In recent years, increasingly more people complain about the incomprehensible shutdown of their consciousness and attentiveness, seemingly unexplainable memory loss, difficulties in remembering, and indeed the inability to read long texts. Moreover, it is not about the elderly, but mostly about young people of 18-23 years of age. On the other hand, we see people who are far beyond 70, yet they have clear speech without any pauses or verbal debris in the form of "uh", "ahhh", "like", "you know" and the like.
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In this and previous books I tried to give the alphabet and grammar of New Knowledge. You will find the answer to the question of how the Earth came into being, what happened to Man for the last 20 thousand years, why the development of Man went exactly this way, and not otherwise. What the Brain Genotype is, in what way and for what purpose the Brain "interacts" with the "SvetL" Programs, applied in the "Dark Matter" Generator, created by the genius of Nikolai Levashov. You will find the solution of what is happening with the weather on the Planet today, which all synoptics together are not able to explain, and its effects on your health and the health of your loved ones. You will get recommendations on the application of the "SvetL" Programs in relation to your recovery, and in addition, on their possible application in other directions. You will get a chance to guess the "mystery" of "making" the queue to the Bath and getting into this queue and know how, in joy, not to forget about the Broom and the Spade...
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While working on the book, I was aware of the fact that the overwhelming majority just would not get to the point of the written. There are many who after reading might give some mental assessment of this, saying "well, it is rather tricky...", and the next moment will forget most of it, plunging into their momentary everyday problems. But for the sake of those individuals whose number is growing continuously, those who are able to hear out and absorb information, speak out and write — it is worth doing.
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I am more than sure that in the course of scientific development and practice (especially, practice and, as an example, the development and application of "SvetL" Programs today), the scientific picture of the world will be amended, corrected and improved. But this picture will NEVER GET THE CHARACTER OF THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. First of all, because it is a process of search and cognition, then cognition and searching again for the new, and what holds out promise for doing good.
I conceived these books as a source practical guidance. A theoretical book is read and put on the shelf, but a practically oriented one is not only read, but followed in life. I really want this; but it is for you, the readers, to judge.
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I decided TO WRITE MYSELF, and to publish the information that was available to me, talking about the knowledge that was gained and tested, and to go on providing information about those Technologies that have already been working to do good, to relate not only about OUR COMMON plans and thoughts, but also about that knowledge (gained from the works by A. Khatybov and other scientists) which made it possible to comprehend, create and extend the applications of "SvetL" Programs. When I began to work in this direction, everything proceeded on its own accord, as a sequel of the third volume of his uncompleted work "The Mirror of My Soul", and my comprehension of what was going on.
The initial octave is a structure of an external condition. The needle is octave structure of the Brain. For a Human Brain – 71.5 octave (271.5). The sperm has 96 octave. Dispersion 96 → 71.5 increases the size in the tens of thousands of times. Density potentials octave 71.5 such that the dispersion within 100 years puts a needle into the egg (elimination of the Brain).