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Society is indeed an agreement but the one of the highest order. You cannot consider it as a commercial agreement on the sale of pepper, coffee and tobacco or any similar agreement made for practical benefit or for some minor transitory interests, which can be broken at the whim of one of the parties. The state, but not the present day state, but the one it should be, — requires respect, because it is an association, the purpose of which is not to satisfy animal urges or solve some trivial transient tasks. It is the society, in which all kinds of sciences and arts, virtues and perfection should develop. Therefore, the social agreement is made not only among the living, but among the present, past and future generations.
Nowadays observing and feeling the effects of the ongoing it is very difficult for all of us to take in and grasp the revolutionary global character of all the happening (it is difficult to assess the global at the moment of its fulfillment). Any attempt to imagine it will turn a lie — after all, one can imagine tomorrow's reality only with today's mind. And it will not be the reality of tomorrow, but the UPGRADE OF TODAY'S. The reason is that the present only partially comes from the past. The second part comes from the future. The moment of the present is a kind of the contact of the processes moving towards each other — one from the past, the other from the future. There is no present in this process, NOTHING IS MOVING. There are only successive moments of being. So that you can know what the next moment of being will be like you have to know not only what was in the past, but also what is going to be in the future. But we, at best, know the past. We don't know what comes from the future. Therefore, we cannot predict the next moment for the same reasons as we cannot predict the state of water in the next period of time, if we do not know, for example, whether it is going to be put in the freezer or in the hot oven.
Based on this, Man’s head is a bucket. It contains what is poured into it. The information analysis is over the heads for many people, not because they cannot, but because it is not even labor (in our current understanding), but work. Why work if you may not work… Our brain always follows the way of the least resistance, of course, depending on its mentality “It is much easier to believe once than to live and think day by day” (N. Korzhavin).
We live in an ever-changing world. You can save yourself in such conditions only through constant self-change — to keep abreast of what is going on in the world. The paradox: to remain yourself, you have to constantly change, getting rid of the old self. THOSE WHO CANNOT, they cease to correspond to the reality, and eventually cease to be themselves.
Those who strive to conform to yesterday's reality, because it is familiar, and therefore comfortable, — they contradict themselves. If your present comfort is rooted in the past, this is your tomorrow's discomfort. Just like the feudal lords, their comfort under capitalism turned into discomfort. And there was nothing they could do about it, even if they tried to give an appropriate welcome to the situation. “The aristocracy waved the beggar’s bag of the proletariat as the banner to lead the people. But every time He followed them, He noticed old feudal coats of arms on their backside and ran away with loud and disrespectful laughter” (Marx and Engels, “Manifesto of the Communist Party”).
All the system’s control of the human development within the framework of the program for improving brain genotypes and energy biogenesis imposed a complete information taboo on the truth comprehension. No matter what level of “natural” mind people have at any stage of the civilization development, their brain has always been the object of information violence from the old System. THE MIND having only nested functions within the framework of its development program and being specified into several genotypes was limited by the level of target knowledge, which was provided unequally in its capacity and depth for each specific class, i. e., governing or being governed. All this is clearly manifested in the ongoing processes today. For all that, the awareness of the surrounding objective reality by all individuals and the subsequent practical implementation of the comprehended in the organization of their being significantly differed NOT ONLY by the signs of belonging to the Brain genotype, but also differed in the same group of genotypes, in line with the inherent mentality, since it was also dependent on belonging to one of the twelve tribes in each genotype. It should also be taken into account the fact that the functional purpose of each territory, formed by the System, also played a certain role in the comprehension of the surrounding programmed reality by people identified in exactly the same way both by the brain genotype and by belonging to its specific tribe. This diversity accounts for the LACK of UNITY IN THE KNOWLEDGE and development of people, the significant difference in the organization of their forms of being, the variety of social structures of the control, the reasons for their origin and organization, the presence of “national” features of development and much more. This is ABSOLUTELY HAS NEITHER BEEN COMPREHENDED NOR TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT by all previous and modern science in the basis of the doctrines on the theory of the civilization development and everything else. Currently, the field of political science that studies the problems of mentality, consciousness as such, political consciousness is the field of the most diverse, often contradictory approaches created on the basis of assumptions, axioms, mental constructions, preferences and only occasionally — facts. There is no coherent unified theory of both consciousness and political consciousness and is not expected so far. Unable to be supported by the previous researchers for the reasons outlined above, as is customary, for example, in physics, which ensures the architectonic growth of scientific knowledge, political scientists and political psychologists continue to build individual structures not related to each other on sand, and NOT ON THE FOUNDATION OF THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF THE PROGRAM for improving Brain genotypes and energy biogenesis.
At the same time, in the real practice of studying the political consciousness and mentality of a person, as the first step in the knowledge of Brain genotypes, it seems possible to use various criteria as essential for studying this phenomenon, NOT OPPOSING them the definitions of other authors, but it is better, in my opinion, to discard authorship, to focus on understanding the information itself. The more multidimensional and multifaceted this set of definitions is, the deeper our penetration into the essence of various aspects of information and political consciousness and, of course, mentality as such will be. From all the diversity of theories and methodologies, a person, after learning to reason and explore, can determine for himself whether there is a theory at all that is relevant to the reality under study, and if so, which one. He is to decide WHICH ASPECTS of this theory he will choose to continue his knowledge and in-depth research of the ongoing around him. The process of rethinking began a little earlier, as part of the change of the Control System in connection with the recognition of the "inexpediency" to continue the experiment, which has been repeatedly mentioned and we will continue to rely on it, resting on the energy-information dialectic of the STAGE-BY-STAGE DEVELOPMENT of Brain genotypes and perfection of the control by using Complexes, providing and supporting Systems and Objects with the programmed control from outside.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, a steady trend was formed in the world science, and since the second half of the century, — this trend has been ACTIVELY DEVELOPING aimed at studying the peculiarities of the consciousness manifestation of various social and then political subjects through the concept of mentality. The emergence and widespread use of this concept is primarily due to the emergence of non-classical paradigms of the social knowledge as a new direction, which is identified with the passing from the natural-scientific orientation to the humanitarian, from potentialism to existentialism, from a quantitative approach to a qualitative one within the framework of the “unfolding” Programs of the new Control System. This is in some way the beginning of the manifestation of an attempt to comprehend the ongoing, but in a completely new paradigm of today's worldview and understanding of the past that was imposed on all of us from the outside. In the past, the global problems and crises of the post-war world caused the need to move from the classical type of scientific approach characteristic of the natural sciences to a major, multilateral and flexible account of the specifics of man as a unique cultural, historical and political phenomenon. For all that, there was a need to expand the interpretative1 potential and methodological tools by using humanitarian or non-classical methodologies for cognition of this phenomenon, methodologies based on not measurable, but understood and interpreted contents. In turn, this led to the MODERNIZATION AND EXPANSION of the conceptual field and the scientific tools of socio-political theories, the inclusion of civilization, religious, ethnic, anthropological and, finally, political and psychological characteristics of society in the analytical apparatus. NO LESS IMPORTANT was the fact how psychology began to take a dominant role, which, at one time, within the framework of the same programs “regulating” the development and separation of people, was ousted from the scientific field as a tool of knowledge, and not only of a person, but also of everything that surrounds people.
Initially, psychology was created as the science of the soul, but after its exclusion from the list of sciences by positivism, V. Wundt2 was forced to reformat it into experimental psychology in order to return it to the list of sciences. But at the same time, psychology had to sacrifice the concept of “soul”, and with it the mentality became a "personal matter" of individual researchers. So psychological science has been reduced to the study of mental processes, properties, characteristics and states, but in fact they study a person's ability to fulfill the tasks set by the mentality! And they do this at the expense of the visible flow of consciousness: a person's thinking, perception, emotions and will to live. It turns out that whether the world order wants it or not, it IS still DEALING with political mentality in the face of political psychology. But it is impossible to openly accept the political mentality, because the entire ideology of the modern world order is built on the denial of its mentality. It is technically impossible to change the political mentality, to force it to serve another temporary project of the world order: it is protected from penetration and restructuring in the same way as the created Brain genotype, of which it is a component.
Getting knowledge of modern literature on the theories of mentality and the results of numerous mental studies demonstrates the evidence that the very concept of mentality is even more axiomatic, MULTIDIMENSIONAL, INDEFINITE AND POLYSEMANTIC than the concept of consciousness. At the heart of all the rules that determine the choice and use of words, we find the same main requirement: saving attention… To bring the mind to the desired concept in the easiest way is in many cases the only and in all cases the main goal. A lot of domestic and foreign researchers also focus on the fact that the CONCEPT of MENTALITY REFLECTS the system of originality, a set of features of consciousness and faith, a way of thinking, a system of images and representations, a special way of world perception and world view, attitudes of consciousness, stable stereotypes, and the specifics of people's psychological life. These are traits, typical behavior, cultural and behavioral code, mentality, a peculiar mindset, matrix of spiritual life, national characteristics of peoples, identity, etc. Discussing the phenomenon of mentality, those who want to cognize, in one way or another, mean the specifics of various ethnic groups, peoples, nations, races, religious confessions, social strata, generations, classes, elites, as well as professional, regional, political and other differences between group and individual subjects of activity. It is also believed that one can UNDERSTAND A PERSON in the context of social relations by studying the peculiarities, the otherness of a person's worldview. Summarizing numerous points of view, it seems possible to make a conclusion that mentality, as a psychological equipment of social and political subjects, manifests itself in the features of thinking, beliefs, feelings, will, which are explicated in concepts, attitudes, representations, stereotypes, values, identity and, finally, in the features of political behavior. Deepening our knowledge, let us take the liberty to continue: mentality is the condition for the possibility of being in its originality and uniqueness.
The dogmatism of the mentality, as its immanent quality, is practically invisible and indistinguishable for most modern people, like the atmosphere pressure, because for centuries it has been habitually perceived as the truth “a priori” and IS NOT a question for its bearers. That is why it is extremely difficult for any person’s thinking who is inside any mentality to determine exactly what this dogmatic conditionality is about. Dogmatic thinking forms a mental matrix, and it, in the form of public consciousness, as an invariant code, unites various groups of people who have lived for a long time in the space of the prevailing religion, as if in a kind of gravitational system inaccessible to direct perception and formed within the framework of the programs for creating specific brain genotypes. The mental matrix acts as the program of the multivariate algorithm, in the course of which an ethnic group develops and implements its socio-cultural, economic and political practices. But the most important thing is that all this CANNOT BE FORMED at ALL without gravitation support processes (for more information see my articles and books). However, they did not know about this and even today they do not know — and not only politicians, philosophers and physicists of the past and present. However, this is no longer important, but they have been using it regularly for thousands of years when embodying their being through the executing participation of people in all spheres of life. Could the relativists3 of the past have assumed this? Of course, they could not, because for them the very NECESSARY “PHYSICS OF FIELDS” still does not exist, with the help of which it (public consciousness) is formed! "Such a scientific postulate can be the subject of judgments only in the field of fiction" — so the current relativists and materialists will say! Let's leave them in their arguments.
The Russian civilization and the state were created not by the citizens of Russia, not by Rossiyans, but PRECISELY by RUSSIANS. A Rossiyanin, as a KIND of UNIVERSAL PERSON of the late XX — early XXI centuries, living in the territory of the Russian Federation, is not a mature product of a thousand — year national-historical development, but a primitive product of the post-Soviet social engineering and political propaganda, created within the framework of the same executive programs of the Old Control system. I would call the ROSSIYANIN (citizen of Russia) MENTALITY just a metaphor. But this metaphor is not only a ridiculous simulacrum, symbolizing the lack of a systemically structural methodology and a hierarchically ordering principle for considering the phenomenon of mentality in Russia in its complexity and diversity. The Rossiyanin mentality is essentially an identification project aimed at modifying the Russian mentality in the given direction. This is extremely important right now, because the political mentality is the spiritual and stationary basis of a human being, which allows him to change his conduct infinitely, WHILE REMAINING one and the same. To remain one and the same is the only way to “preserve humanness” under the conditions when the old world order system is to be finally demolished, and there is no new global digital power yet, and I am sure that THERE WILL NOT BE. Relying on the political mentality is the only hope for saving the country in that political chaos that is brewing due to the disillusionment with the consciousness as the instrument of the control. This hope is real, but on the condition that the “upper and lower classes” of Russia remember that they have one political mentality, and they have no place in the countries where life is determined by completely different political mentalities. Due to the lack of understanding of this simple scientific fact, the USSR no longer exists, and THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION CAN ONLY BE SAVED BY THE SOCIAL AGREEMENT on a unified political mentality. To do this, it is necessary to know about what has been embodied through people for many millennia, what it was embodied for, how it was embodied through the development of specific brain genotypes and political mentality — to know everything, like about a life jacket on the ship in distress.
In the current enormous flow of information that has fallen on us, a lot is known about mentalities, but there is no specific method of research, especially under the conditions of the new political reality: sudden, unusual, unacceptable, unexpected changes both in our life and in politics. Every so-called “scientist” understands mentality within the framework of his time ideology, and we WILL TAKE THE CHANCE and NEGLECT political assessments of the mentality so that we can present it as an integral, harmonious, unchangeable psychological and political phenomenon in the deepest understanding of our consciousness. And if we do not confine ourselves to any prejudices “knocked” into our heads since our schooldays (not to mention the current false information flow created by the auto-motor activity of those who undoubtedly is leaving the “political scene”, but still IS TRYING to INFLUENCE the audience — if we have a look at the politicians of many neighboring states not only as representatives of parties, business, culture, but also as bearers of a certain political mentality, we will see that it is the mentality, and not the political or economic position of a person and people, that was and is crucial in almost all past and current political events.
The Russian Federation has been cooperating with many states for many years and sometimes fought with some, but NOT at ALL FOR THE REASONS that were announced.
Today we must apply a completely new method of studying the psychology of the political mentality for modeling, as the most important means of cognizing the phenomena of the objective world, and especially those that are not given to us directly, which we do not feel, and for which we do not have a special sense organ. This model, as an integral element of the scientific picture of the world, also contains an “element of fantasy”, being a product of creative imagination, and this element of fantasy to one degree or another should always be limited to facts, observations, measurements. Such modeling is conditioned NOT ONLY by the goals and objectives, but also by the conceptual foundations of the conducted research, by the prevailing scientific paradigm at this stage and our worldview attitudes as researchers. We ought to know (to study) a phenomenon that: a) is not directly felt, b) for the perception of which we do not have a special organ, c) to some extent is a product of creative imagination, but d) is a long-term observation of the psychology of people from different countries and political mentalities. That is, we have enough grounds to define our observations and the results of their analysis as New scientific Knowledge. The connection of cognition and mentality within the framework of specific Brain genotypes opens up a picture of the political mentalities of different countries, about which we had no idea until now and which is absolutely amazing. It may even seem that throughout the history of relations with different countries, our disagreements with them were not on ideological, economic or territorial issues, but because of a completely different vision of the world picture, life position, lifestyle and worldview, that is, because of the differences in political mentality. And in the quest for peace, cooperation with neighboring peoples, it might be more correct to look for common things not in ideology, but in mentalities. All conflicts over the centuries have arisen precisely because of the differences in the political mentalities of different peoples, but always within the framework of the implemented programs for the development of the Brain genotype. This makes it possible (and in my opinion, this is important) to imagine and understand, for example, the so-called Jewish mentality in a completely new way.
Only the Jews have ancient precepts to regularly read and publicly interpret the texts of the Book of Laws, which developed their interpretive thinking from childhood as an active understanding of the natural, social and spiritual world.
The Torah IS PRESCRIBED TO BE READ in full in the synagogue every year. For all that, there is a tradition: after listening to the Torah while studying in the synagogue, take a seat among adults and interpret the text read. Thus, “the theological and mystical doctrines of Judaism were converted into political attitudes, and the central one of them is Zionism now as a Jewish secularized nationalist messionism”.
Jews as such are defined as “leading genotypes“ or the so-called “4xx”. But since THERE ARE NO nationalities, but only genotypes with territorial linking and given functions, the use of the word “Jew”, “Chinese”, “Arab”, “Ukrainian”, “German”, “French” etc. is INCORRECT. For reference: in genotype 421 there are 12 tribes, in genotype 441 — 12 tribes, in 461 — 1 tribe, in 422 — 12 tribes, in 442 — 12 tribes, in 423 — 12 tribes. As we can see, the total number of species of the leading genotype was brought to 61, or 22 % of the total population of the Earth. At this point, the Program of the intervention (Ebres) System was stopped. In total, it was supposed to increase the number of species of leading genotypes to 66. Accordingly, IT WAS PLANNED TO INTRODUCE genotypes 462, 463, 464, 465 and 466. Each subsequent genotype was to take all the best from the previous ones. This is how the processes were implemented, which were presented to us in a veiled and deliberately distorted way as the history of the development of peoples (by nationality), their languages and Civilizations.
However, I believe that it is better for the reader to make his own conclusions after reading this part, placing the emphasis precisely within the framework of understanding the purpose of specific Brain genotypes. For example, when analyzing Western polymentality4 from the perspective of New knowledge, I wondered: "What is the reason of the fact that since the XVI century the Anglo-Saxon world, a QUITE INSIGNIFICANT part of humanity on the planetary scale, has been dictating its will to the whole world, instilling life standards, introducing its own images and concepts, legal and cultural norms, instilling spiritual postulates, psychological attitudes and behavioral stereotypes, dogmatic foundations of Western political mentalities, their differences and unity, — highlighting one very important thing — the distinctive features of the Western mentality are characterized, firstly, by its uniformity, or totality within a specific genotype of the Brain. These features imply the adoption of universal postulates for all the bearers of the mentality. This is due to the fact that for centuries the confession of the dogma in monotheism was put forward in an indisputable and generally mandatory form, and therefore it was uncritically accepted by the overwhelming majority. If we carefully look at the dogmatic basis and practice of the Anglo-American mental and political expansion, we cannot but notice that, since in the dogmatic system, faith is directly focused on will, and not on thinking (consciousness), insofar as the basic provisions of faith form here orthodox voluntarism …Its center is also dogma, appealing primarily to practical reason. The very dogma of Protestantism, as the “civil religion” of America, expressed in the values of democracy, market economy, freedom, liberalism, the cult of individualistic self-realization, has come into conflict with the original Christian values. This is an important conclusion in our knowledge. But special emphasis should be given to the political mentality of the British ruling elites. The special position of England in the world is explained to some extent by the fact that in the first half of the XIV century, the DOGMATIC FOUNDATIONS of the political phenomenon that will later be called British imperialism were developed and formulated. These are individualism as “human rights”, liberalism as the principle of freedom without equality and the basis of bourgeois law, the emphasis on empirical knowledge as a belief in progress and as the basis of utilitarianism, finally, voluntarism as the primacy of will over the mind and political expansionism. As a result: Britain (through “selected” and System — defined people), within the framework of the development of the Brain genotype, exercises its long — term influence on global political processes thanks to the system of Protestant values, the continuous development of elites, project thinking, pragmatic flexibility, reflective methodologies, a special system of law, financial strategies, intelligence, the globalization of the English language and humanitarian technologies. Here it is advisable to remind to you that the entire information “flow” of the Control System was executed only within the framework of the so-called the “English language”. That is why the policy of global achievements is the ultimate expression of the English national subjectivity5. Britain has been a political “super-subject” for centuries in the context of its continuous history. This is manifested in such a ”gift” of the British political elite as the ability to effectively carry out mental and dogmatic expansion at the global level. So, when the British ruled a certain country, they sought to instill — or at least pass on to it certain features and PROPERTIES of THEIR MENTALITY, among which the most priority were the English language, island Protestantism, as well as the Anglo-Saxon concept of bourgeois law, which became an important element of the global political control system. All this was realized by the Control System through specific genotypes, the bearers of which were the so-called “elite”.
Special attention should be paid to the results of the study of the Islamic mentality, the political and psychological dynamics of the re-Islamization of the south of Russia resulting from its strength, such that a new phenomenon of Russian Muslims has appeared in the Islamic polymental space of Russia as the CONSEQUENCE of CHANGES in the programs within the framework of the CS. Even more attention should be paid to the conceptual model of the Chinese political mentality based on the basic structures of the Chinese mentality in the era of changes, and especially after the Main Control Complex — Sichuan — “has disappeared”. Of course, one can write infinitely long and a lot about the new discovery of mentality because the method of studying the political mentality allows seeing a colored, bright, almost dazzling picture of the world instead of a black-and — white one. It becomes clear that in all cases, no matter how atheists and secular people are represented by entire countries and their individual citizens, they are backed by the ancient dogmas embodied in their political mentality. Some of them know this, and some do not even have any idea. But the primary thing is that the development process took place from a single group of individuals of the Brain genotype 42, their support, reproduction and settlement on the Planet in order to give them and put the finishing touches to leading roles in the developing social structures of groups of people WHO ARE FINDING THE IMAGE OF SOCIETIES. In the future, the predominant features of brain development were applied from generation to generation. The Brain genotype development was primary, and all the manifested processes related to the single historical process of the civilization development were secondary. No matter how humiliating it may be to realize, but the development of all the areas discussed above, and culture as one of the components of those processes, is also the implementation of the programs for the development of individual format abilities of the Brain in specific genotypes.
There are many examples of this, if you learn to carefully analyze the very “processes” that we are familiar with not even within the framework of New Knowledge, but from school years. For example, the 1st International (1864), to which Marx and Engels tried to give the proletarian character of the movement, but “something” “destroyed” it in Philadelphia in 1876. This something are different genotypes (mentalities) of participants, although there are dozens of ideological and organizational explanations in literature. Then there was the 2nd International (1889) with delegates from 20 countries, and this group of supporters of the social revolution broke up for the same reason. In 1919, on the initiative of Lenin, the Comintern of Supporters of Proletarian Internationalism was created, and in 1943 it was dissolved on the initiative of Stalin. There was also the 4th International of Trotsky (1938), which also collapsed after his death. There are dozens of such examples. This “something” was the mentalities mismatch of the representatives of different countries, and so far there is no way to get them together. This is how the reasons for the empires collapse, the USSR, were formed within the framework of the implemented programs of the Control System. And the next in line were modern colossus such as the USA, EU, and RF. But for some reason, it is in our days that multinational corporations, which have already confidently replaced the states, are faced with the same problem: political mentalities. If you carefully read what is written in the previous and this article, then all objections regarding the existence of specific Brain genotypes and their mentality disappear. And most importantly, those who enter into relations with the bearers of these mentalities must first learn what the mentality of a particular genotype of the Brain is, so as NOT TO FEED ILLUSIONS, that foreign "partners" feel, think, understand and act in the same way as the citizens of Russia. They are different.
Instead of conclusion, — a problem: Russian mentality, mentality of Russia?
Russia has no prospects without understanding the psychology of its political mentality: such as it is, and not such as it was invented by foreign so-called “researchers”. The exceptional political success of the Anglo-American mental and political expansion in the recent decades, in addition to understanding the processes occurring within the framework of the old CS, can also be explained by the fact that they knew so much good about themselves that it allowed them to act quickly, swiftly and accurately. They knew their mentality and actively promoted it everywhere, including Russia. There is a whole list of English studies of their political mentality, BUT THERE IS NO SUCH A LIST of studies of the mentality of Russia, Russian mentality. Our home literature is full of foreign opinions about Russians, and not the best ones. But there is no scientific description of the Russian mentality for foreigners. Perhaps, that's why F. Tyutchev with bitterness wrote in his time what is still relevant today:
“No matter how you bend before her, gentlemen,
You cannot win recognition from Europe:
In her eyes you will always be
Not servants of enlightenment, but slaves!“
Few people think in this direction, but the problem of disrespectful attitude to the Russian mentality was created by THE HANDS OF THE RUSSIANS THEMSELVES: writers, scientists, diplomats, actors. The most powerful result of the lack of knowledge abroad about the positive features of the Russian mentality was the Great Russian Revolution of 1917, which could not have happened without Russian literature and Russian theater. Even worse, among the Russians themselves, SUCH FALSE OPINIONS about their own mentality are spreading that a Civil War became possible, which in its toughness surpassed all other wars that Russia waged with external enemies. When I asked myself this question, it was far from necessary to look for the sources of the bad reputation of the Russian mentality. It was only necessary from the standpoint of New Knowledge to carefully analyze the Great Russian classical literature read in our country and abroad. Well! Wonderful language, style, plots! Everything is fine, except for one thing: THERE IS NOT A SINGLE positive hero in Russian classical literature. Not a single! Who should the younger generation take as an example? How to respect a citizen of Russia abroad, if all students there at the universities study F.M.Dostoevsky, plays by A. P. Chekhov are performed in all theaters of the world, but there is NO POSITIVE HERO there. Neither L. N. Tolstoy, nor M. Yu. Lermontov, or N. V. Gogol have a positive hero. They have a literary hero; they have characters, but no national hero. NO ONE. Like those we see in the works Mine Reed, Fennimore Cooper, Walter Scott, Jules Verne, Alexander Dumas... Try to argue with me here. And what kind of mentalities of compatriots has Russian literature presented to its readers? I am not going to do any preaching here — I am just giving some information to think over to those who are capable of it.
A) The mentality of a “little man”: Samson Vyrin (“Stationmaster”) and Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin (“Overcoat”), Maxim Maksimych (“Hero of Our Time”), Makar Devushkin and Semyon Marmeladov (“Poor People”, “Crime and Punishment”), captain Tushin (“War and Peace”).
B) The mentality of an “unnecessary person” — Onegin, Pechorin, Chichikov, Raskolnikov, Bazarov, Oblomov, Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov are “heroes of their time”. Heroes are ideologues, because they become mouthpieces or representatives of the ideas of their time. Lermontov: “The Hero of Our Time” — “this is the portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development”.
C) The mentality of a “person hostile to his time”: this is a hero-nobleman. Pushkin’s Pyotr Grinev, Vladimir Dubrovsky, Evgeny Onegin. Lermontov’s Pechorin, Turgenev’s — Bazarov, Dostoevsky’s — Myshkin, Goncharov.s — Oblomov.
D) The mentality of the “passive protest”: Ilya Oblomov. Inactivity, which has become a way of life and brought to the point of absurdity, is something like a sit-in strike — “You can't go on living like this!”.
E) The mentality of a person who “does not agree to live the way the “fathers” lived”: I. S. Turgenev — the eternal conflict of fathers and children is transferred from the plane of personal interests to the public sphere.
F) The mentality of a “weak person”: the weakness of a reckless radical who can undermine the national culture, break the bridges of times: “The Noble Nest” by Turgenev, “The Cliff” by Goncharov.
The political mentality of Russians in the Russian literature is an irreconcilable denial of their country — the heroes denouncing “her imperfections” ...MOST OF ALL, Russian literature has succeeded in the negative images: Alexey Molchalin (in “Woe from Wit” by Alexander Griboyedov ), Grushnitsky (in “Hero of Our Time” by Mikhail Lermontov), Afanasy Totsky (in “Idiot” by Fyodor Dostoevsky), Arkady Svidrigailov (in “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoevsky), Yasha Footman in “The Cherry Orchard” by Anton Chekhov), Pavel Smerdyakov (in “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoevsky), Pyotr Luzhin (in “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoevsky) , Kirila Troekurov (in “Dubrovsky” by Alexander Pushkin), Alexey Shvabrin (in “The Captain's Daughter” by Alexander Pushkin), Foma Opiskin (in “The Village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants” by Fyodor Dostoevsky), Andriy (in “Taras Bulba” by Nikolai Gogol), Fyodor Karamazov (in “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoevsky). It is obvious that such a situation should be explained, explained from the school years and corrected.
With the appearance of information in the works of N. Levashov, A. Khatybov, A. Luchin and other truly Russian scientists of our time, with the publication of the monograph “Fundamentals of Mankind Formation”, conditions are created for studying and thinking over the real Russian mentality, WHICH IS SO NECESSARY FOR THE PEOPLE at the time of the old system world order dismantling and formation of the new one. What kind of passport of the “Russian political mentality” will the country present for its place in the world community today? So far, it does not exist, or it was or is being created by Russia's enemies in order to push it out of its rightful place among other countries of the world. That is what we all ought to think over now, realizing the ongoing events.
Can the mentality of the country that gave statehood to those peoples who never had it be disrespected: Finland (1802), Romania (1878), Bulgaria (1878), Austria (1945), Czechoslovakia (1945), Serbia (1878), Greece (1821), Latvia (1918), Estonia (1918), etc? The USSR ensured the birth and formation of the People's Republic of China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the KPDR, India, and Israel. It is impossible to list all the services of Russia to the world here. I am sure that the reader already understands why all this happened exactly that way and was carried out precisely from Russia through the people who were involved and are being involved in the processes within the framework of the Old CS, and now in this transition period, within the framework of the New CS.
And now it is important that Russian political mentality is be presented to the world AS SOON AS POSSIBLE in order to overcome the “crisis state” (more precisely, perestroika, not to be confused with Gorbachev's “perestroika”), created, among other things, by the misconception about Russia and Russian people. It remains only to implement all this now and immediately. It will be too late when a new world order is created, and there will be no place for Russia in it, if the country does not finally present its own, worthy, true version of the Russian political mentality. There is only one missing and the most important component — all of us OUGHT TO AGREE. To agree that “Each of us gives his personality and all his strength to the common treasury and puts under the supreme guidance of the common will, and as the result, for all of us together, each member of the association turns into an inseparable part of the whole”.
Citizens can give, or they can take it back. Then the whole falls apart. Today, this is the only effective way to reduce the socio-economic tension between the state and the citizens of Russia. Neither with the Russians, nor with the population, nor with the electorate — only with the citizens of Russia. This is the way one ought to address them. This is the point of the agreement, the Social Agreement, which I will describe in detail in the following articles.
1 Interpretive potential is the understanding of the mind as an ideal-typical construction, the model of the world as an interpretation, the idea of analytical philosophy about the immanent connection of knowledge and action, the idea of the mediation of knowledge and human activity by symbols. The symbolic nature of cognition and action indicates that they are basically based on the use of schemes developed partly unconsciously, partly conventionally in the course of cultural development, called interpretations, more precisely, interpretation schemes.
2 Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (August 16, 1832 — August 31, 1920) was a German physician, physiologist and psychologist. In the field of psychology, he used experimental psychology. He is less well known as a major figure in social psychology, but the last years of Wundt's life were marked by the psychology of peoples (Völkerpsychologie), which he understood as the doctrine of the social basis of higher mental activity.
3 Relativism (from Latin relativus-relative), a methodological principle consisting in the metaphysical absolutization of relativity and the conditionality of the content of knowledge. It results from a one-sided emphasis on the constant variability of reality and the denial of the relative stability of things and phenomena. The epistemological roots of Relativism are the refusal to recognize continuity in the development of knowledge, the exaggeration of the dependence of the process of cognition on its conditions (for example, on the biological needs of the subject, his mental state or the available logical forms and theoretical means). The fact of the development of knowledge, during which any achieved level of knowledge is overcome, is considered by relativists as proof of its untruth, subjectivity, which leads to the denial of the objectivity of knowledge in general.
4 Polymentality is a system of multiple peculiarities, a set of features of consciousness and faith, ways of thinking and manifestations of will, the structure of ideas, values, attitudes and stereotypes.
5 Subjectivity is the property of an individual to be a subject of activity. With regard to a person — the ability to act as an agent (subject) of an action, to be independent from other people.
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