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    About the Physics of the Cell,
   the Physics of the Brain,
   the Physics of the Energy

369_Series. Salvation of Saviors

Tuesday, 11 January 2022 00:39

024_369 The change as the foundation for recreation

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Parasitism is one of the types of organisms’ coexistence. The phenomenon in which two or more organisms not related to each other, phylogenetically and genetically heterogeneous – coexist for a long time, and for all that they are in antagonistic relationship.

Nowadays we, people, are dealing with a new reality, regarding which we have to make coordinated decisions. To make it clear what we are talking about, it is advisable to recollect some of the trivial axioms of “working with a patient”, set out in a systemic way, because these well-known axioms in the years to come may be replaced by others, which are UNACCEPTABLE for the entire community of people TODAY. Which ones? I will try to discuss the subject of people’s future from the standpoint of my understanding of the ongoing and my life experience both in politics and in psychology, and in the so-called political science, which has replaced philosophy. Therefore, the text may contain thoughts that are unusual and even unexpected for some readers, especially for those who are not yet familiar with series 369 of articles.

We all have come to this world, harsh and yet UNKNOWN TO US in order to find our place in it, to serve our purpose in it and to manifest our abilities, eventually realizing that we want to make our life so as to be happy in it in line with our concept of happiness, realizing that for this we will have to change this world in some way in order to reach this happiness while we live. But everyone understands happiness in their own way. “The mystery of human being is not only in living, but in the purpose of living. Without a strong grasp of ​​what he should live for, a person will not wish to live and would rather kill himself than remain on earth, even if there were grace all around," said F. M. Dostoevsky. And Buddhists believe that life will find happiness if you get rid of desires. But if life is a striving for the good, then life that does not want anything is impossible in theory. Such a life just COULD NOT pass evolutionary selection. Society needs a role model - a superhero and a super villain. The day before yesterday, God was the first, and Satan was the second. The saints with prophets and miracle workers were the model for the society. In that society, young men dreamed of going on a crusade to liberate the Holy Sepulcher, and girls - to become brides of Christ – nuns, and find happiness in this. Yesterday, the role of the superhero was played by the idea of ​​equality and brotherhood, and the role of the super villain was the image of the working people’s exploiter. A model for the society was fighters for people's happiness. Young men and women of that period dreamed of flying into space and colonizing Mars. Today, when the idea has gone and the POSSESSION IS THE PURPOSE, the role of God is played by Jackpot. The superhero is Batman, and the super villain is the Joker. The level of heroism of the main characters is within everyday life. Happiness fits the same framework. An animal is fed, warm, safe and in comfort and is satisfied with life and does not strive for anything else. A person is more sophisticated. He indulges in simple joys with pleasure and excess, if before that he was acutely deficient in basic goods. When he reaches up to them, he takes in abundance. But at some point he gets fed up with all that stuff, consumption (in a broad sense) no longer brings happiness. And the smarter a person, the more acute is the feeling of pointlessness to devote his life to consuming. Statistics claim that among the wealthy inhabitants, the percentage of depressive states is the highest. But PEOPLE ARE NOT GUILTY of the System’s intention to make pipes of them through which all kinds of goods flow. The System was not guilty, either, because it felt good when consumer activity was constantly growing. The system was not so much interested in people, it was interested in consumers. The system was certainly more consistent than a person. Day and night it inspired in him that the main thing in life is to consume as much as possible. Happiness is in consuming. As a drop wears away a stone, so such policy forms consciousness. So consumption becomes an idea fixe - a religion and an altar on which he puts all of himself, time and talents. But, as Roger Walsh1 said about this: "If you climb the ladder of success for happiness, then at the end you are surprised to see that the ladder was against the wrong wall." In the Middle Ages, the image of a happy peasant was in the possession of a cow, a warm hut and having easy work at his master's. Today we believe that happiness is the latest phone model and accessories (men and women have their own set of accessories).

All people on the planet take the concept of “happiness” in different ways. For some, a ray of the sun that appears through the dark clouds and cheers you up and creates this feeling of happiness. Others need more than one goal in life to achieve full satisfaction. But one way or another, such a feeling is a necessity in the fate of a person.

We do our best to achieve these emotions. But the desires of people depend on the level of upbringing and their education. For some of them, the search for happiness is limited to the achievement of any material values. And for others, spiritual wealth and everything related to it is the most important wish. Which path to take - everyone must decide for themselves. Sometimes, throughout life, a person gains experience, becoming wiser, and changes goals. Following this, his understanding of happiness also changes. It was that way in the old reality, the understanding of which opens the gates of knowledge to the reality of today.

The old reality is the work with the “patient” as with the person, the measure of all things and the highest value on earth. This gave rise to humanism of the highest level, obliging to protect a person who suffered from the hardships and injustices of life circumstances.

Sooner or later the time comes when a person asks himself the question: what do I live for? And he answers to himself - to be happy! But there must be guiding lines in order to change something already in the new reality...

1The purpose of working with a person was his protection, his adaptation to real life, joint design of his life strategy on the way to the so-called happiness. The guiding lines of the “teachers”, as they believed, were morality, ethics, legal norms, which the patient had to restore in his behavior. The patient mastered self-control gaining the norms of safe behavior. The patient was loved and was taught to love others. The “teachers” also solved more complex problems, teaching the patient self-regulation, without which the psychologically weakened and got confused in life person, DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH energy and strength to observe the norms of behavior. In this case, the patient was purposefully returned to the performance of the behavior of the subject of the ongoing process, or, if you like, some kind of game, cognition, communication, work. In this process, he restored his weakened higher psychic functions: voluntary attention, memory, thinking, will, etc. All this “fitted” into the CPSU Program adopted at the XXII Congress – “Everything is in the name of man, for the good of man”. This is how one of the elements of the development of the necessary Brain genotype with certain parameters in the current time of solving urgent problems was realized.

The task of a higher level was the patient's search for his “calling” - that which he could be useful to people, society, and the world, as he believed because of the lack of understanding of the ongoing, With this aim, the patient was returned the faith in some values ​​that allowed him to get rid of addiction (alcoholic, drug, game, computer, etc.). Having got rid of addictions, the patient went into the mode of self-control, gaining the ability to reach the heights of his calling. So he became necessary for people, which automatically saved him from loneliness, isolation, his imaginary uselessness. And the most difficult task was to convince the patient that he had HIS UNIQUE PURPOSE - the ability to reveal to people and the world those things about which they had had no idea before. He could and often became an individual who saw dangers and opportunities far beyond the horizon of the vision and understanding of most people. Among those who came to the “teachers” for help, who called themselves psychotherapists, there was a very high proportion of such individuals, but for this they had to be TRANSFERED INTO THE MODE of self-education, designing their own personality and their lives. This was realized within the framework of the same programs for creating Brain genotypes by the old Control System.

So briefly, we can summarize what had been done BEFORE THE COMING of globalization as the penultimate and final stage in the functioning of the interventionist Control System. Globalization is the opening of state borders for all countries of the world, formation of a global "world without borders" for the free movement of: 1) money, 2) goods, 3) information and 4) masses of people. They move, trampling on geographic and state borders, creating conditions for the emergence of all types of epidemics: medical, psychological, social, informational, etc. All the countries that agreed with the Breton Woods decisions that gold in international trade is replaced by the dollar, and oil traded only in dollars, CANNOT close their borders without avoiding heavy sanctions. The borders cannot be closed also because information, financial, social, political technologies cannot be “shoved back into the heads” of their creators – because they have acquired an independent existence, having organized total dependence for people. This has led to the fact that now it is difficult to say who supervises whom: people supervise machines or machines supervise people? To make it clearer, you just think what will happen if you TURN OFF ALL computers and electric motors today? This shutdown is comparable to the collision of the Earth with the Halley’s Comet. This is a catastrophe. No matter how inappropriate this may seem, it is worth briefly listing the official principles of the Washington Consensus signed by most countries, which changed the world and people's lives so much at the end of the twentieth century and which are colloquially referred to as globalization. Globalization is the electronic implementation of a dozen principles of the Washington Consensus within the framework of the Old Programs. Here are some of them.

  1. Trade liberalism. Tariffs should be kept to a minimum and should not be imposed on those goods that facilitate exports.
  2. Promotion of foreign direct investment. There should be adopted the policy of encouragement and attraction of capital and technological knowledge.
  3. Tightening of fiscal discipline (ensuring a surplus, as a rule, by reducing budget expenditures).
  4. Tax discipline. Large and persistent budget deficits generate inflation and capital outflow. The state has to keep this deficit to a minimum.
  5. Reducing subsidies. Subsidies to businesses should be kept to a minimum. The government should only spend money on education, health care and infrastructure development.
  6. Tax reform(to increase its transparency). The scope of taxation in society should be broad, but tax rates should be moderate.
  7. Liberalization of financial systems(towards their greater openness). Interest rates should be determined by domestic financial markets. The interest offered to depositors should stimulate their deposits in banks and curb capital flight.
  8. Competing exchange rates. Developing countries should introduce such an exchange rate that helps exports by making export prices more competitive.
  9. PRIVATIZATION of state-owned enterprisesshould be ENCOURAGED. Private enterprises must be more efficient, if only because managers are directly interested in higher labor productivity.
  10. Deregulation of economic life. Excessive government regulation only generates corruption and discrimination against subcontractors who are unable to break through to the upper layers of the bureaucracy. The regulation of industry must be done away with.
  11. Protection of property rights (including foreign capital). These rights must be guaranteed and strengthened. Weak legal frameworks and an ineffective legal system diminish the importance of incentives to make savings and accumulate wealth.

It is not worth going into the economic and political background of these principles, but to consider the REAL CHANGES in life that follow from them. These changes have formed new, modern “clients” and “patients” for the “teachers”. The “world without borders” with the principles of the Washington Consensus brought to the fact that a person, as a subject, found himself in conditions that were brought down on him by the achievements of science and civilization (his life position changed); changes in science and religion have created new conditions for a person as an individual (his way of life has changed); changes in science and culture have created new conditions of activity for an individual (his picture of the world has changed); and changes in culture and religion have created new conditions for an individual (their worldview has changed). Some of these changes are presented in a simplified form in Table 1. All this is known today - the world has changed, people have found themselves in a completely new socio-economic, cultural and political environment. But just why the world has changed in this way – there are only few who understand and know. Most people have successfully adapted to this changed environment - they enjoy traveling the world, tasting unprecedented fruits and cuisines of the peoples of the world, sunbathing on previously inaccessible beaches of tropical seas, FORGETTING TO READ BOOKS and primordial traditions. Globalization has an attractive side that, like advertising protects itself against understanding and criticism. Not everyone has read books such as Naomi Klein's Doctrines of the Shock, which describe the UNATTRACTIVE SIDE of globalization, some of which are shown in Table 1.

Таблица 1. Globalization that has shaped the current generation of people

table 1

3In her book, Naomi Klein2 notes that “for three decades, Friedman and his influential followers have refined exactly this strategy: to wait until a deep crisis, then sell the wreckage of the state to private players, while citizens have not yet come to their senses from the experienced shock, and then quickly make these “reforms” sustainable. “She quotes globalization apologist Thomas Friedman…”3 only a crisis - real or imagined - leads to real change. When such a crisis occurs, people's actions depend on their perceptions. And this, I believe, is our main function: to create alternatives to existing strategies, to maintain their viability and accessibility until the politically impossible becomes politically inevitable. Friedman predicted that “the speed, surprise and scale of economic shifts will elicit a psychological response from the population that will" facilitate the settlement process”. It was he who came up with the name for such a painful tactic: economic “shock therapy”, which was fully applied in our territory within the framework of the last stage of the functioning of the old Control System, which was never meant to be realized. Here I make a significant amendment - it was not he who refined, wrote and invented, but through him all this was translated and implemented exactly as it had been planned beyond understanding people and not by people.

Today everything has already happened in line with the old idea: the borders are open, the instruments of production and the land have been privatized, which means that Man, as a subject, as a person, as an individual, has become completely different. One might think that a by-product of globalization is the changes in the psychology of people. But that is NOT quite THAT - it was the change in the psychology of people within the framework of the end of the program for creating the Brain genotypes that was the main goal of globalization. It happened imperceptibly that the majority of students at the university DO NOT KNOW who are Victor Hugo, Balzac, they HAVE NOT READ Father Sergius and The Kreutzer Sonata, and it’s even embarrassing to ask about Irwin Shaw or Iris Murdoch.

4Pedagogy disappeared; Comte's4 positivism triumphed, which squeezed humanitarian subjects out of education, and with them moral principles, as “unscientific categories”, because they cannot be counted in kilograms and meters. In what units can human conscience, honor, sense of duty, love be counted? There are no such units, and they CANNOT be. But the most important thing is NOT IN THIS. Globalization is only an instrument that is clearing the field for post-globalization, which was the last step in the programs for creating the Brain genotypes and which in our reality, manifests itself as auto-motor-like actions of the Old control system. This is the most important today in understanding the ongoing.

There are many who say that the anti-globalization movement has imperceptibly “cleared out”, from which thousands of policemen and soldiers defended the meetings of the “six”. There are no anti-globalization protests, because globalization had ended ten years ago. Just as the monarchy ended in Russia, and then socialism. Globalization has fulfilled its mission, creating, on the one hand, the world without borders, through which uncontrolled flows of information, money, cheap goods, masses of migrants and tourists rushed. A person is literally flooded with information, meetings with people, goods, the opportunity to get money and get everything that he never dreamed of in his simple and orderly life before globalization. There happened what had been meant to happen. We are witnessing it and taking part in it. On the other hand, enormous masses of highly educated and highly qualified people in Russia found themselves UNNECESSARY, EXCESSIVE, because high-tech production of turbines, diesels, materials for the rocket and space industry was stopped, sold out, thereby excluding scientific and technical creativity and people with exceptional talents and brilliant education. Having experienced severe mental trauma, they found the strength to become traders, auto mechanics, and... potential clients of the “teachers” who are composing the last stage of the imposed design within the Old Control System.

An illustration of this is the axiom being instilled in us for decades: "In economic competition, the country in which more people live and, accordingly, work, always wins." This idea was imposed through people and formed the basis for the formation of the concept of added value, and it lies in the fact that only the labor of people (in the full scope of the concept of “labor”, as opposite to “work”) creates added value, which means that the more people labor, the more added value, that is, wealth, the whole country produces and spends. On this completely logical statement, within the framework of the imposed one, the FOUNDATION of the modern economic system has been BUILT even nowadays. It is based on people - working, producing.

“Teachers” had their own interpretation of “working and producing people” - only in work are the higher mental functions of people formed: thinking, memory, attention, will, perception, speech, etc.

People who have dropped out of the working process automatically degrade mentally, because higher mental functions do not develop in any other type of activity. And this is a direct way to a psychologist, a psychotherapist and, worst of all, to a psychiatrist or an investigator.

Let's go back to the so-called time of “the beginning of perestroika”, or rather, the beginning of the final stage of implementation of Ebres system plan. Here it is important to understand people's perception of the end of the Old System’s Programs’ implementation and the beginning of the new Control System functioning. Exactly people's perception of what was happening. As a result, more than a quarter of a century after the beginning of perestroika, we PRODUCE almost NOTHING, we have very little fixed capital left, many of our cities, towns and villages are on the verge of the civilized existence. And here it is, the ideological top of the post-industrial world: no one cares about this. In the 1990s, we have repeatedly compared Russia's losses in terms of industrial production with the most catastrophic moments in history. Then we stated that at the bottom of its fall Russia lost more (more than 55%) than the United States during the Great Depression (30 %) and that is quite comparable with the losses during the Civil War (70 %).


But this is just a statement. How can people live under these conditions? And today they have to live in an entirely new world, which is as familiar to them, as a tropical forest to a polar bear. On the shoulders of the so-called globalization, post-globalization burst into people's lives, which I have already mentioned as the last but not completed stage of the Brain Genotype Creation Program, which was almost impossible to fight with like the pressure of water that broke through the dam. All this was done by the System through the peculiarity of the Brain functional capabilities, dividing everything only through the prism of the task of creating the Brain genotypes.


All controlled executing processes were built on this basis. Post-globalization stated the main task of modern history: CHANGE PEOPLE IN A RADICAL WAY making them forget everything that was before the time of post-globalization, and tolerate a new idea of ​​themselves, and then about their new life in a new world. First of all, humanitarian knowledge and humanitarian ideas about a person were erased. As a result of post-globalization, people were supposed to become just an object comparable to technical objects that would be regulated and treated by the same methods as complex technical systems that have already gone beyond the horizon of most people's wildest imaginations. Before our eyes, post-globalization purposefully changed people who were supposed to be adequate to the new environment on the planet.

Table 2 presents some post-globalization ideas that have already been put into practice to change people. This is what we are faced with today and cannot understand why this is happening. This is the so-called auto-motority of the old System, through which we have to go without losing our human feelings. The main thing is that the most radical changes today are taking place with a person, people and society. While the old System distracted people's attention to the changes in the outer material environment, people were assigned a completely different place in life and in society than the one to which they are accustomed. What does it mean?

Table 2. Post-globalization, determining the current state of people

table 2

Firstly, there are too many people on the planet, about eight billion, which is close to the limit calculated by Academician S. Kapitsa. There are more people than resources of life: water, food, space for a comfortable life, employment, even the sun and the air, work and labor. The predecessor of similar views was the English economist Thomas Malthus, who made an attempt to explain the patterns of fertility, marriage, mortality, and the socio-demographic structure of the world's population in terms of biological factors. Malthus's ideas are used in other sciences, including economic theory and political economy, and they are somewhat transformed in the idea of ​​post-globalization (today's transition period). At the last stage of the old System’s activity, a person imperceptibly is no longer the highest value, because from the point of view of post-globalization, a decrease in humanity by half or three times will not worsen anything on the planet, but will only improve economically, ecologically and socially. This accounted for the fact why people were ruthlessly, without any regret, exterminated in local, hybrid, terrorist, drug wars, and the regret of the world community for the loss of masses of people became a formality and hypocritical rituals, such as meetings of the UN Security Council, which even today CONTINUES TO TAKE PLACE in our reality ... The ghost of the phenomenon of “unnecessary, superfluous people” has reappeared, who are to be kept busy with something, to be fed, from whom the elite even needs to defend themselves - those who are among the “necessary people”. What should do those who are trying by all available means to restore the psyche of a person who is not needed by the economy, as a “social parasite” that burdens society with its intrusive presence, and the politics does not know what to do? This is number 1 question.

The second question: within the framework of post-globalization (today's transition period), it suddenly became clear that the centuries-old efforts of medicine, pharmaceuticals, social security to create a perfect person have led to nowhere. It turned out that the human body consists of EXTREMELY SHAKY ORGANS, which are constantly breaking down, and their treatment-restoration is so expensive that the costs are many times higher than the profit that can be got from a cured person. All these shaky organs, as those believe who think of themselves as "rulers", presumably only ensure the Human Brain functioning, requiring for their maintenance such resources which do not exist on the planet. The man turned out to be an exclusively non-economical and non-technological device. Obviously, this is how the post-global idea came into being according to which it is necessary to separate the Brain that society needs, and to ensure its work with more economical and reliable technical devices. This thinking proceeds within the framework of the ruling class (represented by genotype 441 of a higher level of development), but the class is no longer controlled by the System and no longer has any information transmission with it. This is not a literary idea of ​​the writer Alexander Belyaev, but a reality of today - an active development of "a neurointerface with which the human Brain can control an artificial body, exercise motor control and have five types of senses". It is being discussed "Motor control and five senses for an artificial body (prosthesis) of a person”.

The subject of research institutes working in this direction looks like this: “The era of neuroscience. From neuroprostheses to the complete emulation of the Brain and Avatar B”, “A living brain in an artificial body”. These are real projects.

The following questions are quite technologically achievable by 2045:

  • Does the biological body give the Brain something that it absolutely cannot do without? What other bonds are there between the Brain and the body?
  • What does a living Brain need to live and function separately from the biological body?
  • How can one preserve the functional activity of the Brain removed from the aging body, replacing it with a completely artificial one?

8These questions must be answered today, within the framework of the cognized New Knowledge, both about the Brain and about the person himself. Not the so-called "post-globalization" will create a perfect new person, which NEITHER science, NOR history, NOR fantastic literature ever KNEW, but this Man is already being created within the framework of the New Control System, as the primordial one, which was 18,000 years ago.

The third question is that the “thrown in” idea of ​​the “man-avatar” gradually, in our current understanding of the ongoing, annuls all the norms of morality and law known to us. IT EXACTLY accounts for the rapid pace of the sexual revolution, juvenile justice, crushing the institution of family, marriage, natural relationships between men, women and children. In the same vein, the entire education system is radically changing, which reached the point when the gold medalists DO NOT KNOW who N. V. Gogol is, do not understand A. S. Pushkin, they believe that V. Hugo is a football player, but they skillfully master by touching the screens of navigators, tablets - what will very soon be in their bodies and control first their behavior, and then their Brains. They seem to agree to this, too, because they do not know what the "backward teachers" are guided by when working with their "patients." The questions of the norm and the violation of the norm are very acute. What norms should the bewildered "patient" be guided, if what was blasphemy yesterday is welcomed today, the incredible becomes a simple everyday practice? What is to be afraid of, what is to be ashamed of, what is to condemn in today’s realities? The main thrown in idea is captivatingly simple: "Freedom, and nothing but freedom", as in Lenin's: "Land for the peasants, factories for the workers" - "Everything is allowed that is not prohibited by law!" The question to the "teachers" and to yourself: "What is not allowed?

The fourth question. When the idea of ​​tolerance appeared, many simple-minded people decided that it was about the necessity to accept people of other religions and nations without conflict. In resolving this issue, the idea of ​​tolerance NOT ONLY failed, but aggravated interethnic and interreligious conflicts both in the EU and in the USA. But this idea, hiding behind interethnic relations, imperceptibly turned gay marriage, euthanasia, avatars from condemned phenomena into SIGNS OF PROGRESS AND MODERNITY. Tolerance to the impending replacement of human organs with their technical analogues is formed by the propaganda of a harmless invasion of the human body of a tattoo, implantation of metal parts into all parts of the body, ABSOLUTELY UNNECESSARY plastic surgery, artificial insemination, equating it with animals and animal husbandry. Tolerance means indulgence for absolutely everything that might happen to a person and to his behavior. Now it is important to understand the limits of tolerance of “teachers” of all levels working with a patient who, in their opinion, needs help, but himself often acts as a retrograde, going against the imposed changes.

Before the theory and practice of New Knowledge, in my opinion, there are FOUR QUESTIONS and absolutely NEW TASKS: understanding a new life, a new person, your place in their relationship. First, globalization, then post-globalization and their present-day auto-motor-like actions are still trying to replace true psychology with socio-psychological trainings, neuro-linguistic programming, psychopharmacology, and soon also with direct distant5 stimulation of the human brain, without even having any idea of ​​what the Brain is. ... How should we behave, those who have taken the way of knowledge, and those who have not yet done this, but some inner sense says that it is no longer possible to live like this? Is there a way out and a solution? I think THERE IS, OF COURSE, a way out of this situation: it is necessary to understand firmly that there started a new process of reconstructing harmony with the substance of the Supreme Mind state, based on completely different foundations to control and support information, as well as on higher octaves of a different Brain. WHATEVER HAPPENS in the outer life of a person, in the inner plan he will maintain his eternal natural constant - the pursuit of happiness. And in paving his way to happiness for a person who has got a mental trauma from a huge flow of information that has fallen upon him, which has made him unhappy today, NO ONE AND NOTHING ARE ABLE to replace the thirst for New Knowledge. It is enough to compare the possibilities for happiness of a cyber person and a person “for all time” in order not to lose optimism, and ignore the residual pressure of external auto-motorlike post-global changes.

The Achilles heel in the transition period for the majority of people is lack of understanding the PHENOMENON OF HAPPINESS: a person's experience of the fullness of being self-realized. A person is entirely happy if all his higher mental functions are being self-realized. For happiness, for example, his thinking, will, experience must be self-realized in the form of recognition, acceptance, application of his knowledge and achievements in professional, social, and personal life. A PERSON IS HAPPY when the products of his mind, will, character in the form of inventions, works, achievements in work, in personal relationships acquire a consumer value: they are bought, accepted as a gift, they are used, they are thanked for, etc. A person is happy when he is understood, accepted, recognized.

But a PERSON IS UNHAPPY if, for internal or external reasons, part of his higher mental functions are not self-realized. The internal reasons are either the lack of content (he is not educated, inept, inactive), or there are some internal psychological barriers that prevent self-realization: shyness, modesty, inadequate behavior. The external reasons are society's rejection of a self-realized person in the form of, for example, refusal to work, publication, love, etc. Or it is a direct ban on such self-realization in the form of, for example, imprisonment, expulsion, etc. The society, depending on its goals, either facilitates or complicates the self-realization of individual human features (neurodynamics, sex, age, constitution), subjective features (will, thinking, affect, perception), his personal features (orientation, abilities, temperament, character), features of his personality (experience, individual history, efficiency, characteristics) (see figure below).9

Macrostructural description of psychological and political “intermediaries” between human psychology and politics

A person who has got a mental trauma will certainly try to find someone who he CAN SHARE with and who he can get both advice and help (albeit verbal), which will give him the opportunity for orientation and understand the happening to him. Happiness plays the role of a battery that “gives a spark” for functioning, activity and work. Only the experience of happiness gives a person what psychologists call “the rise of vitality and creativity”. Experiencing moments of happiness, even being a single moment, “charges the psychological battery”, which raises the vitality of a person. You just think of it, those reading this - are you ready to act as “saviors”? Do you understand that happiness is an elusive experience that CANNOT BE GAINED by any scientific and technological achievements of today in this most difficult transition period? Only those who HAVE NOT REACHED HAPPINESS, have not experienced its moments, and therefore deny its existence – they will argue and not accept it. Because happiness can be experienced only at the moment of the highest tension of ALL THE PERSON’S MIGHT: in work, in battle, in quest for the truth, in intimate life. Not all people are capable of and agree to transcendent mental efforts, and these people argue that there is no happiness. Scientific and technological advances “grown” during this transition period (unfortunately) offer the shortest, low-cost, technical way to human happiness. There are many people who fell for this, having embarked on a quest for happiness in the virtual network space. The mistake is that HAPPINESS CANNOT be low-cost: it is possible only if one has a real subject that one can touch with one’s hand, feel his smell and warmth, the sounds of his voice, and for who one is ready for the transcendental tension of the mind, muscles, will and patience.

Those who avoid extreme tension as unacceptable to them will never experience the MOMENTS OF HAPPINESS. Moreover, the sign of happiness is the willingness to suffer, which completely contradicts its vicious understanding as "the feeling of the highest satisfaction with something" – imposed on us. Only a happy person is ready to sacrifice his life, endure unbearable pain, refuse any pleasure for the sake of the source of his happiness. All achievements, all feats were accomplished by happy people: Jan Hus and Giordano Bruno went to the fire for the sake of the truth revealed to them. Parents give their lives to protect their children. A lot of examples. This is what I.S. Turgenev had in mind when he wrote: “Do you want to be happy? Learn to suffer first”. HAPPINESS CANNOT BE OWNED - it is a mandatory subject to be conveyed, and it has no other purpose. A person is happy only at the moment of his “conveying” his experience of happiness to another person. A happy person always suffers from the fact that another person CANNOT share with him the pleasure of contemplating an extraordinary landscape, the height of flight, the view of the ocean depths, penetration into the secrets of nature, delight from the victory in a battle. A person who feels pleasure from something immediately loses happiness if he does not try to share it with another person. Poet M. Svetlov said: “And if not joy and happiness, then what should I give people?”

It is known that happiness, turned into pleasure, loses its meaning and its power. Happiness always appears not because someone strives for it, but because it is a natural “payment” for the ultimate effort for someone else's sake. But pleasure is the happiness of fools. Spinoza owns the idea that happiness is not a reward for the virtue, but the virtue itself.

For you and me, who have taken the path of knowledge, happiness is an integral indicator of a person's effective state, which is formed by four differential experiences: a) of an individual when he experiences love; b) of a subject, when he creates use value with his work; c) of a personality, when he has faith in the truth of the strategy of his life, d) of an individuality, when he has the hope that he has earned in his intellectual quest. Therefore, today's “teachers”, through their policies, manipulate NOT DIRECTLY the experience of happiness, but indirectly, by escalating hate or love (a generalized indicator of an individual's self-realization), through the opportunity to work or deprivation of work (a generalized indicator of a subject's self-realization),through strenthening people;s belief in a person and society or its destruction (a generalized indicator of a personality’s self-realization, through the formation of a person's hope for a better future or its destruction (a generalized indicator of the self-realization of an individuality).

Achieving happiness through cognition and through personal experience that came with cognition is the structuring of the inner psychological space of a person, which makes him INDEPENDENT AND FREE from any deformations of the external psychological space that surrounds us today, or by another political regime. Being happy, a person will remain adequate and adaptable to any external influences, WITHOUT RESORTING to any protective means such as alcohol, drugs, crime or hatred. Over many years of my life, I was lucky to be familiar with people who had gone through the fire of revolutions, wars, repression, hunger, betrayal, but remained adequate, adaptive, optimistic, because they KNEW HOW TO BE HAPPY, they knew how to live. They proved with their own lives that happiness does not depend on living conditions, comfort, even security, material prosperity. The ability to live is the ability to be happy. But there are many who do need help on the way. The help from those of us who have the answers to the four questions to which I tried to find answers in this article.



1 Roger Walsh - Australian-American scholar, journalist, author of books on transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices and shamanism

2 Naomi Klein - Canadian journalist, writer and sociologist, one of the intellectual leaders of alter-globalism and criticism of neoliberal capitalism

3 Thomas Friedman is one of the apologists for globalization, an American political scientist. Describes it as an extremely attractive, empowering, incredibly seductive road leading to higher living standards. Globalization is attractive to all segments of the population, primarily in the material aspect, and politically it means the spread of the principles of liberal democracy throughout the world. According to Friedman, the process of globalization is unstoppable.

4 Isidore Marie Auguste François Xavier Comte is a French sociologist and philosopher. The founder of positivism. The founder of sociologists as an independent science.

5 Distant - acting, carried out at a distance, without contact.


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