions and any nonsense can turn out to be the truth. I like the saying that was common in the circle of the first communists: "There are no such fortresses that the Bolsheviks would not take." I like the gospel phrase “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mark 14:38). This attitude guarantees answers to all questions and overcoming any obstacles.

The creation of our platform in VR space should be preceded by the concept. We need people who will take up the search for answers to the questions of the level: how to make the backbone of the social network lean over the instinct of self-preservation; what is the image of a VR platform (let's call it VR "SvetL" platform), how to attract people to it and keep them interested and giving them a perspective in cognition or reality. From the fact that we now need a philosophical understanding of the platform, it does not follow that only people from the IT sphere can undertake this. Not at all. When a war strategy is developed, it involves the generals, not the gunsmiths. The generals may or may not be a weapon expert. To develop a strategy, you need the mind of NOT AN ENGINEER, but a STRATEGIAN AND PHILOSOPHER. Clausewitz7 and Liddell Guard8, who wrote the war manuals that are taught today in all military academies in the world, were not gunsmiths. They understood the nerve of war, which allowed them to write a theory that changed practice and went beyond military use. Likewise, we need people who are able to see the nerve of the subjects we are raising. If they are familiar to some extent with the IT sphere, this is good, but the main knowledge lies beyond this knowledge. We have to see the main thing ... At the moment, the selection of candidates for founders is taking place, even if the participants do not notice it, in the Clubs we have created, within the framework of the “RSTS” activity, in the created Internet groups and within the framework of personal contacts. I think it is time to declare, in addition to the BASIC PRINCIPLES already written, that the strength of the chain is equal to the strength of the weakest link.

Maximum efficiency is obtained in the atmosphere of mutual understanding and respect. The closer the audience is in terms of intelligence, scale of thinking, views on everyday problems (although, of course, they are completely different for many of us), norms and taboos, values ​​and goals, the more friendly our atmosphere and more effective communication will be.

The most free people have the maximum chances for success. Whoever is bound by the dogmas of the past has NO CHANCE, because the new always lies beyond the boundaries of the old. The first step to freedom is to realize your lack of freedom. The second step is to go beyond the boundaries in practice.

6It is better to lose ten good people who meet all the requirements than to miss one who is also good, but does not meet at least one requirement. This was perfectly demonstrated in the situation with the "German question". In other words, if there is a choice: to lose ten golden people, but there will not be a single wrong one, or to gain ten golden people, but a wrong one will get into the team with them, we choose to lose ten golden ones. Today we should not be afraid of the destruction of what yesterday seemed to us stable and unshakable. This destruction is OF NOT COMPLETELY CREATED, even though much has been done. The main thing is to understand and capture the momentum and direction. It cannot suddenly "get bad" overnight! This is not a state of health that can be undermined by “overwork”. Probably, the reason should be looked for in a completely different direction. Maybe we ourselves did something wrong, in the Clubs of New Knowledge and in "RSTS", as well...

Think in what way you can be useful to the cause at this stage... Just DO NOT DECEIVE YOURSELF. Big words are worthless. If you are sure that the treasure is buried here, you will go for a spade, and you will not talk about the treasure. Don't tell me what is value to you. Tell me what you spend your money, time and energy on, and I will tell you your values.

Every life strives for the good. A life striving for the good of others is impossible. If it appeared by a miracle, it would be destroyed by the millstones of evolution. Striving for one's own good in the best sense of the word is the engine of evolution. It is the motive of everything, including self-sacrifice. People change their good only for the greater good. Nobody changes silver for copper, but everyone will gladly exchange it for gold. For most of those reading this text, the main value is WORLDLY GOODS. This is normal; we all grew up in the atmosphere of hard-core materialism, where the very idea that there could be something higher than matter seemed either sectarian or stupid. And you know why from the information that you have already got to know. So for the time being our Brains take it for granted that the only real and genuine values ​​are material goods. I do not see this as a problem. Everyone is drawn to what they consider to be real. But everyone, when seeing values ​​higher than worldly ones, will rush to them.



1 Parmenides of Elea is an ancient Greek philosopher, the main representative of the Elea school.

2 George Berkeley is a British philosopher known for his system of spiritualist philosophy; Bishop of Cloin of Ireland.

3 Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is a German philosopher, classical philologist, composer, poet, creator of a distinctive philosophical doctrine that is emphatically non-academic and spread far beyond the scientific and philosophical community.

4 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky - "Waves extinguish the wind."

5 Real is an abbreviated slang form of the word "reality", "real world", opposed to the concept of the virtual world.

6 Society is a group of people united by some criteria (professional, cultural, etc.).

7 Karl Philip Gottlieb von Clausewitz is a Prussian military leader, military theorist and historian. In 1812-1814 he served in the Russian army. With his essay "On War" he revolutionized the theory and foundations of military sciences.

8 Sir Basil Henry Liddell Garth - prior to his knighthood known as Captain B.G. Liddell Garth - was an English military historian and theorist who greatly influenced the development of mechanized warfare in the 20th century, as well as strategy theory in general.

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